“Forget it! Now is not the time to think about this, I have a small space, this thing is not necessary for the time being! Next, let’s honestly develop obscene for a while, and learn magic from the old man! ”

Finally, Tianchen shook his head, threw these messy thoughts out of his mind, and gradually sorted out his plans and goals for the next half a year, or even a year.

Now, his main task and goal is to learn more about magic and become stronger.

The two are mutually reinforcing.

“All right! Home! That’s it! Come in with me!! ”

After walking for a few minutes, Tianchen and the old man came to a small villa in the western suburbs of Magnolia, and the old man opened the door and beckoned Tianchen to go and walk in.

Then, without stopping in the living room, he took Tianchen all the way to a south-facing guest room on the second floor and put everything on the table by the window of the guest room.

Then, he turned around and said to Tianchen, who was standing at the door, “Come in!” How about you stay in this room in the future? Still satisfied? ”

“Satisfied! Couldn’t be more satisfied! Tianchen looked at this room, nodded affirmatively, and said with some surprise on his face: “I didn’t expect that your home is quite big and beautiful, old man!” ”

Anyone who has watched anime knows that the old man is very poor!

Well! The main thing is that there are too many losers in the guild, and the destructive power of doing tasks is too great, and many tasks not only do not receive remuneration, one is not good, but also have to be involved in a large amount of compensation.

It can be called the most bizarre guild in the entire Fiore Kingdom, the Eastern Continent, and even the Western Continent.

Tianchen guessed that it may be that Natsu’s generation has not yet joined and grown, and the real saboteurs have not yet risen, so the old man still has a lot of money!

“Haha! Of course! ”

The old man listened, and immediately put his hands on his waist and said proudly: “Don’t look at who I am?” I’m the president of the Demon Tail Guild, and I’m a Saint Ten Demon Guide rated by the Magic Council, which is nothing! … In addition, in the future, this will also be your home! Don’t be so outrageous! ”

“Uh-huh!” Tianchen nodded again and again in response.

He could see that the old man really regarded him as a relative, and to some extent, he could also be regarded as a person in two lifetimes, promoted to an orphan, and felt this sincere, family-like care, and was deeply moved.

“All right! You pack your things first! Grandpa, I’ll go back to the guild first to deal with the next business, and I’ll be back soon to make dinner!” Don’t run around! ”

The old man instructed Tianchen twice, then left the guest room, Tianchen listened to the footsteps downstairs, came to the window, watched the old man go out the door, and walked towards the guild.

Halfway through, the old man sensed Tianchen’s gaze, turned around and grinned at Tianchen, and waved his hand.

Tianchen also smiled and waved his hand, and kept watching the old man disappear from sight, before he withdrew his eyes, chuckled and shook his head: “It’s really a kind old man!” Since you regard me as a relative, then you will be my Lu Tianchen’s relative in the future!” ”

The thoughts in his heart are not so complicated, and if people treat me with sincerity, I will reciprocate them with sincerity.

Next, Tianchen spent more than ten minutes to pack up all the things he bought, and the clothes he bought were all stored and arranged according to his habits.

Feeling that the old man would not come back for a while, he simply moved his mind, disappeared into the room in a flash, and appeared directly in the small space of the system.

He looked around and found that this was a length and width of 10 meters, the height was not certain, he could not fly, but it was definitely more than 10 meters.

Here, he can clearly feel that he can control this space to a certain extent.

To the east of the small space, a stone gate covered with occult runes towered there.

“Hmm…. It’s a bit small! How about upgrading once and trying? ”

Tianchen touched his chin and thought.

He has seen it a long time ago, the current small space is in LV1, and only 10 origin points are needed to upgrade! However, the upgrade of the Gate of Time and Space to LV2 requires 1,000 origin points, and the sky is poor, so I can’t afford it temporarily.

He only has a total of 264 origin points, and he still doesn’t know the specific price of going to other worlds, so he can’t mess around.

“System! Give me a small space to LV2! ”

After thinking about it, Tianchen still decided to experiment, in addition, the small space is indeed a little small, so it is difficult for him to divide the use of the space.

Judging from the information given by the system and Tianchen’s comprehensive considerations, in the future, he will definitely introduce some talents into a small space, and then let them go to other worlds.

While improving themselves, they also bring some benefits to Tianchen himself by the way.

He thought it all! The income is 37 points! He 3, employee 7, very generous!

Of course, they pay for the purchase of access to other worlds.

Well! Initially there is no principal, and he can provide interest-free loans.

Completely on his own, he felt that it was too slow, not in line with the operation of capital, and could not fully utilize the value of small spaces and systems.

Limited openness is the best choice.

Anyway, the system can ensure that the personnel entering and leaving the small space will not threaten and betray him, he is already invincible, what is there to worry about?

Of course, he won’t recruit too powerful people to enter here in the first place!

For the time being, I can’t get in touch with people who are too powerful.

The limits of the Gate of Time and Space are here!


PS: New book for support! Ask for flowers! Collect it! Collection! Ask for tips! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to put forward in the comments, I try to be satisfied!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)

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