I Grabbed 999 Abilities

Three hundred and seventy-seven


Wudao Peak is about one-twentieth the size of Yunding Mountain, covering an area slightly larger than a Zodiac Palace.

It floats in the air like an island, its main body is in the shape of an inverted triangle, and at the top, apart from the sword-like Enlightenment Peak, it is an open square covered with regular bluestones.

On the edge of the mountain, there are green forests and colorful flowers.

Yang Xi led the crowd to land on the bottom of the inverted triangle of Wudao Peak, where there is a path winding upwards.

As for why they didn't land directly on the square at the top, it was only because of Yang Xi's sense of ritual.

But many teenagers and Ouyang Xuan didn't know it, and obediently followed Yang Xi up the stairs to the square at the top.

In the center of the square, currently there is only a three-meter-high stone tablet, and the "Shewu Tu" on it is lifelike and full of charm.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down and visualize "Shewutu". After inhaling enough hunting energy, let the spirit body return and start practicing."

At Yang Xi's order, the eighteen teenagers began to meditate according to the posture of five hearts in reality, breathing three times long and one short, and imagining shooting Wutu.

Looking at this scene that seemed to be preaching in ancient mythology, Yang Xi and Ouyang Xuan looked at each other, and they both sighed sincerely.

Although this whole process was proposed by Yang Xi, Ouyang Xuan also provided a lot of useful advice based on his meditation knowledge accumulated over the years.

Ouyang Xuandao: "Brother Youji, I've been thinking about a question recently."

Yang Xi nodded slightly, and said, "Brother Ouyang, it's okay to say."

"About this visualization, I have been thinking about what it is."

Yang Xi was a little moved, could it be that he just wanted to get out of Ouyang Xuan's secrets from the big bosses, and really had unexpected gains?

"As far as I know, in fact, Mr. Bangbao, Mr. Tongtian and my father, the way they perceive is different, but it is closely related to their own abilities."

"Although they couldn't convey their 'Tao' to us specifically, they also tried to describe it through language."

Yang Xi's ears perked up,

These big guys are definitely beyond the third level, otherwise it would be impossible to protect the human race for so many years, suppressing countless Xiaoxiao and not daring to show their heads.

Yang Xi didn't want to let go of any dry stuff about their secrets of becoming stronger. What if it could help him strengthen his stripping ability?

"Master Blast summed up his way as 'power mystery'."

"Master Tongtian summed up his way as 'the profound meaning of killing'."

"And my father summed up his way as 'Speed ​​Mysteries'."

"I don't know about the other top powerhouses, but I think they can be summarized as a kind of mystery."

"This may be the domain of Tier 4!"

Yang Xi looked at Ouyang Xuan who was talking eloquently, and infinite inspiration seemed to explode in his mind, and the super brain power continuously connected many clues collected recently.

Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness, also fully mobilized to integrate, eliminate, and calculate various clues.

For a while, the entire cloud top space felt a little unstable.

Yang Xi murmured: "That's right, the visualization map is the evolution of Tao, and it is the explanation of the fourth-order powerhouse's own profound meaning!"

Ouyang Xuan also looked at the Shewu stele standing in the center of the square with ecstasy, "This visualization picture even includes what a strong man with supernatural powers realized when he broke through to the fourth level. Mysteries!"

"However, being able to embody his own profound meaning into a painting, this strong man has reached an extremely deep level of comprehension of his own profound meaning!"

Ouyang Xuan also gradually understood why human beings, who are powerhouses of the fourth rank, were unable to express the profound meaning they had comprehended.

It is because their understanding of their own path is not enough to form this kind of visualization.

Perhaps, when Tong Tian comprehended his killing secrets to a certain extent, he casually drew a sword mark on the stone tablet, which contained his killing secrets.

And latecomers who comprehend this sword mark will be able to slowly comprehend his profound meaning of killing. With the correct meditation posture, breathing frequency and energy running route, they may be able to cultivate his horcrux-type abilities!

Yang Xi calmed down his excitement. He never thought that he would be able to achieve this kind of harvest at the beginning of the experiment.

He secretly said in his heart: "I'm afraid, if I want to quickly enhance the ability and break through from the third level to the fourth level, I have to find the secret that fits the stripping ability."

"But I have no idea about the profound meaning of stripping the ability!"

Yang Xi was a little distressed.

Referring to the information obtained so far, the ability of blasting is unknown. According to rumors, it is said to be a very common power-enhancing system, so he comprehended the "strength mystery"; It's related; Ouyang Guanhe's title is Fengshen, who seems to be a supernatural person of the wind element system, and his secret meaning is "speed", which is also very reasonable.

But what are these mysteries, Yang Xi has no idea, only knows a name, his eyes are darkened.

The only thing I can get in touch with now is the mysterious charm of "She Wu Tu", and Yang Xi doesn't know how much he has comprehended.

He couldn't help smiling wryly: "There is a direction, but the point is that there is no way!"

Yang Xi also discovered some disadvantages. Compared with those powerhouses like Blast who only have a single ability, he has too many abilities.

More is not good, and it is really difficult to comprehend the profound meaning by his own strength.

Yang Xi couldn't help but think: "It would be great if the secrets can be taken away!"

But immediately, he quickly denied his idea.

Mystery is a fourth-order field. His ability to strip the upper limit of dark energy cubes is only 43967 units. It is just a relatively powerful third-order ability user. It is the Arabian Nights.

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Anyway, I also have the "Devil Hunting Meditation Method" now. It is impossible. I will upgrade it to 43967 dark energy units, and then I will slowly use the meditation method to improve."

"Maybe this can also raise the upper limit of my own dark energy?"

Yang Xi looked around at the youngsters around him, "Let's see the cultivation effect of these little guys first."

Ouyang Xuan also began to comprehend "She Wutu", and for a while, only Yang Xi, who was wearing a rooster vest, was standing in the entire Enlightenment Peak.

Being idle is also idle, Yang Xi simply went offline to observe the demon-hunting energy that these teenagers inhaled into their bodies, to see what factors affect the efficiency of cultivation.

Even with the assistance of super brain powers, this kind of research on meditation is still too brain-intensive.

Returning to reality, sensing the varying amounts of demon-hunting energy in these teenagers, Yang Xi suddenly remembered the content of Master Daemon's Alchemy Handbook—"Magic Affinity"

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