I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 145 I Would Venture To Ask, Who Are You, Vice Admiral Garp? 【5/6 For Customization】

well known.

In Naval Headquarters, the lowest-level Marine soldiers are ordinary Seaman Recruit, Seaman Apprentice, and Seaman First Class; they are at the lowest level of Marine, and they are not qualified to wear the "just" Marine uniform.

They only come standard with normal Marine uniforms and hats.


After being promoted from Seaman First Class to Captain, Marines, including Sergeant Cao and Cao Chang, are all low-level high-level personnel, and they can wear casual clothes at will, but they still cannot wear the uniform that represents Marines.

'Justice' coat.

It was not until Lieutenants that a coat with 'Justice' on the back was allowed to be worn with the standard Marine uniform. This class already belongs to Marine officers.


The current Marine status of Layfon.

Naval Headquarters Ensign!

This is the lowest standard for a Marine officer, and it is also the lowest threshold for a Marine to wear the 'justice' coat.


Under the leadership of Kasha.

Layfon went very smoothly, and came to a Marine uniform customization room.

There are a lot of staff here, most of them are middle-aged women wearing the standard marine clothing, some of them are biting cigarettes at the corners of their mouths, looking very rough, not inferior to men at all.

In the huge custom-made clothes room, thick smoke billowed everywhere, which was very pungent.

"Little ghost, what uniform do you want to order?"

A middle-aged woman was biting a cigarette, and glanced at Kasha indifferently.

Kasha was stared at with some hairs standing on end, and hurriedly pointed to Layfon anxiously, and told the truth: "Ma'am, it's Layfon Ensign, and I want to order a few sets of Marine Ensign uniforms."

The words fell.

Many women in the custom-made clothes room looked surprised, stopped their movements, and turned to look at Layfon, their eyes and pupils were full of shocking Han.

"This brat?!"

Surprised middle-aged woman biting a cigarette.

The cigarette at the corner of her mouth almost slipped from her mouth, and her mood was seriously shocked.

What is this?

Just this kid who is obviously only six or seven years old!

As a result you just told me...

What the hell is he a Marine Ensign?!

What international joke are you kidding!

Her thinking briefly showed signs of confusion.

"Are you sure you didn't take the wrong medicine?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Kasha in horror.

"This is a notice from Marshal Sengoku."

"You can take a look."

As if he had been prepared for a long time, Kasha took out an announcement document from his arms, and handed it to the group of middle-aged women in front of him cautiously.

After receiving the announcement, a group of women gathered around and stared at the words above.

quite a while.

Only then did they believe that what Kasha said was true.

This one is indeed from Marshal Sengoku's announcement document, and there is also the marshal's seal in the lower right corner. These cannot be faked.

And the consequences of cheating are very serious!

"My, my God!"

"Seven-year-old Naval Headquarters Ensign?!"

"Am I dreaming?"


A group of women stared at Layfon with their pupils wide open, their faces full of shock.

Of course they never dreamed of it.

The young Layfon turned out to be less Marine!

To know.

Marine Ensign already belonged to the rank of Marine officer. Although he was not in the top position, he was still the mainstay of Marine.

Every Marine Ensign, has become impossible to ignore.

Marine is a huge group composed of these mainstays.

They can't imagine.

How did a seven-year-old be promoted to Marine Ensign?

This is simply unprecedented!

In the past Marine, there has never been a similar example!

They specialize in customizing uniforms for all kinds of Marines, so of course they know more about the detailed conditions in Marines than anyone else.

But they never heard of it.

A child less than ten years old was given the official title of Marine Ensign!

This is so shockingly mundane!

"I said everyone, don't look at me like that?"

Layfon's hairs stood on end while being stared at by a group of people.

After a short period of time, there was a lot of waves.

Everything is on track.

A group of aunts began to measure the size of Layfon, began to record the size, and ordered the uniform of Marine Ensign.

All of this was done in less than ten minutes.

"Ladies, thank you for your hard work."

Kasha looked stiff and serious.

"Nothing, it's all our responsibility."

A group of women shook their heads.

to date.

Their moods were still difficult to calm down, and they looked at Layfon with shocking eyes, and their expressions were full of admiration and awe.

Seven year old Naval Headquarters Ensign!

What a rare example!

They have worked here for many years, and this is the first time they have seen such incredible examples.

Let their mood, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Layfon Ensign, let's go."

Kasha turned to Layfon with a respectful mention.


"Should I go to collect my exclusive Marine Ensign badge?"

Layfon narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little anticipation.


Kasha nodded.

"Then let's go."

The two walked out of the custom-made clothes room, and a group of women watched them leave, and then they looked away, and started all kinds of amazed remarks.

"My goodness!"

"It's really unimaginable that a seven-year-old child is Naval Headquarters Ensign!"

"If this spreads, the whole Marineford will cause a huge shock, right?"

"It's the first time in my life that I saw a Marine officer who was only seven years old. If it weren't for Marshal Sengoku's announcement papers, I couldn't imagine it at all!"

Everyone was amazed.

Seven-year-old Marine Ensign...

What kind of concept is this?!


in their minds.

Those who can join the Marine at a young age are relatively outstanding and outstanding seedlings.

Available today.

They saw it.

An example of not only being young, but also Marine Ensign!

In contrast, those so-called excellent seedlings are simply weak!

"Seven-year-old Marine Ensign...."

"In time, isn't this the Vice Admiral position?!"

"Vice Admiral? You guys are still too young!"

"In my opinion, there has never been such an example of a seven-year-old Marine Ensign before. I can judge. In less than ten years, this Layfon Ensign will definitely be able to hit the throne of Admiral!"


"Seven years old, is Admiral seedling?"

The custom-made clothing room, which has always been boring, also ushered in a short-lived bustle.

Walked out of the custom clothes room.

Layfon just got rid of it a little bit, the feeling of being stared at by the group of women with weird eyes, the feeling of being on pins and needles, made him look very unnatural.

"Mr. Layfon..."

"This side is our accommodation area at Naval Headquarters."

While walking, Kasha took the initiative to introduce Layfon.

These high-rise building groups passing by are the Marine dormitory in Marinedoni.

walked around.

Layfon has to admit, Marineford is really big!

Despite appearances, Marineford is just a sea fortress. But in fact, the internal area is very vast, almost comparable to an island.

There are no less than 300,000 people living in Marineford!

It can be imagined from this.

Marineford, which has a population of no less than 300,000, needs a large area to fully accommodate so many people.

Marineford looks like a small one, but it is actually as huge as an island!

After Kasha's introduction, Layfon also got a lot of basic information about Marineford.

"Layfon Ensign, in our Naval Headquarters. There are several absolutely forbidden places, and ordinary people are forbidden to enter at will. I will briefly describe these places to you."

"In order to prevent you from inadvertently breaking in when the time comes, and suffering from unwarranted disasters."

Kasha looked serious.

"Forbidden place?"

Layfon was slightly curious.

"The first one is over there..."


"In the northwest direction, there is a tall building over there."

Kasha pointed to a building in a certain direction and began to introduce to Layfon, "There is where our Admiral of Headquarters lives today. The three Admirals all live in that building.

"On weekdays, ordinary people are forbidden to approach."

"If you break in at will, in severe cases, you may be treated as an assassin by Admiral and kill him directly. You can imagine how terrifying an attack at the Admiral level is!"


"The place where Admiral lives is listed as one of the absolute forbidden areas in our Marineford. No one wants to feel the terrifying destructive power of an Admiral-level powerhouse!"

"If Admiral really killed him on the spot as an assassin, it would be too embarrassing to die."

Where Admiral lives...  

Following the direction Kasha pointed, Layfon also saw a building.

"What's more..."

"In the southeast direction."

Then, Kasha turned his finger and pointed in another direction again, "About three kilometers away from us, there is a basement, a building complex similar to a factory."

'.~There is our Marine's largest weapon research and development base. The weapons we often use on weekdays come from this weapon research and development base. "

"Its significance represents our Marine's largest logistics warehouse. It provides us with a steady stream of guns and ammunition to fight pirates."

"From this, one can imagine how much it affects our Marine. Naturally, the adults above attach great importance to it!"

"In order to prevent people from wanton sabotage, or spies and agents mixed in."

"On weekdays, this place also prohibits any Marines from approaching. There will be many Marines patrolling around, but if anyone is found trying to approach, they will be killed!"

"Because there have been rebels who lurked in our Marine and tried to destroy our Marine weapon research and development base. This made the patrols of the weapon research and development base more and more frequent."

"And, once they get close, they will really kill us on the spot, and they won't show any mercy."

Mentioning this place, Kasha's face was full of panic.

The weapon research and development base is equivalent to the Marine's arsenal.

It will be heavily guarded, and it is normal for people to be prohibited from approaching.

But Layfon didn't expect that.

Someone actually tried to destroy this arsenal?

"Who wanted to destroy this arsenal back then?"

Layfon asked curiously.

"Revolutionary Army!"

Kasha answered truthfully with a bit of fear in his eyes.

I don't know why.

After listening to Kasha's words.

Layfon suddenly felt that standing here, his back was a little chilly, and his heart felt a little weak for no reason.

Say something.

Are we not members of the Revolutionary Army?


Cheap Papa is called Dragon!

But dragons are dragons, and we came to Marine with Don Garp.

You can't use this absurd reason to think (Nuo Haohao) that you are an undercover agent sent by the revolutionary army, right?

"By the way, I haven't asked for advice yet, what is your name, Layfon Ensign?"

As the atmosphere eased a little, Kasha couldn't help asking curiously.

"Me? My name is MonkeyD Layfon!"

With Layfon's voice just fell.

Kasha was stunned.


This surname always feels familiar to Mao himself!


Where have I heard the same.

So familiar!

Not generally familiar....

I must have heard of it somewhere.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such ears.

let me think about it...

MonkeyD Family. …

Wait, wait a minute?!

As if sensing something, Kasha suddenly widened his eyes, the pupils were filled with horror and shock, he focused and moved his eyes blankly, and finally fixed on Layfon.

This, this is not...

Vice Admiral Garp's last name?!

Vice Admiral Garp, isn't it called Monkey D Garp?!


Are there really so many coincidences in this world?

Both last names are exactly the same!

How can this be a coincidence?

Can a coincidence be so coincidental?


It seems that I have discovered an incredible thing!


This must be too shocking to the world!

Many thoughts lingered in Kasha's mind.


Kasha's throat was dry and he couldn't help swallowing, his eyes widened and filled with horror and shock, and he asked Layfon tentatively.

" Layfon Ensign, may I ask you

"Excuse me, Vice Admiral Garp, who is yours?".

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