I, Goldfinger

Chapter 266

At this time, he met a young cultivator who had just been kicked out in a bad mood.

Ah Can immediately greeted him, wearing an elder-like smile, and asked with concern: “Child, what’s wrong with you?” ”

The cultivator was dazzled by the golden light on Ah Can’s body, and in a trance, he seemed to see the deceased grandfather, he was so kind, so kind, as if he was watching him from heaven.

Can’t help but say the bitterness in my heart: “I just got eliminated, I’m not happy!” ”

Ah Can immediately grabbed his hand and passed the warmth over: “Don’t be depressed, don’t be sad, child, this is actually God’s test for you!” Life inevitably ebb and flow, and it is impossible to be smooth sailing! Only when you encounter setbacks will you make yourself stronger! Only after experiencing darkness will we yearn for light! Come, dry your tears and rush in, God is watching you from behind, and you will succeed! ”

“Really? Will I really succeed? The young cultivator’s eyes glowed with hope.

“Of course!” With a smile, A Can grabbed a handful of holy water and sprinkled it on the cultivator’s face, “Now that you have received the blessing of the God of Light, go, victory is at hand!” ”

“Then I’ll go! God of Light bless me with victory! As if blessed with courage, the man rushed in hopefully.

Ah Can continued to sprinkle holy water: “I wish you all the best too!” Down with the Great Devil King, get the big opportunity, God will bless you! ”

For such kind words, of course, everyone likes to listen to them, and they are full of good feelings for Ah Can and the God of Light behind him.

Lin Beifan had to admire him, too dedicated, to this place did not forget to pass on the faith development believers, Lin Beifan was deeply moved, go back must give him a promotion and a raise.

At this moment, A Can saw Lin Beifan, his eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted: “Daoyou, please stay!” ”

“Lord Divine Messenger, what are you looking for me for?” Lin Beifan asked with a smile.

A Can hurriedly walked over, covered in golden light, with a kind and easy-going smile, and said, “Lin Daoyou is polite!” Please don’t be surprised if you first meet! ”

“Of course, I don’t know what God is looking for me? There doesn’t seem to be anything to do with you and me! Lin Beifan said.

A Can shook his head and said with a smile: “Daoist, there is a big relationship between you and me, because you have a relationship with my Light God Sect!” ”

“I’m related to the Light God Sect?” Lin Beifan was stunned.

What can be the relationship between the two, could it be that he saw my vest identity?

“That’s right, Daoist friends are related to my Light God Sect! When I walked step by step, I saw that the Taoist friend was full of divine brilliance, which is clearly the symbol of the protection of the God of Light, you are a great blessed person! Therefore, I specially came over and invited Daoist friends to join the God Sect! Ah Can said sincerely.

Lin Beifan was confused again, this can actually be related?

Do you want to pull him into the God Sect?

A Can silently looked at Lin Beifan, his eyes shining.

Since the peerless Tianjiao Wang Teng joined the Divine Sect, he was deeply aware of the role of Tianjiao. Not only can he contribute strong faith, but also financial and military support, and the gains are huge.

Therefore, he now likes to win over Tianjiao the most, and the more awesome he is, the more he has to woo.

When his Divine Sect enlisted the world’s Tianjiao, he was not awesome?

“Daoist, I’m from the Primordial Holy Land, it’s not good for you to pull me into the sect, right?” Lin Beifan said.

Ah Can smiled and shook his head: “Why is it not good?” I didn’t let you betray the Holy Land, faith is not divided into sects, you can still believe in the God of Light in the Holy Land, we are all children of God! ”

Lin Beifan: “…”

“God is everywhere and is with us forever! God is selfless, God is merciful, and you can believe in God anywhere! Your stay in the Holy Land is actually God’s will, He allows you to spread God’s teachings, more lost children find a way home, and more hopeless people can find a beacon of life! ”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Good fellow, even I, the God of Light, dare to fool, and I must give him a promotion and a salary when I go back!

At this time, the sky opened the cloud road, and a golden chariot slowly came, shining brightly and sprinkling all over the world.

Along with the golden chariot, there was also a loud voice.

“Red Blade Spear, Immortal Shield, Kill the Immortal King for Nine Days!”

“Immortal heaven, proud of the world, with me An Lan there will be a heaven!”


Looking at this brilliant appearance, as well as the familiar poem, everyone was shocked, could it be that the perverted powerhouse Immortal King An Lan came?

Lin Beifan was also shocked, opening his mouth, when did my vest run out by itself?

Many people are scared, but many are surprised.

“His Royal Highness Immortal King Anlan, he’s here! It was because of him that I joined the Light God Sect! ”

“I can finally see King Anlan’s peerless demeanor up close!”

“I’m so excited, it must be my sincerity that touched His Highness An Lan!”


Immediately, many believers knelt down and chanted Anlan’s name aloud, so reverently.

“Get up for me, no need to kneel! It’s not Immortal Wang Anlan, it’s Wang Teng coming! He is a loyal follower of His Highness An Lan, not His Highness An Lan himself! Ah Can pulled up the believers, and then shouted into the golden chariot in the sky: “Why did you come, you came up with such a big trick!” ”

Wang Teng walked out of the golden chariot, looking so heroic and brilliant. Even, the golden light on his body was even brighter than in the past, and it was full of force, making people dare not look directly.

His dress seemed to be specially imitating An Lan, and the golden armor on his body had been changed to the same style as An Lan Immortal King.

The weapon in his hand was also changed, no longer the golden sword, but a shield and a gun.

He is majestic, like the immortal king An Lan coming!

The Young Emperor, nothing more!

Facing everyone, Wang Teng shouted: “I am a loyal follower of His Highness Enron, Wang Teng, to spread the glory of His Highness An Lan in this life!” Recite the real name of His Royal Highness An Lan day and night, bow down religiously, and see eternal life in reincarnation! ”

Immediately, countless believers knelt down.

There were also many who were not believers, and they also knelt in front of Wang Teng and chanted An Lan’s name.

“King Anlan, immortal!”

“King Anlan, immortal!”


Lin Baifan felt the surging faith swarming in.

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