I Got Stronger By Using Copper Coins Until I Am Invincible

Chapter 220 All Skills Upgraded to Level 60

【Ding! Congratulations, your artistic conception of earth has been promoted to the first level! 】

"Continue to improve!"

Gong Ziliang continued without any hesitation.

"Boom boom boom..."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding earth mood, which was still calm just now, erupted into a strong roar again!

This roar lasted for about two hours before it stopped.

After waking up, Gong Ziliang looked at his artistic conception, and found that the artistic conception of the earth had all been lit up!

Obviously, this practice was very successful!

"Another method..."

Gong Ziliang tried to put his hands on the ground.

Immediately, grains of dirt poured in from all directions, and finally formed a villain made entirely of dirt in front of Gong Ziliang!

This villain looks very lively, no matter in movement or expression, he is very human-like.

Then, Gong Ziliang flicked his fingers, and the villain immediately turned into a puddle of mud again, as if he had never existed before.

If anyone sees this scene, they will be shocked!

Because what Gong Ziliang has done now is beyond the ability of ordinary people, and he even feels a little like creating a human being!

Such an ability is almost impossible to achieve except for some specific martial arts!

Unless someone can reach Gongziliang's current state!


Gong Ziliang smiled and put on his clothes!

At this time, Xiao Tuantuan also woke up and squinted at Gong Ziliang.

"I'm going to practice, you can rest here!"

Looking at Xiao Tuantuan, Gong Ziliang pointed outside, afraid that she might not understand what he was talking about.

"Tuantuan understands! Master, please go!"

Contrary to Young Master Liang's expectation, this little tuantuan is very well-behaved!

After she nodded, she buried her little head in the bed again.

"Quite sensible!"

Gong Ziliang scratched his head, then went outside.

When he came outside, Gong Ziliang discovered that it was already noon!

Taking advantage of the strongest sunlight at noon, Gong Ziliang took a deep breath and began to do today's conditioning.

Now, before the gold-making event tonight, Gong Ziliang plans to sort out his skills first!

"Come on! Let's all upgrade to level 60!"

Looking at the list of martial arts on his skill bar, Gong Ziliang felt a little complicated,

Because some of the martial arts are not very useful anymore!

【Ding! The ancient imperial swordsmanship has been successfully upgraded to level 60! 】

【Ding! Wan Jian Guiyi has been successfully upgraded to level 60! 】

【Ding! Sword drawing has been successfully upgraded to level 60! 】

【Ding! Sun Moon Sword Art has been successfully upgraded to level 60! 】


Listening to various prompts from the system, Gong Ziliang looked at it, and finally looked at one of the skills, which was the mysterious martial skill that Gong Ziliang had acquired in the Wanling Ruins.

Sun Moon Sword Art!

"Although this Sun-Moon swordsmanship is a Xuan-level martial skill, its power is much stronger than ordinary Xuan-level martial skills!"

Gong Ziliang looked at the Sun and Moon swordsmanship, and began to think about it.

"The last move of the Sun-Moon Sword Art can only be performed in the midst of the heaven and earth vision where the sun and the moon appear together!"

Looking at the introduction of the Sun Moon Sword Art, Gong Ziliang felt very puzzled!

The Sun Moon Sword Art mentioned here that the sun and the moon co-appear with the vision of heaven and earth, but that is the real vision of heaven and earth!

Some people may not see such a vision of heaven and earth once in their lifetime, let alone use this sword technique when the time comes.

However, it is conceivable that once this sword technique is displayed, it will definitely be shocking, and it is probably not far from the earth-level martial arts!

"Fortunately, the other moves don't need the vision of heaven and earth, where the sun and the moon appear together, to be able to perform them!"

Gong Ziliang looked at the last three moves of the Sun Moon Swordsmanship and nodded.

These three martial arts are the blazing sun and moon, the cold sun and moon, and the peak of the sun and moon!

Only the top of the sun and the moon is a move that requires the phenomenon of heaven and earth to perform!


Gong Ziliang looked at these three skills, waved his hand directly, and started to remind.


Suddenly, a roar rang in Gong Ziliang's ear.

Then, behind Gong Ziliang, two pillars of light, one red and one blue, appeared and shot straight into the sky!

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the entire Yanyue Pavilion looked up in shock!

I saw above the sky, the two pillars of light behind Gong Ziliang were like the pillars of the sky, propped up in the sky, making the world terrified!

"what is this……"

In the City Lord's Mansion, Elder Yuan and Elder Li also stared at the two beams of light in a daze.

"Although I don't want to admit it! But these two beams of light give me the feeling...is sword intent???"

Elder Yuan looked at the beam of light, and said with some uncertainty in his tone.

Because this is really a bit of nonsense!

Sword intent is the product of someone who has comprehended the top martial intent, it should have been attached to the sword...

But, what's going on in this situation now? ? !

Elder Li also looked at the two beams of light dully. Although Elder Yuan's words sounded a little nonsense, he didn't refute anything.

Because in his perception, these two beams of light are also sword intent!

What does this mean? ?

The existence that can use this sword intent, I'm afraid the lowest is the powerhouse of Transcending Tribulation Realm...

"Excellent sword intent??? Is there anyone else in the world who has reached such a level??"

Thinking of this, Elder Yuan and Elder Li looked at each other, their eyes filled with endless shock!

"Before, we felt a sea-like terrifying divine sense! Now let us encounter this heavenly sword intent..."

Elder Yuan swallowed his saliva looking at the sword intent in the sky: "When did so many strong men come to this Yanyue Pavilion??"

"I do not know either!"

Yu Cheng on the side smiled wryly after hearing Elder Yuan's words, he is also very confused now!

As a castellan.

He now has a feeling that he is being dazzled, and he doesn't know anything at all!

"Quick, quick! You send someone to invite this strong man over..."

After Elder Li came to his senses, he quickly said to Yu Cheng: "Forget it! Let's go on our own! To deal with such a strong man, if I can get his random moves, it will be enough for me to wait for a long time to comprehend!"

After all, Elder Li and Elder Yuan joined forces under Yu Cheng's horrified eyes, and the target was the inn where Gong Ziliang was!

"Can the existence of the two god-refining realms be so cautious..."

Yu Cheng stood at the back, feeling that his throat was a little dry.

He couldn't figure out at all what kind of great power came to his Yanyue Pavilion.

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