Time flies, and the tectonic plates are constantly moving.

Or a thousand years, or ten thousand years, or hundreds of millions of years.

Finally, a magical algae began to explode in the ocean.

The appearance of these magical algae is a good start, but it is a nightmare for some organisms.

A large number of

marine native anaerobic organisms began to die, but at the same time, a large number of oxygen-loving behemoths were born.

In the ocean, a large number of algae glow at night, just like the moonlight in the sky, turning countless seas into dreamy places.

With the light of these algae, all kinds of strange sea creatures have given birth to countless deformities, or evolutionaries, in death.

Some of them have become huge fish, while others have become various sea beasts.

Even some of them diverged into the land, slowly turning into a variety of beasts, birds and aliens.

At this time, the whole world, continents have appeared many, many times, and the sea retreats, towards the poles of the world and slowly freezes.

In the migration of unknown time, under the peaks of a certain continent, new species are constantly evolving strangely.

This is a group of dinosaurs.

A group of megalodons that ate meat but also fruit.

Their largest size is only four meters, compared to the terrifying world of this giant beast, they are a veritable weak race.

Although weak, it is this weakness that allows them to learn to hunt collectively in the face of large herbivores.

They also learned to escape separately in the face of predation by terrifying creatures, giving up one part like a fish school effect to ensure the successful escape of the other part.

In this cruel world, only in this way can they successfully multiply from generation to generation.

As time flies, some of them have evolved and slowly derived various forms suitable for themselves in various parts of the continent.

But in the end, some managed to find their gods.

Huge mountains with a terrifying giant crater.

And under the huge crater, a huge head half emerged from the magma.

Just a head is as huge as a small mountain.

Although the head was huge, its shape was similar to that of these dinosaurs.

Who found Him in the first place is unknown.

But after the initial horror, the dinosaurs slowly became in awe and eventually derived the most primitive beliefs.

If this were an ordinary world, this belief might not change anything.

But the world is clearly not ordinary.

Because under the mountains close to the gods, some dinosaurs found that some newborn generations that had just broken their shells had derived strange changes.

The big-bellied body of the new generation, which should have arched its back, became upright, and the claws that were originally sharp on the forelimbs became soft and flexible.

These Cenozoic dinosaurs weakened?

Yes, at least in the eyes of primitive dinosaurs, these abnormal individuals in the Cenozoic generation simply cannot rely on strong bodies to hunt like them.

Fortunately, though, there were very few dinosaur individuals that initially mutated.

Because of the

smell, or because of the blood ties preserved at the bottom of the gene, the primitive dinosaur population did not see them as pups of other races.

After all, the individuals who have evolved and mutated in this world over countless years are ordinary.

Therefore, under the care of primitive dinosaurs, the first dinosaurs of the new generation grew up smoothly.

These dinosaur people and primitive dinosaurs generally drank blood.

But unlike primitive dinosaurs, these dinosaurs were smarter, and even slowly began to learn to make tools and use fire as they multiplied and grew.

Slowly under this mountain range, the originally small dinosaur population began to grow rapidly.

It is precisely under this growth that the dominance of the dinosaur tribe smoothly transitioned into the hands of the new generation of dinosaurs.

All this is only because the dinosaur people are smarter and more conducive to the survival of dinosaurs on this continent.

They use their wits and tools to defeat one nearby enemy after another and eventually establish authority.

And all this seemed to be established quickly, but it also took tens of millions of years.


In the morning, the sunset slowly rises from the sky.

At this time, on a mountain range, countless dinosaur people were gathering in a stone square that was unbelievably huge.

These dinosaur people numbered more than 50,000 and were all about four meters tall.

But unlike the ‘petite’ size of these dinosaur people,

in the outermost part of the square, the blood relatives of the dinosaur people are the most conspicuous.

The blood relatives of these dinosaur people are dinosaurs that have always had eggs in this generation that cannot become dinosaur people.

Although these dinosaurs

maintain the appearance of primitive dinosaurs, they have lost the opportunity to gain intelligent minds, they have only been greatly enhanced in size.

This is a group of primitive creatures that are nearly ten to fifteen meters long.

Their existence is also a guarantee for the strength of the dinosaur tribe.

“The darkness has passed, the light has come!”

“O great god of lava and earth! Please also take care of your people, who are going out today to wipe out the evil alien race that has been ravaging the lava and the people of the earth!

“This is the food offered to you by your people, and please continue to care for your people as they were in ancient times!”

On the huge

stone square, an old dinosaur man held an iron scepter and prayed loudly, and then signaled a group of people next to him to push the corpses of various creatures shaped like a hill towards the huge crater.

Under the crater, the sleeping god of terror still has his eyes closed.

But perhaps because he felt something approaching, or because he smelled the aroma of food that was roasted by the heat, as if reflexively, this terrifying god opened his huge mouth and swallowed everything around him.

The huge mouth devoured not only the food sacrificed by the dinosaurs, but also countless magma flowing into his mouth.

Looking at the gods who continue to eat the food offered under the volcano, the dinosaurs on the side of the crater are not only not afraid, but awe and excitement coexist.

Because, not every time the gods eat the food they offer.

Therefore, in the eyes of the dinosaur people, the food accepted by the gods must symbolize that the gods will protect them this time.

Seeing this happy scene, the dinosaur man with the scepter turned around excitedly and excitedly, and loudly announced the news of the favor of the gods to the countless dinosaur people and their blood relatives in the square.

Then in the earth-shattering cheers, countless dinosaur people began to act.

They ran at a brisk pace and ran on the backs of their blood relatives with various weapons.

Then, in the shaking of the earth and the dust blowing in the sky, the army of dinosaurs began to rush down from the top of the huge mountain range.

Under the care of the gods, the dinosaurs firmly believed that this battle would be won, so the momentum was as hot as the blazing sun!

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