I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 92 It's So Flashy, It Can Be Broken With One Knife! 【48 For Customization】


A gloomy atmosphere lingered above Lu Qi and the others.

A group of seven people, all the elite of CP9, gathered here!

And standing in front of them less than twenty meters away.

It's just a very young and immature child holding a samurai sword. He is only six or seven years old, but it is enough to give Lu Qi and the others an endless sense of oppression.

"He, he actually learns without damage?!"

Lu Qi's pupils shrank, and he stared at Layfon's chest suspiciously.

Six Styles, can't cause too much damage to the opponent?!

What monster physique does this guy have?!


"and many more?!"

"At the critical moment just now, he knew he couldn't dodge it, as if he used Marine Six Styles' Iron Body?!"

"No wonder!"

"Just now when the Six Kings Spear was fired, I felt something was wrong."

"The power released by the Six Kings Spear seemed to be dissolved by the skin of his body, but not all of it penetrated into his body for destruction."

Lu Qi quickly figured out the key point.

However, when seeing Layfon's mental outlook without major injuries, Lu Qi's mood was still extremely shaken, and it was difficult to calm down.

Six styles?


This guy, like them, Grandmaster Marine Six Styles!

And the attainment does not seem to be low!

At least, it doesn't look weaker than them!

"Be careful!"

"This monster is also Grandmaster Six Form!"

"Moreover, the attainment is very high, so it may not be inferior to us.

Lu Qi took a deep breath, and gave his instructions seriously and solemnly.


Kalifa and the others standing behind Lu Qi were a little terrified.

How many years did they practice before they mastered the six forms of their current attainments?

But the Layfon in front of him has only been in contact with Six Styles for a few years?

Even if you start practicing in the womb, it will not exceed seven years!

The other party actually mastered the six movements, is it similar to theirs?

This is a bit shocking to the world!

There is a gap of 733 in talent between people, how can it be so big?!

this moment.

They suddenly understood it deeply.

"Don't act alone, otherwise, you will really be killed by him."

"Our greatest advantage is the group action, and the rest will interfere with him. The main force is constantly trying to attack his weak points."

"Give full play to our strengths and fill our vacancies!"

Lu Qi is a very good leader.

under his command.

Everyone in CP9 performs their own duties, and each person is responsible for a different attack direction, so as to achieve a complementary effect and a seamless cooperation.

This group fighting thinking and cooperation is what Layfon cannot see from the Straw Hat Pirates.

Only this group of outstanding agents, who have been trained for more than ten years, can achieve such perfect cooperation, impeccable, and almost no loopholes at all.

"This monster, you have to be serious."

"Be careful, don't be too careless!"

"We had the upper hand just now, maybe it was just because of his carelessness."

Lu Qi frowned tightly, never daring to relax.

Although, he thought.

In this battle, their CP9 will definitely win!

But he will not be so arrogant that he ignores the threat of Layfon in front of him!

Layfon, very strong!

Among the people Lu Qi has met, Layfon can be said to have left a deep impression on Lu Qi no matter in terms of strength or talent.

Only seven years old, but able to fight against their entire CP9 alone!

Such a feat, who can follow in the sea?


There is only one example, standing before their eyes at this moment!

"This punch..."

"Hits right into my heart!"

"It also woke me up completely. After all, I still don't pay enough attention to you."

Layfon had an intriguing smile on his face.

The monstrous sharpness, released from his body!

this moment.

Layfon is the real serious state.

He put all his energy into it, without any slack (beef) or carelessness, he was highly concentrated and focused, staring intently at CP9 in front of him.

Feeling the majestic sense of oppression emanating from Layfon, Lu Qi and the others became even heavier.



It's just the aura, but it keeps impacting their fighting beliefs and wears down their fighting beliefs, making them more and more depressed.

"This guy......"

"Now is it serious?!"

CP9's hearts sank.


A dark alley, empty and spacious.



Water stains accumulated on the rusty water pipes next to the corners, which fell from a high altitude.

That moment...

Layfon made a move.


Layfon's figure disappeared out of thin air on the spot.

Layfon, holding a samurai sword, approached Lu Qi and the others at a terrifying speed.

In the eyes of Lu Qi and the others, Layfon approaching at high speed seems to have achieved the effect of teleportation!


Lu Qi's eyelids twitched crazily, and he shouted loudly.

He's the first to go!

"I found you!"

Lu Qi narrowed his eyes.

He quickly caught Layfon's figure.

"Finger Pistol Madara!"

Lu Qi's hands are running at high speed, all the power is gathered at the fingertips of both hands, and the fingertips rush forward rapidly, showing countless afterimages, like bullets "the uncovered original volume of the hail of bullets.

It is like a downpour, venting down from a high altitude.

Every corner is blocked!

Lucci's Finger Pistol, showing a wide range of high-speed attacks!

"Knew it!"

"The six moves are in front of you, and the effect will still be greatly reduced."

Layfon wasn't too surprised.

Every outstanding agent of CP9 is basically a Grandmaster Marine Six Styles, so they are naturally very proficient in the use of Marine Six Styles.

And when Layfon casts Marine Six Styles, it is understandable that Lu Qi will see it in advance.

I know the tricks of Grandmaster, so I naturally know where the flaws and shortcomings of the tricks are.

Facing Lu Qi's Finger Pistol's crazy attack, Layfon raised the blade in his hand, and Tian Fen lightly blocked it in front of him.

The blade collided with Lu Qi's Finger Pistol, as if the steel plates were rubbing against each other, a dazzling fire flashed, and a terrifying and strong air blast swept across the four directions.

"It was always you who attacked."

"Now, it's my turn."

Layfon smiled.

Raise the blade in your hand...

Fight back, start!

"not good!"

Lu Qi was shocked, only feeling a majestic sense of oppression sweeping his body.

The strong sense of crisis made his back feel cold and he broke out in a cold sweat!

Layfon made a move.

With the blade in hand, it is as if you have your own thinking and wisdom, as if you are alive!

The katana, turned into Layfon's arm, is manipulated very skillfully!

The knife flashes!

Before Lu Qi reacted, the blade had already reached the top of his forehead.

"So fast!"


Lu Qi's expression changed dramatically.

Layfon's swordsmanship is too Penultimate!

Although there are no fancy sword skills, the simplest and purest sword skills are enough to make Lu Qi hard to guard against.

"Life returned..."

"Tempest Kick!"

Kumadori manipulated the hair, trying to wrap it around Layfon's arms.

And Kaku's Tempest Kick, the blooming cyan slash, has arrived at Layfon's side.

"The same trick..."

"Want to use it a second time?!"

"Then you underestimate me too!"

Layfon's eyes flashed, watching the pink hair sweeping towards him, forcibly interrupting the sword move that was about to attack Lu Qi.

The blade in his hand slashed across.

The air seems to be split!

The space almost squirmed.

This knife is too fast!

The cold light flickered.

A layer of purple sword energy was wrapped around the blade, which contained extremely surging and violent power.

One knife, swing down!

call out!

The purple terrifying slash that was brewing and condensed was released from the blade in an instant.



Shine in the sky!

This terrifying slash directly penetrated the forward charge, exuding a violent force that crushed the air.

Slash, aimed at Kumadori.

Even the Tempest Kick released by Kaku, that cyan-colored slashing power, when touched by Layfon's purple slashing, showed huge cracks, and was finally crushed into nothingness.

"Tempest Kick..."

"It was, destroyed in an instant!"

Kaku's face was full of horror, his eyes widened.

The Tempest Kick he released with all his strength was defeated in an instant!

"Be careful!"

Kalifa, Jabra and others looked back in horror and shouted in the direction of Kumadori.

Slash, infinitely magnify from the pupil!

Kumadori stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at Slash approaching in front of his eyes!


It's getting closer!

He could feel the majestic and boundless aura of violent power emanating from the slash, enveloping his body in an all-round way.

Body, can't move!


The overwhelming oppression is squeezing every cell in the body.

He noticed it with horror.

He couldn't dodge this slash!

this moment.

Only then did Kumadori truly feel how terrifying the oppression brought by Layfon is!

This slash made Kumadori smell it.

Threat to hope!

"Life Returned..."

Kumadori shouted in horror.

He hastily urged his pink hair, quickly retracted his pink hair, retracted and floated around his body.

And under his control.

Clusters of pink hair quickly wrapped around his body.


His body was entwined by pink hair into a mummy-like shape, completely surrounding his body, seemingly adding a layer of indestructible defense.

"Iron Body Steel!"

Two kinds of six styles, fully activated by Kumadori.

Strength, gathered in every cell of the body, flows in the blood of the body, adding a higher defense to Kumadori!

Life return and Iron Body, two six-style superposition!

Let Kumadori resist the slash released by Layfon head-on.

The purple slash burst out with majestic power, and the aftermath of the ground where it passed, the aftermath spread, and the ground was forcibly torn apart to open a series of hideous gaps and cracks.



The cracks cracked and spread like spider webs.




The ground seemed to be crumbling at any moment. Under the aftermath of the slash, the floor tiles under his feet trembled and shook slightly.


This terrifying slash hit Kumadori's body from the front!


The terrifying slash that emitted dazzling light hit Kumadori's body mercilessly.

With a bang.

Terrifying power swept Kumadori's body fiercely, and the violent power contained in the slash was fully released, and all of them exploded in an instant.

Pink hair, brought back to life by Kumadori, wrapping his own body like a mummy.

But in an instant.

Life Return manipulated the layer of defense formed by the hair, but was torn apart by Layfon's slash without any hindrance.



Slashing the violent power of the bloom, it tore Kumadori's pink hair wrapped around his body on the spot!

The so-called return of life...

The so-called means of defense!

When faced with the slash released by Layfon, all of these will appear weak and vulnerable!

For a moment...

Total shreds!

The gaudy means have been broken since the day of the knife!.

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