I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 52 Is The Psychological Quality Of The Pirate Offering Hundreds Of Millions Of Rewards So Po


Rabitz stared at Layfon tightly, not daring to move his eyes, his face was full of vigilance and fear, and he clenched his fists, revealing the panic in his heart.

Although I don't know the exact strength of Layfon.

But obviously.

Since the other party was able to do it strangely, in a split second just now, more than three hundred people's terrifying feat

From this it can be inferred with certainty.

The opponent's strength is definitely not simple!


Marine has no reason to send someone to die!

until now.

Only then did Rabitz understand that Marine's intentions are sinister!

Not to send people to die, but to send people to send them to die!

Even though he already knew the ins and outs of the matter, Rabitz still couldn't imagine that a kid who was only six or seven years old actually controlled the terrible methods just now!

It's incredible!

"You did what happened just now?"

Rabitz took a deep breath, suppressing the strength in his heart.

"They are really too noisy, I will help you to quiet them down for a while. I think you should have no objection to "047", right? Besides, in this way, as I guessed before, I really went smoothly I found you!"

"The captain of the White Bear Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of 110 million Berry, White Bear Rabitz."

Layfon looked at Rabitz with a smile.

This method is indeed very effective!

Not only let those annoying guys lie down.

It also allows him to identify who is the captain of the White Bear Pirates at the fastest speed!

Before and after, only a few seconds passed.

Conqueror's, sure enough, is a good thing!

"It really is you!"

Rabitz's face was full of caution, and his shocking emotions could not be cooled in a short time.

A six or seven year old kid!

But it did, the weird behavior just now.

All of this had to be treated with caution.

Although the other party is only six or seven years old!

But everything the other party did was beyond what a six or seven-year-old child could do.

If he was treated with a normal mentality, Rabitz felt that he might die a miserable death!

Marine, you really are a group of insidious and despicable guys!

did not expect.

This little ghost sent here has such terrifying strength and means!

"You, what did you do to them?"

Standing beside Rabitz, several pirates looked at Layfon in fear.

Their foreheads are still buzzing to this day.

What just happened?!

Can't fathom!

They can't think of a reason at all.

just feel...

This kind of thing happened too weirdly!

What kind of power can kill hundreds of people in an instant?!

This is too exaggerated!

Their knowledge and experience limit their thinking.

In any case, it is hard for them to imagine what caused such a weird thing.

"Don't worry, just let them sleep quietly for a while. But speaking of it, do you still have time to worry about others? Now you should be worried...

"It's not them, it's yourselves!"

Layfon smiled.

"Be careful!"

"This brat is terrifying!"

Rabitz's earnest and earnest opponent issued a warning.

Even though he was a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions, facing all the current events, he didn't dare to treat Layfon carelessly.

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way."

Layfon twisted his arm, and slowly raised the warrior Wan in his hand.

The golden sun was shining from the sky, and the blade reflected a little light on Wang's sharp blade, which was incomparably dazzling.


Layfon made a move.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to react!

In situ, leaving only an afterimage.


Layfon kicked his feet and the figure disappeared.

"So fast!"


Rabitz's face was full of shock, his eyes turned wildly, trying to catch Layfon's figure.

next second.


A cloud of blood mist flew all over the sky.

The head of a pirate rolled on the deck.

Blood spurts!

Bloodline spilled on Rabitz's back, making his hairs stand on end.


Unparalleled fear swept his body.


A pirate fell.

This is………

A headless corpse!

"Dead, dead?!"

The three surviving pirates looked horrified, looking palely at the corpse lying on the ground.

None of them responded!

Do not!

Even, they couldn't see clearly what happened just now.

One face to face, one of them died!

Until the moment the body fell down.

They just noticed.

Between them, someone died!

too fast!

Too fast for them to react.

"Okay, so scary!"

"This guy is a monster!"

The surviving pirates trembled with fear on their faces.

Their faces have been completely filled with a strong color of fear.


Their mentality has seriously collapsed.

For a moment, I was relieved!

This makes them, how can they have the courage to face this monster?!

The difference in strength is too great!

They couldn't even see the figure clearly!

"Wh, what about people?!"

Rabitz clenched his fists tightly, his forehead sweating profusely.

no doubt!

He can be 100% sure.

This is the first time he has faced such a terrifying opponent!

Although, the other party is only six or seven years old!

But this strength made even Rabiz feel deeply hopeless...

Can't be shaken!

"Does a six or seven-year-old kid have such terrifying strength?"

"Marine, how on earth did these bastards breed such a monster!"

"He's only six or seven years old!"

Rabitz couldn't help but let out a hysterical growl in his heart.

A six or seven-year-old kid actually controls such a terrifying level of strength.

How do they live!


Another cloud of blood splattered.


A pirate fell again.

A head, tumbling in mid-air, presented a parabola in front of Rabitz's eyes, and finally fell to the corner of the deck fence not far away, and tumbling several times before it stopped.

The pungent smell of blood wafted into the air.

"I, I can't even see where he is!"

"How to fight this?!"

Rabbits was horrified to perceive this fact.

The emotion of fear took root in his heart, but it was quickly magnified infinitely!

as if.

He is alone, in a dark lair where he can't see his fingers. He is the only one standing here alone, completely unable to see any surrounding environment.

In this situation.

The moment when there is a ray of fear in my heart.

That means.

It will not be too far away from being completely dominated by the emotions of fear!



Two corpses were born one after another.

Of the huge pirate ship, only Rabitz is still standing.

The other four pirates who were lucky enough not to lose consciousness under the impact of the Conqueror's were all instantly killed in less than ten seconds!

No ability to resist!


They couldn't even see Layfon's figure, and their heads were separated!

"Little devil, get Laozi out!"

Rabbits mentality 3.6 has broken down.

He clenched his fists tightly and frantically waved his fists around, as if venting his inner fear, more like psychologically comforting himself.

"Anyway, you are also a great pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions of Berry..."

"Psychological quality, so poor?"

"It was an eye-opener for me."

With a smile on his face, Layfon appeared less than five meters in front of Rabitz.

He was holding a sharp samurai sword in his hand, the blade was already stained with blood, and the entire blade was completely soaked in bright red Bloodline.


A knife just out of the pool of blood.


Blood, slipping from the blade, fell on the deck beneath his feet.

The pungent smell of blood quickly merged into the surrounding air, drifting with the wind, wandering in all directions.

at this time.

Layfon, holding a blood-stained samurai sword, is only seven years old. But it gave the great pirate Rabitz, who had a bounty of hundreds of millions of Berrys, an endless sense of oppression.


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