I Grabbed 999 Abilities

Three hundred and thirty-seventh, let's become stronger for Lord Haizhu!

The hai pig mask shines brightly in the sun.

Yang Xi just snapped his fingers, and a virtual vortex appeared in the middle of the tongue of Bei Hailang.

Under Yang Xi's control, the virtual vortex shrank suddenly, cutting off the tongue of the strange beast!

"Well, the mental power consumed exceeded expectations." Yang Xi noticed that the mental power consumed by this trick was far higher than that of inhaling inanimate matter of the same size.

Yang Xi stretched out his hand and gently embraced the fallen Wang Peining, frowning slightly, "Is it because of the spiritual power of this strange beast?"

"During the process of being sucked into the imaginary world, is the mental power subconsciously resisting me?"

Yang Xi speculated.

Wang Peining regained some strength, and shyly broke away from Yang Xi's arms, with an imperceptible flush on his wheat-colored cheeks, and said respectfully: "I have seen Master Haizhu."

Although the only person Wang Peining met was Suzaku, this did not prevent her from guessing the identity of Yang Xi's waistcoat from the online videos of Shen Hou, Si Snake and other zodiac adults dressed up.

But Wang Peining also kept a little bit of mind, although no one in the world should be so courageous as to pretend to be the zodiac position of the adjudication organization, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If you get scammed, it's a lot of fun.

Yang Xi noticed the slight guard on Wang Peining's body, and smiled lightly: "I just happened to pass by. You did a good job just now. You didn't abandon the civilians and run away. It is in line with our spirit of saving the world in the adjudication organization."

Glancing at the civilians in the half-collapsed shelter holding up their mobile phones and taking random pictures, Yang Xi smiled dumbly, and the people all over the world watched it openly. It's time like this, and they don't forget the live broadcast.

"Okay, take your friends and leave, I think, you don't want the news that you are Tiangang to be known by the whole world, right?"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Wang Peining was startled, because seeing Mr. Haizhu was too nervous, she didn't notice this problem!

Yang Xi saw the female teacher's uneasiness, and patted her on the shoulder to show that she was fine.

Bei Hai Lang clam was still rolling in the sea like a demon, Wang Peining came to Hill's side and helped his dizzy companion up.

Hill looked at Yang Xi's back and asked, "Who is this lord?"

Wang Peining replied: "I don't know, it seems to be the zodiac position of the Judgment Group. If he hadn't appeared, the two of us might have died at the hands of this strange beast."

Hill looked at Yang Xi enviously, how he wished that the strength of the attack could be stronger, in this case, he was the hero who saved the beauty just now!


Quack, quack, quack!

The Beihailang clam whose tongue was broken by Yang Xi's virtual vortex was relieved from the severe pain. Because of the severed tongue, its cry was a bit strange.

Although he felt strong anxiety from this mysterious man, Bei Hai Lang Ha still stared at him with red eyes!

Yang Xi also carefully observed this strange beast that descended from the black cavity. After all, this is a target that can be tried later, and one needs to fully understand the data.

Compared with the powerful beasts on the island chain defense line, this A-level North Sea wave clam is obviously in the wrong state.

"The temper is even more irritable, and it seems that he wants to tear me apart, as if he is being manipulated by something."

Yang Xi also thought of the alien beasts he defeated in the inland Lukang City. They were all irrational and only wanted to destroy.

"Is it really passive?"

Beihailang clam spat out a wave of water at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi smiled slightly, and arranged a virtual vortex in front of him. The water wave rushed in without the slightest stagnation, and rushed out from another virtual vortex that Yang Xi opened behind Bei Hai Lang Ha, hitting Bei Hai Lang Ha's back hard. on the back.

Hit it to the ground for a while, bewildered—why did my own attack appear behind me in the end.

Watching the battle, Wang Peining's eyes lit up. This imaginary vortex is very similar to the method that the organization usually uses to deliver items. I didn't expect it to be used in actual combat!

The background of the organization is really unfathomable, and some details that are usually not paid attention to at all, actually have such a powerful fighting potential.

Thinking that she didn't take the small vortex of the imaginary world to heart at all, Wang Peining couldn't help being afraid for a while, if she was not careful at the beginning, her hand might be gone!

Bei Hai Lang Clam didn't believe in evil, and tried his best to attack Yang Xi with various water-type skills, but he couldn't do any harm to Yang Xi at all.

He used the imaginary vortex to transfer all of them to Bei Hai Lang Ha himself, making it extremely embarrassing.

Yang Xi has also been familiar with some specific situations of the imaginary cube in actual combat applications, and at the same time confirmed the 0.5% imaginary mysteries that he has comprehended.

As the distance from himself increases, the speed of opening the imaginary vortex will be slightly delayed. Although the gap is not large, it is possible for Yang Xi to avoid the enemy he is facing.

Also, directly opening the imaginary vortex in the living body consumes several times the power of opening it in the outside world.

The more vital the virtual vortex is, the more power it consumes, which may be related to the enemy's mental resistance.

Yang Xi had just created a small virtual vortex near the heart of the North Sea Wave Clam, and the power consumed doubled.

"It's best to predict and open the vortex of the imaginary world outside, so that the enemy can directly hit it, which is the most cost-effective attack method."

"Well, I've tested some of the basic skills, and it's time to try the last one."

Yang Xi looked coldly at the strange beast lying on the ground, although its body was covered with scars, its eyes were still fierce.

"It's not my race..."

Yang Xi sighed, and slowly raised his hand.

Hill, Wang Peining, and the refugees on the island all sensed that Yang Xi was going to end the battle.

There is no doubt that the strength of this black-robed man with a pig mask completely crushed this A-level beast.

He just stood there without moving, and all the attacks of the strange beast hit itself.

Lord Haizhu just snapped his fingers and waved his hands casually, and this strange beast would twitch and scream for a while, how miserable it was, and it didn't have the mighty arrogance of an A-level strange beast at all.

Yang Xi opened the vortex of the imaginary world and swallowed the strange beast whole.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he shook his head, "As expected, if the target has a strong will to resist, it is really not an easy task to bring it in."

"If it's a Tier 4 enemy, maybe I'll be a little troublesome, but let's forget about a mere A-level beast."

If Yang Xiruo didn't want to test the various methods of using the fourth-order imaginary vortex, he could easily crush this A-level beast to death.

The virtual vortex slowly turned, and Yang Xi's body gradually disappeared.

He waved his hands at Wang Peining and the others, and said, "Then, goodbye."

No matter when, the voice of Haizhu Vest always has a magical power that makes people feel at ease.

It wasn't until Yang Xi completely disappeared into the vortex of the imaginary world that everyone slowly got rid of this emotion.

Wang Peining recalled the reliable feeling that Mrs. Haizhu was holding her just now.

She couldn't help feeling nostalgic.

The woman in the navel-baring battle suit looked firmly at the sea. From now on, she had another goal, which was to appear in front of Mr. Haizhu with a stronger posture.

Absolutely can't... be so embarrassed again.

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