I Got Reincarnated as a Weed

Chapter 811: Zhou is here, please give me a death

"Huh, huh..."

The Promise Demon sat on a star, panting wildly.

Just a little bit, just a little bit he was gone.

Between life and death, there really is a big horror.

"What kind of excitement has Haixian, this lady, this strength is not quite right." The Wuji Tianma frowned slightly.

The strength that Haixian exploded was already twice that of the normal period, otherwise it would be impossible to kill the three peerless real immortals in seconds.

"Fortunately, she supports fast. If I take a few more breaths, I am destined to take a step first."

The Promise Heaven Demon breathed a sigh of relief, and did not pay attention to the blood demon who was being beaten first, and flew towards the sea fairy first.

He wanted to know what Haixian was doing now, and his instinct told him that Haixian's situation might be a bit bad.

After a few breaths, the Promise Demon appeared beside Haixian.

Haixian's eyes were blood red, and his face was extremely cold.

"You are..." The Wuji Tianma frowned.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, Haixian's situation was really too bad.

Her breath now is very strange, rising and falling.

Moreover, the Promise Heaven Demon felt that the spirit of the sea fairy seemed a little abnormal, as if it had been cut off by something.

"Nothing. After I recover, I can go further."

Haixian shook his head.

The voice hasn't fallen yet, and blood overflows from the corner of his mouth.

"No, you just absolutely squeezed all of your own talents to explode such terrifying strength. Don't deny that we are all brothers. Sit down and I will heal you."

The Promise Heavenly Demon forced the sea immortal to sit down on the ground, carrying the majestic immortal power with both hands.

Xianli wrapped the sea fairy, and the face of the Promise Heaven Demon became more and more serious.

He didn't know exactly what Haixian had gone through, and he unexpectedly exploded with such terrifying power despite everything.

That terrifying force squeezed the sea fairy's profound pill into cracks, and at the same time shattered all the countless meridians in her body.

If you don't quickly treat it, I am afraid that after a while, the sea fairy will become a waste, and, in the current state, the sea fairy cannot save himself at all.

If Haixian becomes useless, then she will undoubtedly die.

This has been the case since ancient times. Only with the cultivation base can you live long, as long as the sea immortal has the cultivation base of the peerless real immortal, he can live forever.

But once the sea fairy's cultivation base is abolished, the million years she has lived will backlash the sea fairy, and once the million years of time start to eat back, the sea fairy cannot hold a single breath, and it will immediately melt. Do the dust disappear.

This cannot be changed.

Therefore, the Promise Demon began to treat the meridians and profound pills in the sea immortal with all his strength.

The speed of treatment is very slow, but Haixian has hope of survival.

"They **** it."

Haixian said softly.

"This is not nonsense, they must be damned, but you bitch, it's okay to be calm. You can't use yourself up to kill three of them."

The Promise Demon shook his head helplessly.

"I have experienced pain once, and they made me experience a second pain, and even created false memories to make me die."

Haixian looked cold.

She could feel Xiao Mumu's breath now, and her heart had completely calmed down, but she still didn't regret her actions.

"That would be really hateful."

The Promise Demon nodded, and then said: "I admire you as a stinky girl. Nothing can beat you. Your will is really too strong."

"The first thing I have to do after I recover is to hit you." Haixian said lightly.

"Then talk about it when you recover, why, I'm still afraid you won't be in your current state."

The Promise Heaven Demon is fearless and beats as soon as it is beaten. Anyway, Haixian is determined and will not kill himself.

Besides, after being beaten, you can improve your physical realm, so why not do it.

and many more.

What kind of thinking is this, how did my Promise Demon become like this.

The Promise Demon doubted his own thoughts.

"Okay, wait. For the sake of your healing, I promise not to kill you." Haixian nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his mouth.

There is a Sand Sculpture brother who wants to be his father, a Tiehan Han Wuji Demon who secretly conceals himself when nothing is wrong, and a Blood Demon who is often beaten as a company with friends such as Qingdi. She is not alone at all.

"Your injury is a bit troublesome. If you just rely on me to help you heal, you won't be able to recover in a year or a half, and I can't always heal you. You have to ask Zhou Ye for help and let the kid give You order the grass blades, although the effect is not great for you, but the quantity is still considerable." Promise Tianma suggested.

"You can help first, and when I can act, I will go to Zhou Ye." Haixian nodded and agreed.

Although she is not a waste person now, the difference with the waste person is that she has not fallen yet.

It is very difficult to move.

"Okay, let the blood demon be beaten for a while." The Wuji Tianma nodded.

In the distant starry sky.

The head of the Gorefiend was about to be hammered.

It's really not that his blood demon is not strong, but the enemy's strength is a bit strong.

But it is temporarily impossible to want his blood demon's life.

His blood demon has one advantage, that is, his vitality is extremely tenacious.


The third black hole.

"The tongue is about to be knotted."

Zhou Ye complained inwardly.

The surrounding friendly forces have nothing to do and want to support Zhou Ye.

"Don't move, they have nothing to fight, and they can't cause too much injury to me. They are just a bunch of rubbish. Give it to me. You can watch it with peace of mind." Zhou Ye said loudly.

The Dark Nightmare creatures were furious and attacked Zhou Ye frantically, trying to kill Zhou Ye.

The surrounding friendly forces were silent.

If these dark nightmare creatures are garbage, what are they?

Some eggs hurt, Zhou Ye scolded the Black Nightmare creatures again, and brought them in again.

"It's uncomfortable, but seeing him be beaten so badly, my mentality is instantly balanced." Lei Yan said with a smile.

The corner of Qingdi's mouth twitched.

Zhou Ye was indeed a little embarrassed, but for the moment, he couldn't die at all.

Because Zhou Ye has maintained the state of the secret method of burning blood, and will refine a blade of grass every ten breaths.

Therefore, his state has always been at its peak and has not been affected much at all.

In the entire starry sky battlefield, one-tenth of the black nightmare creatures are besieging Zhou Ye.

The Qing Emperor looked around the entire starry sky and said, "Don't worry about Zhou Ye, he won't have anything to do. Let's get rid of the other black nightmare creatures."

"it is good."

Because Zhou Ye contained one-tenth of the Dark Nightmare creatures, the main world army reduced its pressure a lot. At this time, a new round of fighting had begun.


"Half million..."

Zhou Ye was very excited.

On the panel, the repair level can already be improved, but Zhou Ye is not panicking at all.

It is very necessary to gather more spiritual points, in case it is killed by a strong person who appears secretly just after the promotion, and then there is no spiritual point on the panel to resurrect.

This is a terrible thing.

For the safety of his own life, Zhou Ye decided to stay steady and directly settled to one million.

Anyway, one day can absorb the nightmare energy of fifty thousand spiritual points, plus being madly beaten by these black nightmare creatures, a total of about two hundred thousand spiritual points can be harvested in one day.

This speed is too fast.

Even Zhou Ye has a dreamy feeling.

But Zhou Ye was willing to be immersed in this dream forever without waking up, because he was really poor in the past.

"Come on, you are almost succeeding!"

Zhou Ye shouted.

He is looking forward to these dark nightmare creatures causing more terrifying damage to himself, only in this way can he transform more spiritual points.

The Dark Nightmare creatures were in anger.

They have consumed more than half of their power, but they have not caused any effective injuries to Zhou Ye.

They don't know what is going on with Zhou Ye.

But they will not give up.

Because the breath of the Zhou leaves began to decline again, as long as the breath of the Zhou leaves began to decline, they thought their opportunity was coming.

Whenever Zhou Ye's breath began to decline, they would attack Zhou Ye frantically, in order to directly kill Zhou Ye.

But for the moment, Zhou Ye was completely deliberately letting his breath decline.

Beihan Zhanshidao felt this scene in Zhou Ye's hands, and felt a little emotional.

This is the best host I have brought.

Apart from other things, just this kind of operation can be imagined by ordinary practitioners.


one day later.

The spiritual point on the Zhouye panel has skyrocketed to 700,000, and most of the black nightmare creatures have been exhausted and then beheaded by allies.

Only a small part of the black nightmare creatures still insisted on attacking Zhou Ye.

But they had already accepted their fate, they couldn't kill Zhou Ye at all.

As they died, the rest of the Black Nightmare creatures spread word of mouth, and now no one dares to provoke Zhou Ye.

This made Zhou Ye very helpless.

But he didn't panic at all.

Isn't there a lot of black nightmare creatures in the prison immortal map?

These black nightmare creatures are blocked from news, as long as they appear, they will definitely attack them madly.

After they confessed their fate, he directly performed a nuclear explosion to clear them all. After a new batch of Black Nightmare world forwards arrived, Zhou Ye could start cutting leeks again.

Thinking about it this way, this life is really great.

When Zhou Ye was about to enter Prison Xiantu, Haixian appeared beside Zhou Ye.

"Sister Haixian, why are you... wrong, the breath on your body is a bit strange." Zhou Ye was a little surprised.

"Isn't this coming to you for help."

Haixian was a little helpless, and then told Zhou Ye what happened.

"That's it."

Zhou Ye understood immediately, and then handed the two bundles of grass leaves that he had saved these days to Haixian.

"You use it first, I have to go in and harvest, and I will get more for you after I get further." Zhou Ye said after pointing to the prisoner fairy map.

"Ok~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trouble you."

Haixian smiled and nodded, and disappeared after taking two bundles of grass leaves.

She has recovered a bit now, and can refine the blades of grass in the surrounding leaves. It is very easy to recover.

After Haixian left, Zhou Ye entered the Prison Xiantu.

In an instant, countless eyes fell on Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye showed a calm smile and said, "Zhou is here, please give me a death."

"kill him!"


The Dark Nightmare creatures are crazy, the feeling of being refined is too painful.

Now that I see Zhou Ye, I want to vent my anger.

They want to tear up the peripheral leaves!

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