I, Goldfinger

Chapter 046

In comparison, Wuzhao’s situation is somewhat bad.

Wu Zhao’s throne was obtained through abnormal means, plus she was originally a female stream, weak and unable to obey the public, so the generals and clan kings outside the imperial city, as well as some families, were ready to take their place.

They embraced their own dignity and gathered eighteen princes to attack Wuzhao.

Now, a million-strong army has arrived at the city, and the situation is precarious.

“How is the situation outside the city now?” Wu Zhao, dressed in an imperial robe, sat on the throne and asked.

Although he has only been an emperor for more than half a month, he has already cultivated an imperial aura and is full of majesty.

Below her were all the ministers, except for Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu and Lü Bu, the others were pulled to fill up and maintain the normal operation of the country.

“Your Majesty, the situation is very bad, now the million-strong army of the eighteen-way princes has arrived in the city, and our side only has 100,000 horses, the enemy is outnumbered, and the general trend is him. In addition, they have gathered about 10 Tianren masters, while our side has less than 5, and we are not superior in terms of masters! ”

“The only good news is that the imperial city is tightly held in our hands, and they can’t enter for a while. But they may take a decapitation action, we have to guard against! ”

Zhuge Liang reported, Wu Zhao nodded slightly.

In fact, through the Heavenly Qi Luck Divine Phoenix, she knew the other party’s forces better than anyone.

It is said that it is a million-strong army, but in fact, it has reached 1.2 million, and they are all veterans of hundreds of battles, and the strength is very different.

There are more Tianren masters, reaching 15, 5 of which are hidden.

It can be said that their side is very undominant.

However, Wu Zhao looked calm, because she had hole cards, and once opened, it would definitely turn the situation around.

“If, if the high-level of the coalition forces are killed, including the Heavenly and Human Masters, can you quickly collect their forces under your banner and grasp the situation?” Wu Zhao looked at the two generals he trusted.

“Your Majesty, I can!” Lv Bu and Guan Yu spoke in unison.

“Good!” Wu Zhao took the case, and then led the ministers to the city tower.

At this time, the banner outside was shrouded, and the eighteen-way princes and more than 1 million soldiers had already surrounded the imperial city.

The eighteen-way princes also ascended the high platform.

One of the princes shouted loudly: “Bold sinful women, plotting to usurp the throne, brutalizing loyalty, perverse deeds, their sins are punished!” I wait for the eighteen princes to come and fight, support the royal family, and maintain orthodoxy! Advise you to open the gates of the city quickly, and take the guilt of the thorns! Otherwise, a million soldiers will enter the city, and you will have no way to enter the sky and no door! ”

“Presumptuous!” Wu Zhao spoke, his voice rumbling as if it came from the heavens, as if he was pronouncing the judgment on behalf of the heavens: “I am the divine mandate of heaven, the orthodox emperor!” Er and others are chaotic thieves, and they dare to covet the throne, and Er and others deserve to die! ”

“Wu Zhao, it seems that you are stubborn!” The man shouted again.

“Presumptuous, he dared to call His Majesty by his name, and committed the crime of great disrespect!” Martial Saint Guan Yu jumped down from the city gate and shouted loudly: “Today I Guan Yu, take the dog’s life!” ”

“Come on, there are people who invite heaven and people, kill into the imperial city, and arrest Wuzhao!” A prince shouted.

Suddenly, more than a dozen Tianren masters soared into the air and killed from the air.

Wu Zhao’s face did not change color, and secretly said in his heart: “System elf, kill all the high-level of the opposing coalition army, including all the heavenly and human powerhouses.” ”

Lin Beifan appeared, and said stupidly: “Do you want to kill the million coalition troops too, I have a trick to burn the sky and go to sea, to ensure that none of them can run!” ”

A black line appeared on Wu Zhao’s face and said, “You killed all the people, who will help me manage the country?” Moreover, those allied soldiers are only at the behest of the princes, it is easy to surrender, and the crime does not lead to death. ”

“Well, kill only the high-level.” Lin Beifan regretted that he had a rare opportunity to amplify his moves.


A cyan sword radiance flew out from Wu Zhao’s body.

Like a comet, rushing towards the coalition army, the first to bear the brunt are more than a dozen celestial beings!

More than a dozen celestial beings were shocked.

“What is it?”

“It looks like a sword mang!”



They wanted to dodge, but the sword light was fierce, and in an instant it was already in front of them, quickly slashing past their bodies, and a red line appeared on their necks.

Then, the celestial people fell like dumplings, and their heads were disconnected from their bodies.

The princes watching from behind were frightened and dumbfounded.

A dignified heavenly master, it’s actually over?

They are terrified!


The cyan sword smashed into the Lin coalition army, killing quickly.

As if conscious, he did not slander an ordinary soldier, but specifically arrested the princes and the generals next to him to kill.

Often a sword flew by, bringing a series of blood flowers.

This group of princes is not even as good as the heavenly people, how can they resist the cyan sword radiance?

In a moment, the princes and the surrounding generals were slaughtered.


The cyan sword light flew back.

All the soldiers were dumbfounded, even the officers and soldiers of the city were dumbfounded, and there was silence.

This scene is too scary, more than a dozen heavenly masters comparable to land immortals, as well as hundreds of princes and generals, were actually killed in a moment, what kind of power is this, too scary!

Everyone looked at the martial photos on the city wall and were filled with awe.

Could it be that she was really the emperor recognized by heaven and earth?

Some of the soldiers below have laid down their weapons and kept kowtowing to ask for forgiveness.

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