I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 209 What To Do? Stand Still And Die! 【3/6 For Customization】


The biting coldness pierces the heart.

The white wolf Born had goosebumps all over his body, and he felt the creeps.

His eyes were dull, and his pupils were full of horror and horror. His facial expression remained the same without any change.

from his pupils.


An incomparable terrifying slash, the blooming dark blue halo almost completely filled his field of vision, blocking and covering his vision.


"This, this stepping on the horse is actually a slash?!"

The white wolf Born was dumbfounded.

His worldview has suffered an unprecedented impact.

What the hell?

You tell me on horseback...  

This is actually a slash?!

Can the slashes released by the sword hero be so terrifying?


White Wolf Boen never dared to imagine in his life, what level of swordsman he must be, could unleash such a destructive slash!

Before the slash arrived, Born the White Wolf felt it very deeply.

Despair everywhere!

body, unable to move!

The space squeezed, making it impossible for him to dodge at all.

He could only watch helplessly, as the ever-approaching slash and the blooming radiant halo completely obscured his vision.


Thick fear pierced through my heart.

White Wolf Boen has never felt such a strong sense of fear in his life.

And this is only because of the ten thousand areas brought about by a slash.

The slash never arrived before.

The overwhelming aura coercion has completely enveloped the entire pirate ship, and even the white wolf Born, who is wearing the captain, is also the object of the envelopment.

"There's nothing wrong..." 14 "This is the power of slashing!"

"But, what level of swordsman can unleash such a terrifying slash?!"

"Why would a swordsman of this level appear in this ghostly place?"

The always cunning white wolf Boen couldn't help but let out an unwilling roar in his heart.

He couldn't believe it.

How could a swordsman of this level be bumped into by such a coincidence!

Isn't your luck always good?

Why did I bump into such a terrifying swordsman here?

When he saw the terrifying power spreading from the slash, Boen the White Wolf could tell in his heart. This must be a slash released by a swordsman, there is no second possibility.

He has also fought many swordsmen, some of them are as strong as monsters, which made him flee in a panic. There were also some who were crushed and brutally killed by him with absolute power.

But there is no denying it.

White Wolf Boen has a relatively good understanding of Jianhao.


When he felt this ubiquitous force oppressing him, he could make an accurate judgment immediately.

What dominates their entire pirate group is a slash!

All it takes is one slash, and their entire pirate group is on the brink of collapse and destruction.


Just in one thought!

The issue is.

The white wolf Boen couldn't predict it even in his dreams, but here he bumped into a swordsman of this level!

Do not!


The white wolf Boen shook his head fiercely, his pupils were full of fear.

Slash, where did it come from?!

From a warship?!

This is impossible!

Isn't the commander of the Brain Speed ​​warship a kid less than one year old?

Even this kid can be a commander, which shows that the overall strength of this warship is nothing more than that. Then, which swordsman released the slash?

How could a swordsman who could unleash such terrifying slashes condescend to be this kid's subordinate?

This unscientific!


The white wolf Boen held many incomprehensible thoughts, his pupils stared fixedly at the dilated halo of the pupils.

Before the slash arrived, it completely sealed off the direction from which all of them could escape.


how to escape

Under such a terrifying slash, how wide is the range?

Within a few hundred meters, almost all belong to the range of being slashed!

How does this allow them to escape?

This is not a slash against a certain person, but a slash against the entire ship!

Where can I escape?

This is a desperate situation!

The desperate situation enveloping the entire White Wolf Pirates!

"Old, boss..."

"How to do?"

A group of pirates trembled and looked at the white wolf Born with fear on their faces.

Crowd panic!

The entire White Wolf Pirates were in panic at this moment.

Faced with such a terrifying slash, all of them felt deep fear from the bottom of their hearts, fully dominating their bodies.

"How to do?"

White Wolf Born's lips trembled, his expression full of fear.

He couldn't help roaring in his heart.

If I knew what to do, wouldn't I be so scared?!

This force almost enveloped the entire pirate ship!


Not only the white wolf Boen, but all the pirates on the entire ship were in a state of despair and fear, and their expressions were full of horror and froze in place.

It's not that they don't want to move, it's that they can't move!

The surrounding space seemed to be severely squeezed.

As a result, their bodies were firmly imprisoned in place.

The only thing they can do is...

The pupils of his eyes widened, and he stared intently at the terrifying slashes that continued to strike.

The blooming radiant halo almost filled their entire field of vision. In their eyes, they can only see this slash, but cannot see the second object.

"Slash, where did it come from?!"

While the white wolf Born was terrified, he still couldn't understand.

Even in the face of desperation and fear.

He still wants to know urgently.

In the end, which top swordsman from the sea is here?!

A slash of such terrifying power must be a great swordsman with Penultimate swordsmanship!

In the first half of the Grand Line, when did such a terrifying swordsman appear?

And yourself, don't you know?


Why did the other party appear in this ghostly place by such a coincidence?

And launch an attack on their White Wolf Pirates?

Many questions and perplexities lingered in the mind of Boen the White Wolf, which made him puzzled, and he still couldn't think of an accurate answer.

Such a terrifying slash means...

The swordsman who released this slash has a very high level of swordsmanship!

If not.

How could such a terrifying slashing power erupt?

at the same time.

Bring them back such endless fear and despair!

"It's over, it's over!"

"Boss, think of a way!"

A group of pirates who were not willing to sit still looked at the white wolf Boen with hopeful eyes and longing for survival.

The only way they could think of.

It is to rely on the white wolf Boen to get out of danger!

after all.

In the past, when they faced desperation, it was Boen the white wolf who survived the desperation and led them all to escape.

at this time.

The only thing they can count on is the white wolf Boen!

As the captain of the White Wolf Pirates, Bo En carries all their hopes of survival.

They don't want to die!

But in the face of this slash, they appeared extremely powerless and fragile.

They have no way to try to block this terrifying slash.

We can only count on the white wolf Boen...

as always.

Let Boen, the white wolf, lead them to survive from desperation!

at this time.

Facing many eyes full of hope and desire.

White Wolf Bourne's face was pale and bloodless, his eyes and pupils were full of fear, and he kept roaring in his heart.

"If I knew what to do, I would have done it!"

"The key is……………"

"I don't know what to do either!"

"Come and tell me, what should I do?"

"What methods and means should I use to counteract this terrifying slash? In front of this slash, I can't even count as an ant!"

"You guys, how do you want me to block such a terrible slash?"

"Are you kidding me!"

"What can I do?"

"Wait to die!"


A deep sense of despair lingers in the heart of Boen the White Wolf, filling his heart.

If he knew what to do, he wouldn't be so desperate.

him at the moment.

Not only was he shrouded in despair, but his body and mind were also fully dominated by fear.

Facing such a terrifying slash, Boen the White Wolf felt that he was like a drop of water facing the boundless Wang Yang sea.

How to resist?

Can't stop it!

Levels are completely different!

His strength, when faced with this kind of power, seemed extraordinarily fragile and weak.

The prestige of the white wolf Boen is only enough to deter some of the weaker pirates and marines in the Grand Line, and that's all.

But when faced with a powerhouse of this level.

White Wolf Born?

This is a joke!


A group of pirates howled bitterly.

"Stop shouting."

"How to do?"

"You ask me what to do?"

"I'll tell you what to do..."

"Stand and wait to die!"

is the only thing we can do. "

The white wolf Boen gritted his teeth, his expression was terrified and full of unwillingness.

Of course he doesn't want to die if he can!

But helpless...

Can't stop it!

There is no possibility of blocking.

Following the words of the white wolf Boen just fell.

The more than four hundred pirates were all dumbfounded.

Their eyes were wide and round, and they looked at their figure, the great white wolf Born, with fear on their faces.

They can't think of it.

They always thought that the omnipotent boss, the white wolf Born.

This moment.

To say it so frighteningly, to make them wait to die...

"Is there nothing the boss can do?"

"We can only wait to die?!"

"As strong as the boss, there is nothing you can do?"

Unprecedented fear quickly filled the bodies and minds of more than four hundred people.

They see it for the first time.

Even their boss, the white wolf Boen, would reveal such a sense of despair and powerlessness!

They are the White Wolf Pirates!

Unexpectedly, didn't even see the face of the enemy?!

Then it will be wiped out?!

If they hadn't experienced it personally, they certainly wouldn't dare to imagine such a terrifying thing.

The key is.....…

where is the enemy

Who is the enemy?

Which top swordsman released the slash?

Which top swordsman did they offend?

All of this, they are unaware of.

It makes them feel like...

Confused, they are fully dominated by fear and despair!

Inexplicably, they are facing the fate of being wiped out and subverted!

Even, they never saw it.

Who the hell released this terrifying slash?!.

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