I, Gojo Satoru, Start as Uchiha

Chapter three hundred and forty seventh flower

Uchiha Itachi looked at this peaceful and peaceful village and inexplicably thought of the legend of poppies.

It is said that this is a demon flower planted by demons to lure the Buddha into depravity.

Legend has it that the poppy flower has the most gorgeous petals in the world, and its fragrance can make people feel happy like never before and forget all the troubles in the world.

And because of this, I fell into a wonderful dream, and passed away quietly in happiness... Become the nutrient of this devil's flower.

It is said that the more corpses buried in the fields of poppies, the more beautiful the flowers bloom, even the Buddha dared not touch them.


Itachi recalled the "investigation report" written by his father a few years ago, many people had blood on their hands, but it was for the happiness of the family.

Is this right? Of course it is wrong to trample on the happiness of others for the sake of one's own family, but... sympathy? Pity?

The only thing that is certain is that it makes people feel uncomfortable and depressed.

Itachi now understands his father, Fugaku, why every time he came back from a trip, he would go to the Konoha construction site to watch the workers work in full swing for several days.

He originally thought that his father was despising the workers on the construction site, but now that he thinks about it, his father should be watching the workers who are working hard to build their homes in 583 with high respect.

They water the flower called happiness with their sweat, not the poppy from sin.

Looking at the working people who are working enthusiastically and listening to their chants, will the darkness in my heart be cleared away?

He also thinks that the construction site of Konoha has been moving bricks for a few days, and he will go after this trip is over.

Itachi secretly decides his future schedule.

Then, he escaped into the vast forest, and according to the information he got, he headed towards the mountains east of the village.

According to the clues, Uchiha Itachi began to look for the stronghold of the thieves in the vast mountains.

After discovering 5 abandoned strongholds one after another, traversing the entire mountain range and reaching the coastline in the northern part of the island, Itachi finally found the thief's den along the tracks of the rut.


Covering the mouth of the whistle from behind, Kunai accurately pierced the target's heart, and twisted it hard to kill.

Immediately, Itachi used Transformation Technique, turned into a dark whistle, and walked into the thief's camp openly.

Two rough wooden houses and three crooked wooden sheds were obviously a temporary station that could be abandoned at any time. At this time, only three bandits sat quietly under the wooden sheds, waiting for something.

"Ishii, it's not time for a replacement yet, what are you doing here?" A thief saw Itachi walk in, got up and shouted.

Itachi showed Sharingan and glared.

The gangster immediately pulled out the Short Sword from his waist and swiftly turned around and slashed, slashing the neck of the gangster sitting beside him.


The third gangster instantly pulled out his samurai sword, Iai, and slashed against the robe.

A blood line immediately appeared on the body of the gangster who violently murdered, and then suddenly split from bottom to top, turning into two halves, and the ground was full of fishy smell.

"Boom bang. 35

The two halves of the corpses fell to the ground, and the thick blood filled the room. The other bandit fell in a pool of blood, clutching the bleeding wound on his neck, whimpering and struggling, but no one paid attention.

"Evil-eyed Shura, are you still alive?

He probably thought of Itachi as his father, Fugaku, and the horror legend that had disappeared for two or three years returned, and the thief trembled and shuddered with excitement.

kill him. Take his eyes. Devouring his flesh and blood will definitely be able to gain more powerful power.

He clenched the katana in his hand tightly, and the evil dark red Chakra poured out of him, however, meaningless.

This thief is holding a "murderous soldier", and his strength is quite close to the physical type Jōnin, which should not be underestimated.

However, Sharingan seems to have a natural repressive force on the "Slayer" holder.

Itachi's Three Tomoe Sharingan just glared at him and let this powerful gangster answer all his questions.

"What is your purpose? Who is behind your back?"

Itachi did not report much hope and routinely inquired, and the result was not as expected (chch), still one question and three unknowns.

Itachi immediately ordered the villain to commit suicide, and then used the seal scroll to recover the "murderer"

Afterwards, he focused his attention on the caves deep in the mountainside. Through the A-class reconnaissance-type Chakra power guide he wore, he was able to obtain the ability of "white eyes" to ignore obstacles and see things within a kilometer range.

Itachi could clearly see what was happening in the cave hidden in the mountainside.

Inside the huge cave, it turned out to be a prison that detained a large number of people, mostly young people, old and weak, and there were four or five hundred people in total.

These civilians are crowded into wooden cages, like poultry sold in a vegetable market, filled with baskets after baskets.

"Human trafficking?"

Itachi recalled his father's "investigation report" a few years ago. At that time, although the security of the islands in the country of water was bad, there was no such large-scale crime as now. What was the official of the country of water doing?

A few years have passed, and the order has not improved, but has become worse?

"It is the same as the Five Great Konoha of the Five Great Powers. It seems that Kirin has always been isolated from the countries of the mainland, but in fact, many international events with bad influence have the shadow of Konoha."

Itachi remembered the conclusion that his father had made when he went out to investigate a few years ago, and also thought of Fifth Hokage's simple and to-the-point evaluation of Kirin.

"The ninja world stirs shit.

"Fu-nin condoned and ruled gangsters running rampant, even, this is the situation they single-handedly created. 99

Itachi also came to his own conclusions based on what he had been thinking recently, and fell into even greater confusion.

"In the early stage, it was to plunder the wealth of all the citizens of the Land of Water, so what are they plotting now?" Itachi didn't think this was an ordinary crime of human trafficking, because the number of people imprisoned was too many.

"What are they arranging?"

The bandits in the cave took something out of the wooden boxes and placed it on the open space in the middle of the cave.

Itachi thought about how to lure them out, and dealt with them one by one.

Among the gangsters, there are several powerful guys, and there are more than 30 of them. Itachi is not sure that when fighting in such a narrow environment in the cave, it will not affect the surrounding civilians.

He was thinking about how to get them out of the cave, and a change suddenly appeared.

More than a dozen "persons" actually concealed the insight of the A-level reconnaissance-type Chakra power guide, that is, the reconnaissance of "white eyes", and abruptly drilled out of the ground from the ground.

"It's still not as refined as a real white eye." Uchiha Itachi held back his irritability and continued to observe.

I saw that these "people" actually fit into one, merged into one, and swallowed the previously arranged things, rapidly proliferating and expanding.

A violent reaction occurred inside "It", and the crimson Chakra similar to "Murder Soldier" flourished in "It" body.

The size of the monster suddenly swelled dozens of times and turned into a huge meat ball. The bandits gathered around were caught off guard, and most of them were engulfed by the meat ball.

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