To be honest, life at the Military University made little Tanya very relaxed and happy.

The military rank was also promoted to captain due to his merits on the Rhine Front, and because of Noah's various theoretical knowledge, little Tanya gained a lot of credit, and both of them became the Twelve Knights of the Military Academy.

This is the quasi-noble.

From then on, little Tanya really stood at the head of most people and became the object of her envy.

Ah~ It’s so peaceful~

Little Tanya smiled contentedly. She was drinking coffee in a quiet cafe and eating some pretty good sausages.

After living a peaceful life for a month, little Tanya suppressed the evil thoughts deep in her heart.

Maybe, it’s okay to continue living in this world like this.

There was no smell of gunpowder smoke, no sight of piles of corpses, no sense of danger.

Ah~ It is really the best living environment...

Little Tanya, who has experienced too many cruel wars, cherishes this carefree life extremely.

Speaking of which, where did my brother go?

Are you going to submit the results of a certain research again?

Little Tanya really loves her brother's smart little head.

It was because of their brother's research results that little Tanya and little Noah did not receive other transfer orders.

It's a tacit admission that they're shining brightly behind the safety.

Moreover, the central government is indeed reluctant to let Noah, a top talent in research, fight for his life.

After the central government used the war theory proposed by Noah and the research results planned by Noah, the Rhine Front was so smooth that the Republic, which was forced to do so, had to frantically pull other countries into the water.

But other countries are not fools. They can harass the empire appropriately, but if they want to use all their strength to go to war against the empire like the Republic, it will also require the empire to show greater strength.

Wouldn't it be nice to just let the Republic continue to consume the Empire's military power?

Therefore, little Tanya shook her head after seeing the empire news.

Idiot, this is it.

With the research results of your brother, the empire will only become stronger and stronger. At that time, it will not be you taking advantage of the empire's military power to rob it, but the empire will launch a full-scale offensive.

Perhaps the empire has done a good job in keeping secrets, but there are not even the slightest clues on the Rhine Front.

Well, what the hell, after letting the empire unify the world, he and his brother can enjoy the noble life in peace.

Little Tanya is already addicted to today's peaceful life. As long as there is a chance to get ahead, as long as it is not a cruel struggle like the battlefield, little Tanya feels that it is already good.

As for returning?


Little Tanya put down her coffee and was a little silent.

In fact, if she could return, little Tanya would like to go back as much as possible.

But today's life is good enough, and little Tanya is not willing to trade her brother's life for a slightly improved quality of life.

That's good, that's good...


The world stopped flowing again, and little Tanya's expression became gloomy again.

[Since you value your brother so much, how about letting your brother go back? 】

Little Tanya just drank her coffee gracefully and got used to the elusive style of Existence X.

"We will get a high-quality life in this world, be able to enjoy the glory and wealth quietly here, and become a strong man in society through merit. I really disappoint you, existence X."

Little Tanya felt that she had made a comeback and failed to let this damn existence X get what she wanted.

【Do you really think so? 】

Existence X's voice became playful.

And this attitude of looking down from high to low made little Tanya very unhappy.

"The empire's hegemony is about to become a reality. Can't you directly interfere with the human world? So, do you think they still have the power to resist?"

The Entente United Nations, the Republic, the United Kingdom, the Principality of Dacia, etc. Almost all the countries that declared war, headed by the Republic, were ravaged by the empire.

This is the achievement achieved by relying on Noah's theories and results.

This kind of achievement can make Noah and Tanya become real nobles after the war.

[This is really surprising, that child, maybe, this is what we gods like about him]

Um! ?

Are the gods interested in my brother?

I don't know this...

Moreover, can these gods who allowed the world to start a cruel war be called gods?

I'm afraid it's not the existence A, the existence B, the existence C, etc. that follow the existence X.

"Haha, no wonder you keep guiding me to keep my brother in this world."

Little Tanya felt that she had discovered a conspiracy about the existence of X. This was simply a scam!

[No, that is not the case. I will not deceive a mortal. In fact, you do have the opportunity to return to your previous life, as long as you let your brother stay]

"Give up, if X exists, we can live well in this world!"

[It’s such a pity. Since you enjoy your life so much, why not let it disappear from your life]


Little Tanya banged the table and roared in frustration.

"You said you can't directly interfere with this world."

Frustrated, angry.

Such words are undoubtedly showing weakness to the enemy, and one's own peaceful life is based on the enemy's commitment and integrity.

This is undoubtedly a very fragile Ansheng.

[Yes, I did say that, but if you can keep that child, it needs to be a different matter]

【how? Do you still want to continue to struggle on the battlefield? 】

Little Tanya was speechless, the veins on her forehead popped out, and she didn't know what she was thinking with her eyes closed.

It's torture.

It's a pretty cruel mental torture.

The existence of

From the very beginning when she learned that she could return, to the hesitation on the battlefield, to the determination to go to military college, then to the reversal brought about by her peaceful life, and finally...

It’s time to make another choice now.

Little Tanya has never faced her dirty heart head-on, and has never looked directly at her ruthless side.

She was just escaping. After having a peaceful and peaceful life, she was escaping.

She is avoiding making a certain choice, she is escaping from something useless,' ": 七! "Ba!!: Ba; Lin, 'Qi.': Liu;: Yi... .


""The fork.


She had always kept that option open in her heart.

According to her, who was an elite in her previous life, it means that you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.

With a peaceful life, you don't need to face that choice. If not, then face the option that makes you miserable.

This is Tanya, this is the ruthless Tanya who has never changed her nature.

Chapter 340 The outbreak of world war

The world war broke out.

This war came unexpectedly, catching the entire empire by surprise.

All countries on this continent declared war on the empire on the same day and at the same time.

what happened? In the end what happened?

The situation is obviously great, and the only thing that needs to be done is to completely eliminate the Republic. With the resources collected from the defeated Republic, it will be enough to take the empire's national power to a higher level.

Let the entire empire take on a new look and have the strength to compete with the whole world.

But this sudden world war did not give the empire any chance to delay.

What exactly is going on?

The empire's top officials were all frightened and had chills running down their spines.

It is undoubtedly very dangerous for the empire to face challenges from all over the world at this time, so much so that Noah, a top talent in research, was transferred to the battlefield again.

Including little Tanya.

Now there is no room for lingering.

The entire empire's front line is quite tight, but it is barely supported by Noah's strategic policy. If you are not careful, the country will be destroyed.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! ! !

Little Tanya was already a ruthless being. She had just enjoyed a peaceful life for a month, and then she was thrown into the battlefield again. Now she was even a hundred times more dangerous than before.

Considering that Noah, a talented researcher, was allowed to go to the battlefield, the central government specially asked little Noah and little Tanya to form a team and let them form a quick reaction force together.

A whole reinforcement team of thirty-six people.

Well, that big Serebyakov is among them.

Others may not know why this world war came so suddenly, but little Tanya knows it clearly.

There is X...

This guy claims to be a god, but he does worse things than a demon.

Provoking a world war will undoubtedly devastate all life in the world and plunge the entire world into despair for a considerable period of time.

At the United Nations, Anson Sue said goodbye to his favorite daughter, and then looked in the direction of the empire angrily.

The twin demons of Rhine.

In the past few days, it has caused significant damage to the Entente United Nations, including but not limited to buildings, military, supplies, etc.

The Entente United Nations, whose national strength was not too powerful, became precarious. It can be said that it was already on the verge of annihilation.

Anson's brothers, colleagues, and juniors were all killed by that demon.

Yes, Anson was the enemy captain who he met during little Tanya's training mission. When little Tanya came to the Allied United Nations front, she killed too many of Anson's relatives and friends.

This made Anson so cruel to the so-called twin demons of Rhine that he would die with them!

So, Anson began to disregard the conventions of the world and began to make shotguns that violated the conventions.

This kind of magic shotgun can only be used by magisters. It is extremely powerful and contains very serious radiation contamination. This is something that is prohibited by all countries in the world.

But Anson doesn’t care about this anymore. The country is about to be destroyed and he still cares about this?

Mary Sue, a pretty little girl, is Anson's daughter. She is not much older than little Tanya, but her figure is curvy, giving people the overall impression of a gentle and gentle little girl.

But now Mary is very worried. She is worried about her father and is afraid that her father will never come back.

Moreover, Anson also asked Mary and her mother to go abroad. The two Rhine twin devils from the empire brought large troops to the capital of the Allied United Nations.

So Anson couldn't possibly let his wife and daughter stay in such a dangerous place.

However, Miss Mary was also a very stubborn person. She sent her mother away directly, but she stubbornly hid and stayed.

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