I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 158 One Person Singles Out Half Of Marineford! Check In Again! 【6/6 For Customization】

Things are getting worse!

With the appearance of Garp, this small disturbance turned into a major disturbance sweeping Marineford.

All kinds of speeches began to emerge in endlessly.

Regarding the challenge three days later, it also attracted the close attention of everyone in Marineford.


Including a group of veteran Vice Admiral.

Such as, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral and so on.

Even Crane Vice Admiral, Garp's old comrade-in-arms, was somewhat curious and surprised by this.

Rao, as the brain trustee of Marine, she can't see through it, what exactly does Garp want to dare?

Let a seven-year-old grandson take on the challenge of half Marineford's Marine?

Isn't this a joke?

Still looking for abuse?

How strong can a seven year old be?


He couldn't imagine that a seven-year-old child could meet the challenge of half Marineford. She also didn't think that the seven-year-old child could be the final winner in this challenge.

Few thought Layfon would be up to the challenge.

Vice Admiral is below!

That means.

Not limited to Rear Admiral!

in short.

Rear Admiral, you can also launch a challenge!

Just ask.

How does a seven-year-old meet the challenge of Rear Admiral?

Rear Admiral, this can already be regarded as a mid-to-high-level powerhouse in Marine!

Who'd have guessed that a seven-year-old could take on Marine Rear Admiral?

If Rear Admiral can't even do anything to a seven-year-old, how can it be called the middle and high level of Marine?

This is a smear of Marine's image!


Ten out of ten people can be sure.

In front of Rear Admiral, this seven-year-old child is afraid that he will be killed by "827" in seconds!

" Garp is as impulsive as ever, and does things without thinking

Crane couldn't help shaking his head, feeling helpless and sighing.

This is a pain for the child!

A seven-year-old child needs to face such a severe challenge!

what a poor kid...

It's really hard for Garp, who has such a brainless grandpa!

"But then again."

"Garp, when did you have a seven-year-old grandson?"

In this regard, He deeply doubts.

at the same time.

In various areas of Marineford, hundreds of thousands of official Marines are all involved in the current hot topic. I am deeply looking forward to this challenge after the main actor Shen goes.


"Don't you think, these words of Vice Admiral Garp seem to let his seven-year-old grandson fight against half of our Marineford by himself?!"

"When you say that, it seems to be true!"

"Below Vice Admiral, doesn't it represent half of Marineford?"

"And Vice Admiral Garp actually let his seven-year-old grandson try to challenge our half of Marineford, isn't he too confident?"

"Seven-year-old kid fighting half of Marineford?"

"Now I am looking forward to it more and more. Three days later, the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp will bring us a big surprise. For some reason, I suddenly feel that the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp may not be as weak as we imagined."


"Since Vice Admiral Garp has so solemnly announced a challenge, it is definitely not just a joke. Obviously, Vice Admiral Garp is very confident in his grandson!"

"But trying to convince me that a seven-year-old can take on the Marine Rear Admiral challenge? That's not realistic at all!"

No one can imagine.

A seven-year-old child can possess the strength level of Rear Admiral.


Most people don't even think that seven-year-old Layfon can control the Commodore, or even the level of strength of the Colonel!

"However, Vice Admiral Garp only limits people below Vice Admiral. What does this mean?"

"In my opinion."

"Seven-year-old kid, his hair hasn't even grown. Not to mention Rear Admiral's level of strength, even the colonel's and even the major's level of strength, I will be deeply suspicious!"

The moment those words spread.

A small number of strange voices with different opinions suddenly sounded from Marineford.

These voices become a little green among thousands of flowers.

Among the voices, almost all, were that Layfon was not qualified for the role of Marine Ensign. The voices of this small group of different opinions are particularly harsh.

"You know a hammer. Have you ever met Mr. Layfon? How dare you make such an abrupt judgment. Mr. Layfon doesn't even have the strength of Colonel Marine!"

"That's right, you guys know a lot, and you dare to shout here if you don't understand anything."

"Mr. Layfon, you have already defeated Colonel Poccato a few days ago. Those who say that Mr. Layfon does not have the strength of a colonel, you can choose to shut up immediately!"

"People who don't know the truth always think that what they think is the ultimate truth. But in fact, they are just a frog in a well!"

"What's wrong with being seven years old? Can't you be powerful at the age of seven? We witnessed with our own eyes that Mr. Layfon defeated Colonel Poccato at the age of seven. How do you explain this?"

This is partly for the folks who Layfon fights back.


They're all from the Garp ship.

Among these many counterattack voices, there are two people, Keby and Beru Meber.

They can't stand it, people slander Layfon for nothing!

For this reason, they gritted their teeth and stood up to fight for more face for Layfon!

Who dares to say that Layfon is not as good as the Colonel?

How was Colonel Poccato defeated?

This scene was incomparably imprinted in the minds of thousands of Keby and the others, who were spectators at that time, and they would never forget it in their lifetime.

Ever since.

Thousands of voices began to cover every corner of Marineford.

Compared with the doubts of hundreds of thousands of formal marines, these thousands of voices seemed a bit weak, but they still aroused some repercussions.


"You say, Colonel Poccato, was defeated by a little rascal?"

"Are you kidding me!"

"No, it must be Colonel Poccato who released the water. Can you take it seriously?"

"100% release the water, otherwise how can a seven-year-old kid defeat the mighty Colonel Naval Headquarters? And he is the best colonel among the colonels, Colonel Poccato!"

Doubtful voices swept across the Quartet.

Just when Kebi and the others were about to fight back.

Without warning.

Another group of voices supporting Layfon suddenly sounded.

"Who says seven years old can't beat Colonel Naval Headquarters?"

"I've seen it with my own eyes!"

"Colonel Hina, was instantly killed by a seven-year-old child!"

"Can you imagine? It's an instant kill on the spot, not as simple as defeat!"

"You guys are a bunch of frogs in a well!"

These voices come from the Marine Affairs Office.


The group of Marines who witnessed Hina being instantly killed by Layfon at that time.

That scene still left a deep impression on them.

Hina, the dignified Naval Headquarters colonel, was instantly killed on the spot!

The psychological impact of this matter on them still cannot be appeased.

at the same time.

They are truly aware.

What is a genius!

What is a monster!

Layfon, who instantly killed Colonel Marine Hina, is the only person in their hearts who perfectly fits all the characteristics of a genius and a monster!

"Colonel Hina will be killed by a seven-year-old kid? You guys are pure bullshit!"

"It must be that Colonel Hina has softened his heart, or he was off guard."

"This kind of record, of course, can't be taken seriously."

"The colonel will be killed in seconds?"

"Why don't you say that Admiral was instantly killed by this seven-year-old brat?"

Under these voices of doubt.

Thousands of Marine elites on the Garp warship all showed suspicious expressions.

"You may not believe it..."

"Even those of us who witnessed it with our own eyes expressed deep horror at this incident."

"Some of you just now really hit the spot!"

"In fact.

"Aokiji Admiral, was killed by Mr. Layfon!"

"One knife!"

"Aokiji Admiral on the spot!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Aokiji Admiral to confront him!"

The words fell.

The whole Marineford seemed to have fallen silent and fell into an extremely weird atmosphere.

The buzzing atmosphere.

Suddenly, without any prior warning...

Become dead silent!


What the hell?!

what did they hear

Aokiji Admiral, was he really killed in one shot?!

How is this possible!

Even if you lie, you have to make a draft!

Is this really a mouthful?!

The majestic Admiral of Headquarters will be instantly killed by a mere seven-year-old child?

What is the concept of Marine Admiral?

Marine's facade photos!

The top combat power of the sea!

Is it such a terrifying existence that people will be blamed instantly?

what a joke!

Or was it a seven-year-old child who gave him a knife in seconds?

Why not God!

Even if it's bragging, you have to brag in a decent way, right?

There is no need to think about such a lie at all, and it can be judged as false in the first place!

"Kill Aokiji Admiral in one shot?"

"I can't take it anymore!"

"I'm going to break the lies of these guys and tear their faces full of lies!"


"Aokiji Admiral, we sincerely hope that you will take the initiative to stand up and wash away these news and remarks that insult your reputation"

"These guys are simply hateful!"

"How dare you tarnish your reputation!"

"It's so hateful, Aokiji Admiral, please stand up and punish these liars!"

Under the condemnation of many voices.

The development of things has become more and more subtle.

Something weird happened.

Angry rhetoric in the face of these issues...

Aokiji, however, did not respond to any of this.

These angry remarks seemed to have disappeared into the sea, and it seemed that they had never reached Aokiji's ears at all, and they did not get any response from Aokiji at all.

for a while.

Some smart people have figured it out.

Things seem to be a little off!

It's completely different from what they expected!

The key is......

Aokiji Admiral, did not take the initiative to clarify!

This makes things a bit weird.

But make them believe that...  

The dignified Admiral of Headquarters was instantly killed by a seven-year-old child?!

This kind of unbelievable, shocking worldly thing still makes them completely unimaginable.

This is absolutely impossible!

Even if the sky is falling, they can't make them accept this terrible thing.

A seven-year-old child has great abilities, can he kill Admiral in seconds?



Do not!

Even in dreams, there is no such exaggeration!


"Something is wrong!"

Some people think so.

And the other side.

Just when Aokiji was about to try to find out the latest news about the development of this matter.


A wave of dimensionality reduction strikes...

In an instant, descended on Aokiji's body!

It caused a million tons of painful crit to his mind!

"Good guy!"

"I'm riding a horse on the spot, good guy!"

"It's none of my business if you're arguing for yours? Why did it come to me again? I am a majestic Admiral of Headquarters, can you save me some face? Do I not want face?"

"not to mention.…………"

"I'm completely silent. I chose to be a melon-eating crowd lying quietly, and I will be whipped|corpseed by you? Is there any reason for this?"

"Okay, you are all a group of uncles, anyway, I won't serve you anymore. You fight as much as you like, and if you pay attention to the trend of this matter, I'm a dog!"

"Can't afford it, can't I still hide it?"

Aokiji, who suffered an unwarranted disaster, finally 3.2 had to choose to stay at home, locked himself in the room, and no longer paid attention to the trend and trend of this matter.

Last resort.

I have to keep my eyes open!

"By the way, is the arrangement of Vice Admiral Garp really appropriate?"

"Mr. Layfon's strength is not inferior to Marine Commodore. However, Vice Admiral Garp shouldn't let anyone below Vice Admiral challenge it!"

"Wouldn't this make Marine Rear Admiral qualified to challenge Mr. Layfon? With Mr. Layfon's current strength, can he really deal with Marine Rear Admiral?"

"There should be a lot of gaps, right?"

Kebi and Beru Meber felt a little worried.

Layfon's strength is very strong, of course the two of them are well aware of this.

But the problem is...  

This challenge is not limited to Marine Rear Admiral!

That is.

Marine Rear Admiral, can challenge Layfon!

Based on their understanding of Layfon's strength, it seems that Layfon does not have the strength level of Marine Rear Admiral.

"Vice Admiral Garp, I'm really too impulsive this time..."

During the uproar in Marineford.

in a spacious house.

Wisps of golden sunlight fell on the window sill, and the halo reflected on the floor tiles. The warmth quickly filled the air and flowed slowly.

It's very quiet and peaceful here.

It formed a strong contrast with the hustle and bustle of the outside world sweeping Marineford!

Layfon stood by the window, feeling the warmth brought by the sun. He is still in a state of ignorance of the rumors and rumors from the outside world.

This moment.

He only knows one thing, that is...

Finally, it's time for the daily check-in again!.

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