Matthew took a deep breath. Even if he was caught up by the opponent, he still didn't give up hope because he still had the last trump card.

A black iron ball appeared in his hand, which was a secret weapon he got by chance.

Matthew slammed the iron ball onto the ground. boom!

The iron ball exploded, flames surged, and toxic smoke spewed out, shrouding the dark-skinned middle-aged man.

He didn't rush out immediately. Matthew breathed a sigh of relief and ran forward at full speed regardless of whether the other party was dead or not.

Suddenly, Matthew felt a thump in his heart, his hands and feet became cold, and he slowly stopped.

Not far ahead, another figure seemed to be waiting there early.

It was a pale young man. Matthew didn't know that Sister Chris had died on him when they returned from the original route, but Matthew still felt a fatal crisis from him.

"Am I going to die?"

Matthew closed his eyes in despair, all the experiences in his life flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

"Here we are!"

"Sister Xiaozi, don’t forget what you said, let us take action this time!"

"Got it, got it!"

Matthew opened his eyes and was stunned.

Several familiar little girls came into view, and a strange creature followed them.

"Are you and that man together?"

Matthew thought of Su Yue, and hope immediately ignited in his heart. If Su Yue was here, he might be saved!

However, no one responded to him.

In the eyes of Xiao Zi and others, the strange human being did not talk to them The qualifications are due to the arrogance of a strong bloodline.

If they are acquaintances, no matter how weak they are, they will be regarded as important existences. There is no hierarchy.

Matthew's mouth twitched, a group of little brats, how dare they not Pay attention to him?

But in this case, he didn't bother to care about it, and continued:"Let him take action quickly and deal with these two guys, they are very dangerous!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Matthew felt a strong wind passing by his ears.

He turned around subconsciously, and a shocking scene reflected in his eyes.

A little girl with orange hair arrived at the side of the dark-skinned middle-aged man at some point, holding a A small branch.

The small branch burst out with an extremely terrifying aura, extremely sharp!

In the violent storm, the man was chopped into pieces!

On the other side.

The man who killed Sister Chris was out of control The ground soared into the sky, and Xiao Bai was like a music conductor, drawing wonderful arcs in the air with his hands.

In the beautiful and passionate symphony, the man's body exploded, and a large amount of residual flesh and blood fell like rain. Under the control of an invisible force, a drop of It did not fall on Xiaobai and others.

Xiaozi and others were naturally immune to this kind of scene. At this moment, their expressions were as usual, without any fluctuations.

Matthew was dumbfounded, standing motionless on the spot, dumbfounded, and his three views were shaken violently.

From today on In the beginning, his definition of a little girl may change dramatically.

Of course, he may not have a tomorrow.

After dealing with those two guys, Xiao Zi and others fell into boredom again, and continued to look for the next fun. Matthew was left alone here.

Matthew had no choice but to find a way out anxiously. Unfortunately, he had no clues in his mind and could only wander aimlessly.

By some strange coincidence, he reached the top of the bell tower, which is a small room.


At this moment, a loud bell echoed, which was particularly abrupt in this silent town.

Matthew shuddered suddenly and closed his eyes in pain.

After a while, a painful feeling Disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes.

Matthew was stunned,"Eddie?""

He looked at the golden retriever that suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.

This is his pet Eddie!

"Eddie, why are you here?"

"Eddie, I thought you were dead, why are you here?"

"Eddie, you know, I've been looking for you for a long time! Eddie was indifferent and his eyes were cold.

Matthew subconsciously took a step back and forced a smile,"Eddie, don't you recognize me?" I am your master Matthew, Eddie!"

Eddie walked towards him step by step and opened his mouth to show that he was hungry.

Seeing this scene, some memories emerged uncontrollably in Matthew's mind.

He once relied on his dog to be a"big eater"" to make money.

He made his dog eat all kinds of things continuously and did"challenges".

Even if Eddie was full, he kept letting him eat. By live broadcasting these gimmick things, he The number of fans increased dramatically and a lot of traffic was obtained.

Finally one day, Eddie escaped.

He posted a notice to find the dog, but it ended in vain.

He thought Eddie was dead.

In fact, Eddie was indeed dead.

He was caught by a butcher, It died miserably.

During its lifetime, it kept eating to help its owner profit.

After its death, it became something eaten by others.

How sad was its life?

Because of who?

Its owner Matthew!

So, it To take revenge, it must follow its master's will and keep eating, and keep eating.

Matthew has no way to escape, and finally becomes the food in Eddie's belly amidst his own screams!

This is his fate, and he has already Destined.

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