I, Goldfinger

Chapter 036

At this time, a blue light emerged from Wu Kongzhao’s body and turned into a human form.

Then, this light and shadow turned into a cyan sword glow.


, swish…”

The cyan sword light quickly shuttled, like a cyan lightning, bringing destruction and death. All the Imperial Forest Army, officials, and generals around Wuzhao were all killed by a sword.

“This… What is it? The crowd was horrified.

At this moment of horror, the cyan sword light continued to shuttle, unscrupulous.

A moment later, everyone in the entire hall was dead, leaving only the 4 Heavenly Man masters, as well as the Martial Emperor who was protected by the Heavenly and Human Masters, and he was already scared.

At this time, the cyan sword slaughtered the four masters.

“What is it?”



They raised their vigilance, but they still couldn’t bear the sword, and they all died.

The emperor behind them was not spared, and a sword passed through his chest.

After killing everyone, the cyan sword rushed out of the hall, killing people when they saw them, killing everyone along the way.

“Princess, this is…”

“Elder Hua, this is my secret weapon!” Wu Zhao said confidently.

Elder Hua took a deep look at Wu Zhao, Wu Kongzhao can be said to be brought up by him since he was a child, his feelings are very deep, the two are called master and servant, but in fact, they have the feelings of grandfather and grandson, how can he not know what killer skills Wu Zhao has?

But after all, the man is the master, he is a slave, and he did not ask much.

A moment later, the cyan sword radiance flew back.

A voice sounded in Wu Zhao’s heart: “Everyone who should be killed is killed, and you will deal with the rest yourself.” ”

Wu Zhao nodded slightly, and then walked out of the hall.

It was found that there were all corpses along the way, all of them were killed by a sword, and they fell to the ground, and the strong smell of blood came to the nose, and the entire palace was bleeding.

She also saw several of the emperor’s concubines, as well as several young princes, lying in a pool of blood, their eyes still open, full of dazedness, not knowing why they died.

There were also some innocent eunuchs and palace maidens, all of whom died, and died without blindness.

“Dead, all dead, good death, hehe…”

Wu Zhao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and laughed a little sickly.

“Grand Princess!” A group of eunuchs ran over to assemble, which was a concubine that she had secretly cultivated.

Wu Zhao returned to normal and calmly gave the order: “You guys go and check to see if there are still live mouths?” Especially the royal people, if they are still alive, you know what to do! ”

“Yes!” Everyone retreated.

Within a moment, they all rushed back, and none of them survived.

“Okay, you guys retreat, don’t show your horse’s feet!”

“Yes, Grand Princess!”

Soon after, a large number of troops poured in, they were none other than the Imperial Forest Army guarding the imperial city.

Among them, the leader was a majestic middle-aged man, dressed in a black and gold shiny general’s mansion, a general of the 100,000 Yulin Army in the imperial city, named Li Zheng, who was calm and sophisticated, and won the trust of the emperor.

“Surround the palace for me, and not a single fly will fly out!”

“Yes, General!”

And he himself led some of the people into the palace.

Along the way, corpses were found all over the ground, and the palace compound was stained red with blood, and the smell of blood came to the nose.

As you go deeper, the higher the identity level of the corpse.

He felt that things were in order, so he quickened his pace.

When I entered the main hall, I found that all the civil and military officials were lying on the ground, and all of them were dead.

The eldest princess Wu Zhao was sitting on the ground holding the emperor’s corpse, and tears flowed: “Father and emperor, you don’t want to die, you don’t leave your children and leave, why are you so ruthless…”

“What happened, Grand Princess?” Li Zheng frowned and asked, “The emperor, he…”

“Dead, all dead…” said Wuzhao.

“Dead?” Li Zheng immediately rushed forward and found that he was indeed dead, and his heart was turbulent, and the death of the emperor was not a trivial matter.

The most important thing is that the emperor was killed, and he died in the palace, which is the most fatal.

Li Zheng asked sharply, “Why did the emperor die?” The Grand Princess…”

The eldest princess shook her head, her face was very sad, and she couldn’t speak.

At this time, Elder Hua walked in and said with a heavy face: “Just when the court meeting was held just now, there was a master who rushed in, killing people when he saw them, even children were not spared, very cruel.” His Majesty the Emperor, as well as the ministers, died at the hands of such murderers! ”

At this time, several people ran in and whispered in Li Zheng’s ear, Li Zheng nodded and said, “It is indeed a murderer’s hand, and it is also in the hands of a sword master, all of them are killed in one move, which is very terrifying.” However, Xiaguan has a question, why are you alive when others are dead? ”

Elder Hua’s face changed: “What are you talking about?” ”

“It’s nothing, it’s that the subordinate is a little puzzled, and I ask the chief manager and the princess to give an explanation!” Li Zhengren refused.

For a moment, the two sides were at loggerheads.

At this moment, a sword passed through Li Zheng’s chest.

Li Zheng vomited blood, turned his head and saw that it was actually General Zuo, who he trusted the most, who poked in: “You…”

General Zuo drew his sword and loudly pronounced the verdict: “General Li committed a crime of disorder, conspired inside and outside to usurp the throne, and murdered hundreds of civil and military officials, and committed a heinous crime!” Now that the criminal minister has been headed, please ask the eldest princess to decide! ”

“Well done, General Zuo is the real pillar of the country, and he will definitely be rewarded for his merits afterwards!” Wu Zhao said.

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness!” General Zuo immediately knelt.

“You guys, I see…” Li Zheng fell.

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