I Got Reincarnated as a Weed

: Happy Dragon Boat Festival

I am busy today. I'm still in my hometown, and my grandparents won't let me go.

Except for the holidays, I really rarely see the two elderly people. Today, we are celebrating the festival at home. By the way, I helped my grandparents sell pepper. Friends in the countryside should know that this time period is a good time to sell pepper. Acquisition.

So I have been busy for most of the day, and it is indeed a bit tired, forgive me for not being able to update.

The number of chapters owed during this period is indeed a bit too much, and I am very sorry.

The most fundamental reason is that the work schedule is not good, and I like to sleep late.

I decided to correct my work and rest time. After two days, I will restore the update. The guarantee is two chapters a day. If time permits, then I will add another chapter.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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