I Grabbed 999 Abilities

Three hundred and fifty-seven The unitary chicken shot! (2 in 1)

For the appearance of the deep blue commander, Yang Xi was a little surprised,

Although, when he decided to hold the Chenlong resurrection ceremony, he was mentally prepared for the deep blue clan to make trouble.

It's just that I didn't expect that the person who came would be the fourth-order powerhouse, Commander Deep Blue.

"Fortunately, I used up the Philosopher's Stone ahead of time and entered the fourth-tier realm, otherwise I might really have to overturn this time."

At the same time, the mood of the light-eclipsed saint is complicated.

Although he extremely repulsed the notorious dark blue clan in countless planes, but now, as he penetrated into the hinterland of the blue star human race, he was besieged by two strong men of the same level, and there was even a master who couldn't see through his strength. The situation was precarious.

Such a bad situation made him unable to refuse this helper.

After all, the strength of the leader of the deep blue clan is good. With the cooperation of the two, it is very likely that the two natives will be killed at the fourth level.

Through the fight just now, the Light Erosion Saint probably figured out the opponent's strength.

This aborigine named Fengshen probably comprehended 3% of the mysteries of the law, and his rank is comparable to him.

As for the masked native named Haizhu, he may not understand too many laws and mysteries, but his rank is really extraordinary, and the laws fluctuate very mysteriously.

He made up his mind to find the right time to give Hai Zhu a ruthless blow. After all, although the opponent's Law and Profound Truth rank is strong, the accumulated magic power is not as good as that of him who has comprehended 4%.

The spear of purification he used before does not represent his full strength, it is just a move created in the early days!

The deep blue commander entered the battlefield, and immediately rushed to kill Haizhu's clone.

To him, the life and death of the Light Erosion Saint and Ouyang Guanhe didn't matter at all. His only purpose was to kill all the members of the Judgment Organization on the field.

Kill the pig first, then the chicken!

As for the miscellaneous fish in the constellation position and the heaven and earth evil position, just leave it to Chris and the others.

The eyes of Commander Deep Blue radiated a faint red light, and for a moment, everything in the world became extremely illusory.

Under the activation of the Lifeline Mysteries, he could see several ever-changing lifelines wrapped around the surface of Haizhu's avatar!


The scorching blue light lit up, and among the human supernatural beings watching below, some with weaker spiritual cultivation even fainted on the spot!

If someone can check their spirit bodies, they will definitely find that their spiritual power has been severely damaged!

Tong Tian snorted coldly, and the Jue Xian Sword changed again, white sword threads spewed out from this Horcrux, covering the entire scarlet enchantment like spider threads.

With this extra layer of defense, more low-level abilities were prevented from being affected.

Tong Tian took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said slowly, "The moves of the fourth rank of the Deep Blue Clan are really weird."

The good news is that none of the members of the Rangers of the Heroes Association were recruited. They are indeed the elites selected by the Association.

The background of the great power can be seen.


Ouyang Guanhe sensed the purpose of the deep blue commander, and was about to rush to help Haizhu's avatar, but the Light Erosion Saint who was fighting with him relentlessly entangled him, as if he wanted to keep him even if he was injured.

Haizhu's avatar shared vision with Yang Xi, and had already noticed the sneak attack of this guy led by Deep Blue.

A virtual vortex appeared behind Hai Zhu's clone, and he took a step back, about to evacuate from this position.

But what no one else expected was that, as if he hadn't seen the operation of Haizhu clone, the deep blue leader was still slashing fiercely along a curved and changing line somewhere in front of him!

This knife was clearly cut in the air, and it actually cut the middle of Hai Zhu's clone! !


The audience before the live broadcast were collectively shocked. How could Mr. Haizhu, who was playing tricks on the enemy just now, be dealt with in one face-to-face?

"This red-eyed guy is so powerful? Could it be that at Chenlong's resurrection ceremony, we are going to witness the fall of a new zodiac sign?"

"Obviously it didn't hit the target, why was Taoist Haizhu cut in half?"

The members of the Qian family who are related to the interests of the adjudication organization,

It is even more unacceptable to reality.

In their eyes, the zodiac position of the adjudication organization is invincible, but today, Mr. Haizhu was cut in half! ! !

Tong Tian was also a little surprised. He was sure that this fourth-order powerhouse of the Deep Blue Clan never killed Haizhu, but why was Haizhu cut in half?

Only the deity Yang Xi, who is in tune with the consciousness of Haizhu's avatar, knows what happened!

It was not the sword commanded by Deep Blue that cut him in half, but the profound truth of the law!

"What does that line he cut represent?"

Haizhu's avatar hasn't dissipated yet, just took a deep look at the deep blue commander, and the body that was chopped into two pieces disappeared into the vortex of the imaginary world!

The virtual vortex closed completely, and Haizhu's avatar could no longer maintain its own existence, and disappeared as a star point.

The supernatural orb that contained the profound meaning of the imaginary world returned to Yang Xi's body in an instant.

Fortunately, the S-level clone ability can create another clone. As long as Yang Xi is willing, the pig clone can return immediately.

However, when he didn't figure out the attack method of the deep blue commander, Yang Xi didn't plan to let Haizhu's clone join the battlefield again for the time being.

Anyway, Tongtian is here, so he can't watch Ouyang Guanhe die, can he?

Besides, Yang Xi felt that Ouyang Guanhe, a super strong man who forcibly earned the title of Fengshen in the four seas, would not have the ability to suppress the bottom of the box!


The deep blue commander laughed wildly, and went back and forth with the adjudication organization for a few rounds. Today, he finally killed another zodiac sign, and it was still a Tier 4 existence!

For a moment, he felt that the anger that the original organization had received some time ago was swept away, and he suddenly felt elated.

Your ruling also has today!

"Is this guy really dead?"

The Saint of Light Erosion temporarily distanced himself from Ouyang Guanhe, but on Chishuang Island, he also caused this level of injury to Hai Zhu, but Hai Zhu still appeared in front of him alive and kicking.

Ouyang Guanhe had the same thought in his heart as the Light Erosion Saint, and he also had doubts about Hai Zhu's death in battle.

Only the deep blue commander firmly believed that Haizhu was dead. Just kidding, he managed to cut along the lifeline with great difficulty. Even the strong who comprehend the law three times more than him would have to die honestly.

Not to mention this Hai pig.

He resolutely said: "Haizhu will definitely die, you should think about whether you will die!"

Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help asking: "Why are you so sure?"

The deep blue commander glanced at him, and he didn't even bother to answer him. He would casually say this kind of secret that involves his own laws and profound meanings?


Only the light eclipse saint, after seeing the incomparably determined attitude of the deep blue leader, seemed to remember something, stared at him firmly and said: "What you comprehend is the 'lifeline mystery'!"

The plane of Ossaid does not lack the powerhouses of the deep blue clan, and the light-eclipsed saint finally remembered this terrifying secret of the law!

"What is the lifeline mystery?"

Ouyang Guanhe blurted out.

However, the Light Erosion Saint did not continue to answer his question, but silently distanced himself from the Deep Blue Commander.

He and the Deep Blue Clan are not allies, they are just using each other.

What if this guy unexpectedly stabs him?

If his lifeline was cut, even he would have to perish!

The leader of Deep Blue glared at the Light Erosion Saint, somewhat dissatisfied with his exposure of his hole cards.

But it's not a big problem. With the knowledge of these natives, even if they heard the name of Profound Truth, they probably don't know their own attack methods.

"The meaning of lifeline?"

Yang Xi savored the name of the profound meaning of the dark blue command law.

Unlike others, he has experienced in real time the feeling of being beheaded by the moves created by the deep blue with the secret of the life line.

"I didn't have any signs just now. After this guy slashed that mysterious knife, there was a wave of law around my waist."

"It's as if the target can be judged dead as long as the commander of Deep Blue cuts him off and completes a certain ritual."

The corners of Yang Xi's mouth twitched slightly, "Then, just stop him from finishing the cut, or let him deform the trajectory he cut?"

"Okay!" Commander Deep Blue sneered at Yang Xi, "You Chicken, you judged that a Tier 4 powerhouse has been killed in battle. If you don't want to die here too, just obediently hand over the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Otherwise, not only you, but everyone present in your adjudication organization will all die!"

In the enchantment, the members of the adjudication organization headed by Bi Yuewu's avatar, except the magic dragon who is not suitable for revealing their identities, those Tiangang members who rushed over, such as Jiang Ye and others, all had a relationship with several third-order dark blue The family is fighting together.

Fortunately, there are so many people on the ruling side, and for a while, Chris and the others couldn't kill them.

The supernatural beings of other forces will temporarily sit on the sidelines.

Some people who have friendship with Judgment secretly thought whether they should take the opportunity to help, but after seeing the strong strength of the members of the Deep Blue Clan, they temporarily gave up their thoughts.

Anyway, the adjudication organization can still hold on now, if they enter the arena and lose their lives, it will not be worth the loss.

Commander Deep Blue took a look at Tong Tian. He knew the information of this second in the human sequence like the palm of his hand. Although Tong Tian was very powerful, if he wanted to run, he could still do it.

What's more, from the current point of view, Tongtian and the adjudication organization are not dealing with it, and have no plans to take action.

Yang Xi smiled, "Are you threatening me?"

Hearing Yang Xi's tone, everyone was a little puzzled.

Hai Zhu had already died in battle, how could the You Chicken, as a companion, still laugh, could it be that he was laughing out of anger?

Yes, it must be so!

Qian Duoduo was protected in the center of the crowd, and she looked at Yang Xi worriedly. She was afraid that Uncle Youji would lose his mind, and stepped forward to fight this dark blue leader with strange and unpredictable attack methods, and then followed in the footsteps of Lord Haizhu.

Only Yang Feifei, who knows the inside story, has no pressure. She has always been confident in her brother.

In the live broadcast rooms on the major platforms, some yin and yang barrages appeared: "Although the adjudication organization is full of experts, there are still mountains beyond mountains in this world!!"

"Haizhu's strength is indeed very strong, it's not that he was plotted against and killed by being cut in half!"

Someone on the side of the verdict tapped on the keyboard angrily: "You bastards who don't know what's good or bad, why is Mr. Haizhu also a strong man on our human side? He died in battle, and you still have the heart to make sarcastic remarks?"

"What's the matter? Let's just tell the truth. Besides, the people from the ruling organization suddenly appeared, and everyone in the organization is wearing masks. Who knows if they are human!"


"You what you? Me what me? Do you want to fight? If there is a way to report the address, I will kill you along the network cable!"


Because of the activeness of the Tiangang powerhouses in the Four Seas region, many forces have more or less confronted them face to face.

Some of these forces will inevitably suffer some dark losses, and they also hate the Judgment Organization because of this, but because of the strength of the Judgment Organization and the temptation of the Earth Demon Mask, they choose to swallow their anger.

Now seeing Hai pig "death in battle" and You chicken being threatened face to face, gloating at his misfortune, he couldn't help but sneer.

Tong Tian suddenly said: "You Chicken, if you promise to use the Philosopher's Stone to help me revive someone, how about I help your ruling organization survive this crisis?"

After "falling" a Tier 4 powerhouse, Tongtian already felt a little regretful, so his tone was more tactful. As long as Yang Xi was more sensible, he would make a move. As for the ownership of the Philosopher's Stone later, let's talk about it slowly also.

Although there was no real loss, Yang Xi was a little disappointed with Tongtian, the so-called Sequence No.002 powerhouse.

No wonder he is stronger than Ouyang Guanhe, but he can only hang around behind the blast.

This guy has too many flaws in character and is not a qualified human leader.

At best, it is just a powerful fourth-order ability user.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too few fourth-order powerhouses in human beings, whether he can secure the second place in the Heroes Association is still a question mark.

However, for the time being, Yang Xi doesn't have the extra energy to deal with him.

Although this guy didn't have a big picture, he didn't take it directly, and Yang Xi didn't need to tear himself apart with the Heroes Association.

Yang Xi sneered and said, "There are only a few strong people from other worlds, so I won't bother you."

He was too lazy to continue to use the honorific title to Tongtian.

Yang Xi stepped on the metal frisbee and slowly flew into the battlefield.

"Master Youji is about to make a move!"

"You don't know about these Xiaoxiao, youji lord has never lost a single defeat since his appearance!"

"You will never know how strong Master Youji is!"

No matter how others belittle the zodiac strongman of the Judgment Organization, the loyal fans of the Youji Vest always have strong confidence in Yang Xi.

There are so many fans of You Chicken. Apart from Yang Xi's never letting this vest fail, the history of You Chicken's love affairs spread all over the world also played a role in attracting fans.

Whether it is the light eclipse saint, Ouyang Guanhe or the deep blue leader, they can't see the depth of Yang Xi.

In their perception, Youji is a third-order supernatural being.

But a third-level supernatural being is so relaxed on the battlefield with such strong fluctuations in the law and profound meaning, so it deserves their serious treatment.

Ouyang Guanhe even felt that his guess was correct, the strength of this unitary chicken was definitely above that of a pig!

The reason why he can't feel the law fluctuations on Youji is very likely because this guy's comprehension of the law's mysteries far surpasses him!

Yang Xi glanced at the enemy, and said lightly: "You two, it's too late to beg for mercy now."

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