Lu Chen and Steve… Not Team Steve, but Steve Smith!

The person from the Holy Light Sect who invited Lu Chen for a drink before.

Here, many names are commonly used.

The name Steve is also in such a rank because of the relationship of the American team.

Lu Chen and Steve Smith made contact, worked together for an afternoon, and finally ended it all and came to a place that looked like a café more than a bar.

Light music, people gathering in pairs, booths one by one, bright lights, if it weren’t for the wine they were holding in their hands, Lu Chen really suspected that this was a café.

“You were outside before, so I don’t know, there is no such crazy bar outside, only such a clear bar, everyone gathers together, more for communication!”

Drinking is not the main purpose, communication is.

“It’s not bad, I’ve always disliked those bars in the outside world, and this one is very good!”

Lu Chen’s gaze also looked around.

It was found that those people around me really didn’t communicate a little more.

Of all shapes and sizes!

However, most of them are hobbies and other things.

“What would you like to drink?” I’ll help you with it! Steve Smith asked.

“Beer bar!”


Steve Smith walked to a bar, and Lu Chen found an empty booth, waiting while continuing to listen to the people around him.

There is something quite interesting in a booth near Lu Chen.

One was talking about how cute and sensible his daughter was, and the other was talking about how active and naughty his son was after he regained his mobility.

However, no matter how cute the daughter is or how naughty the son is, these two men all have happy smiles on their faces.

Life is already complete for them!

“What do you think?” Lu Chen was listening, and Steve Smith came to Lu Chen with two large glasses of beer.


Taking a cup of beer and drinking the foam on it, Lu Chen said again: “This place is very good, it can be said that it is very loving!” ”

“It is precisely because of this that everyone likes to come here to experience it when they are fine, and some people who like ascetic practice will also come here to sit down, not for drinking, just to listen to the parents of the people around them and the good life!”

“Their idea is good!” Lu Chen was slightly surprised and said.

“What do you say?”

“Ascetic practitioners have their own persistence in their hearts, and only such persistence can make them persistently firm, listen to everything here, and also in order to strengthen their perseverance!”

“So it is!”

Such a voice appeared on a booth near Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also looked at the owner of this voice!

“Hurley, it’s you!” Smith knew the man.

Hurley had no reason for Smith, turned his attention to Lu Chen, and said to Lu Chen: “I was very strange before, why did the ascetics, who have always been not particularly against us, come here, it turns out that this is the reason!” ”

“Isn’t that what your purpose is too?”


“Although you don’t have too many performances yourself, your purpose is actually this, to take your own beauty as your driving force!”

“Yes?” Hurley was a little skeptical.

He really didn’t notice that.

“Of course there is, it’s just that some of you noticed it, and some of you didn’t!” Lu Chen said.

Hurley was the one who didn’t notice and came by instinct.

And Smith has noticed this.

However, noticing this is completely uninstinctively coming well.

It’s not because of how bad this way is, experiencing all this, similar to red dust refining the heart, this is a very good way, at least you don’t need to torture your body to pure your own faith.

“No matter what, I still think it’s best not to mix some other thoughts here, and the key here is to enjoy such an atmosphere!” Hurley said nonchalantly.

“That’s the same thing!”

Lu Chen did not mention this matter again!

He talked to the self-acquainted Hurley about something else.

Smith was also involved!

It’s just that Smith always feels a little weird!

Gradually, they talked more and more extensively, attracting other people to intervene and join the discussion one by one.

Smith sat on the side, looked at Lu Chen, and unconsciously opened his mouth.

Perhaps, others did not pay attention to it so much, but he noticed that Lu Chen knew too much.

The customs and customs of the south and the north of the world, the customs and habits of all over the world, various interests and hobbies, and even, Lu Chen knows some small languages very well.

What kind of immortal figure is this?

Smith suddenly felt that Lu Chen was quite unusual.

You can master some things, but you can’t help but master a little too much, right?

Are you really just an ordinary person?

Do you say…

Smith suddenly remembered a rumor!

Smith’s breathing couldn’t help but quicken.

However, Lu Chen also discovered this and looked at him with a smile.

“Could it be that you are the early generation of the mysterious army under Her Highness who fought in the outside world?” Smith didn’t resist asking.

Those who gathered around Lu Chen all stopped their words and looked at Lu Chen one by one in shock.

They had only heard of such a person, but they had never really seen it, could it be that this time they were finally going to see a living one?

Lu Chen also knew such a rumor, of course, Lu Chen knew better what the truth of such a rumor was, and he knew who the initiator of everything was.


“That’s right!”

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