Murong Kong was so arrogant that he probably didn't expect that he would die like this, and he didn't even know how he died!

The remaining four Murong family members exploded on the spot.

"You, do you know who you just killed?"

"Murong Kong, that’s Murong Kong! Murong Zhan’s son!"

"You're done! You are dead!"

"No, we are dead! If we fail to protect his son, he will definitely not let us go!"

"Kill this guy and avenge Murong Kong!"

"Yes, kill her to avenge Murong Kong and calm the anger of Murong Zhan and Murong Lie!"


It turns out that Murong Kong is the son of Murong Zhan and the grandson of Murong Lie.

As soon as he came here, Murong Zhan went to look for resources alone, handed his son over to four other strong men from the family, and told them to take good care of their son.

Who knows...

Xu Wei made a prompt decision and rushed behind the other four strong men of the Murong family,"I will use mental attacks from behind to help you. We are now grasshoppers tied to a rope!"

"He must be killed! Otherwise we will all die!"

"He must be killed! Otherwise we will all die!"

The battle lines of several people reached an agreement, and a battle plan was formulated in an instant.

Four strong men from the Murong family rushed towards Su Yue.

They were able to suddenly take action and kill Murong Kong without the four of them noticing. Such a wait. The means are definitely not weak!

What's more, the opponent also has Yan Yuntian and Lin Rong.

Those little girls were not taken seriously by them.

They had to treat the opposing lineup with caution and attack with all their strength.

However, what they did not expect was , Lin Rong and Yan Yuntian had no intention of taking action.

Su Yue faced them all alone.

This made them puzzled and happy at the same time.

The other party was giving a chance!

"take the chance!"

The four of them performed combined attack skills, and terrifying auras soared into the sky. When they met in mid-air, they turned into a ferocious and terrifying tiger shadow.

A roar of a tiger was deafening.

Su Yue took a step forward and stretched out his hand.

An unparalleled impact broke out. , directly tore the phantom of the tiger into pieces.

The four strong men of the Murong family were shocked. The opponent's power exceeded their imagination.

A terrible guess arose in their hearts.

As to why the opponent dealt with the four of them alone, and Yan Yuntian and Lin Rong did not take action!

"Violent blood!"

One person roared and used a secret technique. In an instant, his aura surged, his eyes were red, and both his speed and strength increased exponentially! The remaining three also used their trump cards, and the strong smell of blood filled the air, and the wind hunted!

However, Xu Wei did not give them fire support from the rear as she said.

Taking advantage of their delay, she turned around and ran away, running as fast as she could!

She had a hunch that those four guys would definitely lose!

That man It was so terrifying!

This was her only chance of survival!

Unfortunately, she underestimated Su Yue's power after all.

She hadn't run far when she noticed a loud noise coming from behind.

Torrential flames swept across, heat waves surged, and sand and rocks flew!

The four Murong family members fell from the flames, just like four charred corpses!

A figure rushed out from the flames, it was Su Yue.

Amid the roar of the sonic boom, Xu Wei stopped in despair.

Because Su Yue had already stood in front of her


After saying only one word to beg for mercy, Xu Wei completely lost the ability to speak.

Su Yue grabbed her neck and broke it mercilessly!

Immediately, as if nothing happened, he walked towards the lake

"Start dividing things, don’t refuse, we are a team."

There is no doubt that Su Yue jumped down and stepped into the lake.

Lin Rong and Yan Yuntian looked at each other and nodded lightly.

Xiaolan directly controlled the lake water to form a ladder, and took the little sisters to step on the ladder together. In the middle of the lake.

Su Yue picked up a crystal gem and activated the Great Devouring Technique.

These stones actually have other wonderful uses, but for Su Yue, the biggest effect is to increase the spiritual power.

Therefore, he gave his share Directly swallowing, under the power of the Great Devouring Technique, the whole process was completed in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of spiritual power values ​​were recorded.

When Yan Yuntian and others came down, they found that Su Yue was already standing here waiting for them

"Why are you standing here without moving? Pick a baby."

Su Yue shook his head,"I've already chosen it, you can take your time."

"So fast?"

The two looked puzzled, and immediately began to think.

Wouldn't this guy give up his share for them?

Let them get more just for them?

How kind is this? Is there really such a person in the world?

No matter what , this is a good partner that is absolutely trustworthy!

…… boom!

A middle-aged man with a cruel face was naked from the waist up, and a giant beast fell in front of him.

The sharp muscle lines were like knives and axes, full of violent and domineering aura, and scars were everywhere, showing his pride.

He is Murong Zhan.

He and his son Murong Kong had a secret relationship. If something happened to his son, he would immediately notice it.

"Kong'er... is dead?!"

A surge of murderous intent suddenly erupted!

All the birds and beasts in the area were shocked to death!

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