I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 131 Aokiji Admiral, Does Your Face Hurt? 【5/8 For Customization】

There was a slight breeze.

The waves are churning, and there are waves of ripples and sprays, and the ripples spread in all directions.

The warship sails in the endless sea, drifts with the current, and shakes weakly with the turbulence of the waves.


Because of the violent shaking of the entire warship just now, many Marines hit the corners around them with their bodies unprepared, and their heads are still dizzy to this day.

"what's going on?"

"It seems that there was a sudden explosion?"

"It wasn't an explosion, it looked like a battle broke out on the deck."

"Battle? Who's fighting whom?"


A group of Marines began to feel deeply curious, and their exuberant curiosity made them unable to help asking.

The violent noise just now naturally made them think that this must be a very fierce battle. Otherwise, it is impossible to cause such a huge turmoil.

Here comes the problem.

Who fights whom?

Many Marines have many questions.


A result came from the mouth of Marine in the distance, and floated into the ears of all of them.

"Yes, Aokiji Admiral....."

"The battle with Mister Layfon!"

The words just fell.

The atmosphere here instantly became dead silent!

Silent without a sound....

Everyone is petrified.

I see.

Their sluggish and horrified faces couldn't conceal the turmoil of panic in their hearts, which completely fluctuated on their faces.


what's going on?!

Did you hear me wrong?

Himself, have auditory hallucinations?

Everyone's thinking is almost exactly the same.


Aokiji Admiral, the fight with Mr. Layfon?

This joke is not funny at all!

"This joke is too stiff."

"That's right, how is this possible!"

"No, it's not so outrageous to lie."

A group of Marines laughed and chatted with each other.

"This is not a joke..."

"Go to the deck by yourself and you'll see it. Why am I lying to you? I'm lying to you because I have nothing to do?"


The atmosphere here was once again silent.


Could it be possible.

Aokiji Admiral really broke out shaking with Mr. Layfon?!

How is this 727 possible!

The difference in strength between the two sides is too far away, right?

Aokiji, that's the Admiral of Headquarters!

Represents the highest combat power of Marine, the strongest group of monsters in the sea!

Although Layfon is indeed very strong, and they have long admired them, they still don't think that Layfon has the qualifications to compete with Aokiji Admiral.

The gap is too big!

For these two types, there is basically no possibility of a battle breaking out.


This is one-sided seeking abuse!

"Mr. Layfon, is this crazy?!"

Someone asked a question with a confused face.

This question is also a place where everyone feels puzzled at the same time.

Take the initiative to seek abuse?

Is this idle and doing nothing?

Apart from looking for abuse, is there a second possibility?


That's Admiral!

How strong is Admiral?

It was so strong that everyone present couldn't imagine it, and it seriously exceeded their comprehension.

Although Layfon defeated Pokato, Pokato is only Colonel Marine. How far is Colonel Marine from Marine Admiral?

What a world of difference!

"This, if it's not looking for abuse, what else can it be?"

Everyone is short-circuited.

Let a seven-year-old kid challenge the Admiral of Headquarters?

What is the result of this?

Besides being hammered, is there a second possibility?

The point is that they can't understand, because Mao wants to find abuse?

"Looking for abuse? You are still too young!"

"As a result, guess what?"

"Aokiji Admiral, it seems to be second!"

"One cut, Mr. Layfon cut Aokiji Admiral on the spot!"

The following words.

It became a fuse, instantly detonating the audience!

The entire warship boiled and shook completely.


"Aokiji Admiral was seconded?!"

Many Marines were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Those who didn't understand the truth of the matter only felt like a dream.

Good guy!

So dignified Admiral, it was seconded?!

(befh) What's going on with this ride?!

"Are you making something out of nothing?"

"Are you keeping Chen Cang in the dark?"

Countless question marks popped out of everyone's minds.


Aokiji Admiral, got slashed?

Admiral means the top combat power of Marine!

Was spiked?

What an international joke!

How the hell was he instantly killed by a seven-year-old child?!

Ever since.

Inside and outside the huge warship, all the staff were aroused with emotional waves in their hearts, and many Marines stepped forward one after another, rushing towards the center of the warship deck.

Whether it is true or not, as long as you reach the center of the deck, you can see the result at any time!

for a while.

The warship was extraordinarily lively and noisy.

at the same time.

Warship, return center.

Kirby was dumbfounded.

Bellumebo was also confused.

After listening to Pocato's introduction, both of their minds went blank.

Of course they couldn't think of it.

Layfon is unarmed!

This is Armament Haki, not just any ordinary combat technique.

For the two of them, who have not yet mastered Marine Six Styles, Armament Haki, this is a high-end combat method that makes them unattainable!

Never expected...

Such a high-end fighting method actually appeared on Layfon's body!

It seems that the other party has completely mastered it!

"Mr. Layfon..."

"When did you master the armed color?!"

Kebi and the two opened their mouths, their eyes lost their focus.

Well said Armament Haki, is it hard to master?

But why, from Layfon's body, the two of them always have a blind illusion.


Any difficult practical skills have become extraordinarily simple and easy!

Beside the two of them.

Pokato was even more shocked, his eyes were fixed on the samurai sword in Layfon's hand all the time, seeing that layer of black jade-like armor wrapped around the blade.

What else could this be if it wasn't Armament Haki?


This boy Layfon has really awakened his armed color?!

its not right!

Prior to this, there were no advance signs at all!

This kid, when did he learn the armed color?

He is obviously only seven years old!

Who are these people!

Pocato couldn't help crying in his heart.

I have never seen this kid practice Armament Haki before, but who can explain why this kid seems to have mastered Armament Haki all of a sudden?

Got it all of a sudden?

Is it true that Armament Haki is as cheap as Chinese cabbage on the street?

Say you can master it?

what a joke!

Even I am not qualified to contact Armament Haki!

In the end, you told me that you have actually mastered it?!


All the thoughts that finally poured into Pokato's head could only be transformed into this sigh.


This is the only way to describe the Layfon in front of me.

A seven-year-old monster!

Not only is his swordsmanship superior to his own, but even Marine Six Styles is so easy to learn to get started, and he even masters the legendary Conqueror's Haki!

it's good now.

In addition to these terrifying and astonishing abilities, another one has to be added.

Armament Haki!

At just seven years old, master the monster wielding Armament Haki!

"Aokiji Admiral..."

"It's too miserable!"

Turning his head, Pokato looked towards the direction of the damaged warehouse not far away, watching with pity on his face.

The majestic Admiral of Headquarters...

Marine's highest combat power!

Represents the face of the entire Marine!

Such a terrifying existence, but in the end, someone cut him off with a knife!

Or for a seven year old!

Pocato could imagine.

Aokiji's mood at this moment is so sad.

This moment.

Pokato can still recall very deeply how high-spirited Aokiji was before the fight, and he was almost blown away.

stand still?

How many knives do you want to cut?

try best?

Don't hold back?

Recalling these, Pokato couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

"Aokiji Admiral..."

"I'm afraid I even have the heart to die!"

"He must never have dreamed of..."

"Layfon tried his best to hit the knife, and he really hit it!"

"Moreover, Aokiji Admiral himself was given a second on the spot!"

Pokato's mood was still full of shock.

Taking a deep breath, slightly suppressing the ups and downs of many emotions in his heart, he stared blankly at the direction of the damaged warehouse, and all he could see was a small dilapidated ruin.

The warehouse has suffered the huge impact of Aokiji's body, and the gate has been damaged, turning into countless pieces of wood debris, floating in the air and dancing [scattered in the corners of the Shenban under the feet.

Look at it pleasing to the eye.

I can only see the dim environment of the warehouse, but I can't see what's going on inside, and I can't see the figure of Aokiji anymore, as if I have completely merged into the darkness.


How embarrassing!

Pocato is totally predictable.

Aokiji's current situation is so embarrassing.

As promised, Logia capable users are immune to all physical attacks.

Even, Aokiji didn't hesitate to let go of his big talk.

Let Layfon attack with all his strength, don't hold back!


When Layfon really went all out.

next second.

Aokiji Admiral, was instantly killed!

"Aokiji Admiral, how will you end this embarrassing incident?"

Pokato imagined a little bit, if he was in the current situation of Aokiji himself, he really didn't know how to end it is the best.


But was slapped in the face by force!

How could this end perfectly?

I'm going to lose my face!

Admiral's face!

This means...

Marine's face!

This time the face was slapped, and even Marine's face was severely swollen!

"Aokiji Admiral, your face must be in more pain than mine right now!"

"I'm just bragging, Logia Demon fruit power, can be immune to all physical attacks. But, you set an example......

In sharp contrast, Pocato suddenly felt that his face didn't feel as painful as before.

After all, the thought of it.

What the hell, even Aokiji Admiral's face has been swollen...

What is my little Captain Marine?


Isn't it normal to be slapped in the face by Layfon?

No way no way?

No one really thinks that being slapped in the face is a shameful thing, right?

"Here at Layfon, isn't being slapped in the face a habit?"

"I don't feel comfortable if I don't get slapped in the face every day!"

Pocato thought to himself.

Habit is second nature!


Pocato is used to this.

Are there fewer times you get slapped in the face?

Not a lot!

On the contrary, there are many!

So much that Bocato was already numb.

It's just that Pocato can't judge...

Can Aokiji Admiral, who was slapped in the face, survive this hurdle?

In fact, Pokato really wanted to comfort Aokiji.


After a long time, you will get used to being slapped in the face, so don't worry about it!

The time ahead is still very long!

You don't think this is the end, do you?

no no no!

You always have to be clear.

This is just the beginning!

Pokato, who was deeply touched by this, was in a trance for a while.

Seeing Aokiji at this moment, he seemed to see himself before he came into contact with Layfon.

The same innocence......

The same mind is pure...

Came across a total monster!

Then began to experience countless tragic and painful blows...

Since then, Pokato's world view has completely collapsed and distorted!


Seeing the current Aokiji, Pokato was touched.

from now on.....…

I am afraid that I can find someone to keep me company! .

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