I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 182 What Makes You Have The Illusion That I Am Weak? 【6/6 For Customization】

no doubt.

The development and trend of this challenge exceeded the expectations of 10% of Marine present.

I thought.

This challenge, which has been brewing for three days, will be ended by a Commodore in the most boring manner and at the fastest speed!

But after all, never expected.

This Commodore, was strangled by a ten-year-old kid across the street!

It was exactly the same as the instant kill situation they expected.

But the only difference is that...

The target who was killed in seconds was completely different from what they had imagined.

They envisioned that the target of the spike was the seven-year-old Layfon.

But in reality, the one who was instantly killed was the powerful Marine Commodore Koresi on the opposite side.

The same is spike!

It's just that the person who was instantly killed was replaced by another one, that's all.

It is precisely because of this that their emotional turmoil can be so violent.

It was like a storm was coming, and the beating waves swept across their hearts. Waves of waves surged in their hearts, and they couldn't calm down.

To end this challenge?

Do not!

This is just the beginning of the challenge!


no no no!

It is appropriate to mention the end now.

Accidents always happen silently.

With Ke Leixi being killed in seconds, this challenge has officially entered a more intense stage.

"Koresi Commodore, it's all gone..."

"Then who else can shake this seven-year-old monster?"

"As strong as Koresi Commodore, who didn't even have the ability to resist, and was so easily killed in a crushing posture!"

"It makes me wonder, who else can try to challenge this terrible monster?"

A Commodore whose strength is infinitely close to that of Rear Admiral was given a second by a seven-year-old child.

Next, what level of powerhouse needs to be admitted to shake this seven-year-old kid?

Think about it.

Hundreds of thousands of official Marines suddenly fell silent.

Their hearts were still shaking, and they were deeply shocked by Layfon's strength.

This shocking emotion must make them unable to cool down for a few days.

A seven-year-old child, what is the picture of a spike Commodore?

Anyway, today, at the No. 7 training ground, they witnessed it with their own eyes.

Commodore, was instantly killed by an immature kid!

It seems that there is no way to fight back!

All of this overturned everyone's perception of Commodore.

Say something.

Is the Commodore really that good?

He was killed in seconds by a brat!

Is this really the Naval Headquarters Commodore they imagined?

This is too weak and too pitiful!

"It's not that the Koresi Commodore is too weak..."

"It's the person he's facing, he's too strong!"

"Although I can't believe it, the facts in front of me make me believe it. The seven-year-old kid who killed Koresi Commodore in seconds is Layfon, the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp.

He has the battle of Rear Admiral!"

This fact was heard from the crowd.

Once again, it became the source of the flame that ignited everyone's inner shock.

The seven-year-old Rear Admiral's strength......

What an incredible thing this is!

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they certainly wouldn't dare to imagine such a scene.

But all the things that happened in front of their eyes all revealed that the things they couldn't believe were real examples of what happened.

"Rear Admiral combat power..."

"Seven years old, already possessing such a terrifying level of strength!"

"What kind of monster is this stepping horse?"

Everyone looked horrified.

Suddenly, I felt that Ke Leixi was a little pitiful.

Without any preparation, he was instantly killed by someone!

The dignified Naval Headquarters Commodore, just like that!

They could imagine how depressed Ke Leixi was at the moment.

"Rear Admiral's combat power, this can explain why Koresi Commodore will be instantly killed!"


"He's only seven years old!"


He is only seven years old!

This is the most critical and most terrifying factor.


Layfon is too young.

At such a young age, he already possessed the combat power of Rear Admiral.

What does this do?

No one can imagine what a terrifying talent this person must have in order to make his strength reach the Rear Admiral level at the age of seven.

Many people began to think about it.

What were they doing when they themselves were seven years old?

At that time, they were still wearing crotch pants, and they had to be watched even when they peed!

By contrast.

They looked again, Layfon who had killed the Naval Headquarters Commodore Koresi.


A sense of self-ashamedness was born from their hearts.

The strong contrast makes them feel inferior from the bottom of their hearts.

I am trash!

I'm an idiot!

I was born purely to waste time and the world's rations!

Similar emotions emerged and filled their hearts.

"Seven Rear Admiral?"

"In a few years, will Vice Admiral be far behind?"

"After getting Vice Admiral, will Admiral be far away?"

Thinking of this, hundreds of thousands of official marines were even more shocked.

It's as if they saw...

A template for the youngest Marine Admiral ever!

This moment.

each other, standing in front of them.

No one has ever made them have the illusion that the other party must become Admiral.

But, from Layfon, they had this feeling like never before!

at the same time.

the other side.

Pocato was dumbfounded.


"When did this kid become so terrifying?!"

The trend of things far exceeded his expectations.

He has already made plans for Layfon's defeat.

Can be unpredictable after all...

The one who was instantly killed turned out to be Naval Headquarters Commodore Koresi!

An experienced man who has stayed in the Commodore power class for six years, and is very rich in combat thinking and other aspects.


It was such a strong man, but he was instantly killed by Layfon!

"Rear Admiral!"

"This is the strength of Rear Admiral!"

"Layfon, when did he reach the power level of Rear Admiral?"

"It's not scientific!"

Pokato's world view collapsed.

He obviously knows Layfon better than many Marines who are in the dark.

It is precisely because he understands more and more deeply than ordinary people that he can understand more shockingly how horrifying the world Layfon's behavior is!

Three days ago, it was only Commodore strength.

Three days later, Rear Admiral?!

What is this for?

This is totally wrong, okay!

Only three days, what can you do?

How short three days are!

However, who can explain.

Layfon, why did it take three days for the Commodore to reach the Rear Admiral level?

Pocato couldn't figure it out.

Even if he thought about it, he couldn't think of a reason.

For him.

After three days, even urinating is hard work!

But Layfon, using these three short days, has ushered in such a huge leap in his own strength?

That's out of the ordinary, isn't it?

There is no reason!

Even if the talent is high, this is seriously contrary to common sense.

and many more?

It seems that I have been mistaken all along?

I seem to be judging a monster with the eyes of a normal person?!

...asking for flowers......

Monsters, how can we treat them with common sense?

"What the hell am I thinking about!"

Pocato felt it.

"Colonel Poccato, what, what the hell...

Kebi and Beru Meber also cast bewildered looks.

They also did not expect that the situation of this battle would change so quickly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything."

Bocato opened his mouth, his pupils were still absent-minded, and his face was dull and dull.

"Killed in seconds!"

"A strong Commodore whose strength is infinitely close to that of Marine Rear Admiral, was surpassed by Mr. Layfon!"

"My, my God!"

Beru Meber's lips trembled and he spoke incoherently.

This immediately made Kebi and Bellumebo feel more deeply.

The gap between them and Rema!

This is...….…

Unreachable gap!

"Colonel Poccato, didn't you say that Mr. Layfon is not enough for this challenge?"

Kirby continued to ask.

He was so shocked.

Following what Pocato said earlier, his confidence in Layfon began to shake.


The wavering of confidence has only just begun.

Layfon, it's a second for Coresy!



The shaken confidence was then calmed down.

A bigger wave of shock surged into Kebi's heart.

It was Commodore who was killed in seconds, not some unknown people like cats and dogs.


This Commodore's strength is infinitely close to that of Rear Admiral.

But even so, he was still missed.

It's not that this Commodore is too weak, but that the monster opposite is too strong!

"I remember three days ago."

"Mr. Layfon, the strength is not so terrifying, is it?"

Kirby thought.

At that time, Layfon was really strong, but it was definitely far from reaching the level of terror it is now.


That is to say.

In these three days, Layfon's strength ushered in an earth-shaking change?

Only this possibility can explain the current scene.

"Three days..."

"Going from Commodore to Rear Admiral in just three days!"

Kebi's heart was full of shock.

"I still underestimated this kid's monster-like talent!"

Pocato's tone was full of horror and emotion.

at the same time.

Hina was also confused.

Her pretty face was full of dull and frightened colors.

What the hell?

what happened?

a moment......

Is the victory over?!

Koresi Commodore, just got killed without warning?

Don't even have the ability to resist?

"This, this brat..."


"His strength is at the Rear Admiral level?!"

Only then did Hina wake up.

I was seriously mistaken.

This is not some Commodore power, this horse is a Rear Admiral powerhouse!

A monster who has reached the Rear Admiral level at only seven years old!


Is this true?

This brat is old!

only seven years old.......


Hina's forehead was buzzing, her eyes were absent-minded, and her heart suffered an unprecedented heavy blow.

Located in the center of the training ground.

Looking hundreds of meters away, the dying figure lying on the ground. Layfon slowly retracted the samurai sword in his hand, the sharp blade reflected the sunlight from the sky, and the halo flickered "very dazzling.

Feeling the surroundings, hundreds of thousands of pairs of shocking eyes are gathering on him at this moment.

Layfon couldn't help shaking his head, feeling it.

"In fact, I do not know......."

"What is the reason that gave you the illusion that I am actually weak!".

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