I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 94 Cp9 Is The Strongest In 800 Years? That's It? 【68 For Customization】

The battle situation is changing too fast!

Lu Qi and the others were completely unpredictable. In the battlefield of less than a few minutes, they had already lost a top combat force with relatively high strength.

The battle broke out within a few minutes, but they lost one member!

What is this concept?

They dispatched a total of seven people from CP9, and now one of them has been directly killed in a second. So far, life and death are still uncertain, but obviously they can no longer intervene in the next battlefield.

It's only a few minutes away!

It was still killed by the monster on the opposite side when their group joined hands to besiege!

Not one-on-one, but gang fights!

Even if it's a group fight, the other party will be defeated in an instant!

"Be careful!"

"That monster..."


Lu Qi's heart was heavy, and his pupils were filled with depression.

Kumadori is second!

If you are not careful in the future, there will definitely be a second person who will be killed in seconds among them!

"Strong as a monster!"

"It's unbelievable that this guy is only seven years old!"

Kaku clenched his fists tightly, and a dark and dark psychological shadow wrapped around his heart, which could not be erased.

At only seven years old, they are enough to compete with their entire CP9, seemingly evenly matched!

This kind of freak is standing in front of them at this moment!

If they hadn't witnessed and experienced it with their own eyes, of course they would never have imagined that such an unimaginable monster actually existed in this sea.

So horrifyingly mundane!


that moment...

In their eyes, Layfon's figure disappeared in place "six four three".

Disappear out of thin air!

No sign!


too fast!

It was so fast that Lu Qi and others couldn't react.


Kaku gasped, his pupils turned quickly, trying to catch Layfon's figure.

Stand by his side.

Jabra, Kalifa, and the others all worked up their spirits one after another, their spirits were highly concentrated, their bodies were tense, and every cell was under great pressure.

"Tempest Kick!"

Kaku's eyelids twitched and caught a phantom in front of him.


He swept forward with one foot.

Cyan's power, similar to a slash, was swiftly thrown out from his right foot.

call out!

The cyan slash released by Tempest Kick sliced ​​through the sky, tearing the air as if torn apart, and pierced through the front sharply with a piercing sound.

It's a pity that what hit was just a mass of empty air.


The cyan slash pierced through a dilapidated building not far away. The sharp cutting force directly pierced through the surface of the wall, piercing into it instantly like cutting through a thin tofu.

The entire building was forcibly cut with a slanted gap, and a huge damaged wall that was cut was tilted sideways from a high altitude.


A large stone slammed hard on the floor tiles, and there were deafening bangs, and the ground under the feet seemed to be trembling like an earthquake.

The atmosphere is depressing!

The icy air wrapped around the bodies and minds of Lu Qi and the others.

They didn't dare to be careless, and stared at the surrounding environment with both eyes. Back to back, the six of them formed a formation that could be attacked, retreated and defended.


Right in front of Lu Qi.

The figure of Layfon appeared slowly.

From tens of meters away, it seemed to appear in front of Lu Qi instantly.

It's like teleporting!

Almost to Ultimate!

"Finger Pistol!"

Lu Qi's pupils shrank, and his expression changed dramatically.

He didn't have too many words, the power surged from his body rapidly, and all of it rushed to his arms, gathered in the fingers of both hands, and the fingers of both hands turned into steel, stabbing continuously in front of him.

Like a downpour, it vents from a high altitude.

The overwhelming Finger Pistol turned into bullets and swept across Layfon in front of him.

"I said it before."

"The same trick, don't use it a second time!"

"You really don't have a long memory!"

Layfon's eyes twinkled and he smiled playfully.

With a sideways movement, he easily dodged Lu Qi's overwhelming Finger Pistol attack.

The samurai sword in his hand was slowly lifted by him.

Sharp blade, flashing cold light!

A faint smell of blood emanates from the blade, sweeping in all directions.


Not good!

Lu Qi's face changed dramatically, trying to back off and keep a safe distance from Layfon.

But Layfon is too fast, close!

Let Lu Qi, there is no way to hide!


At this time.

Only then did Kaku and the others beside Lu Qi react, their eyes were full of horror, their hands and feet moved very swiftly, without any muddling.



Kaku immediately shaved and tried to get close to Layfon.

Jabra stepped on the Moonwalk and had already vacated the position above the Thunderbird's head.

"Air door!"

Blueno slowly opened an air door, and the whole figure disappeared in place. The moment he opened the door again, he was already behind Layfon.

All directions, all besieged!

All CP9 members are dispatched together!

"Do it!"

Lu Qi suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and hurriedly drank.

"Finger Pistol!"

"Iron Body‧Spike Fang!"

"Body door!"

Kaku, Jabra, and Blueno attacked Layfon at the same time.

Eyes turn.

Layfon naturally noticed that these three people had appeared around him, and launched a very fast and fierce attack on him.

However, he did not flinch.

The blade in his hand seemed to be born with wisdom, held by Layfon in his hand, and turned into a flexible arm, slashing in all directions while shining light.




The attack of the three at the same time was easily resolved by Layfon.

The blade in his hand stopped Kaku and Jabra very simply.

"Iron Body?"

"I can do it too!"

A smile crept across Layfon's face.

The strength of the body emerges and gathers on the right foot.


He suddenly kicked Kaku in front of him.

"not good!"

Kaku's face changed slightly, and he was trying to avoid it.

Can't escape!

Layfon is so fast!


This kick hit Kaku's waist fiercely.


Kaku was full of energy and blood on the spot, vomited blood, his eyes were wide and bloodshot, his facial features almost became distorted, and the tingling sensation spread from his waist to his whole body.

The entire waist ribs seemed to be crushed!


The heart-piercing pain made Kaku unable to bear the pain and howl.

at the same time.

A huge force passed from his waist and enveloped his body, knocking his whole body tens of meters away, hitting the edge of the dilapidated building wall behind him.


There were loud noises from the whole building.

The floor tiles under his feet seemed to be shaking and shaking constantly.

The dilapidated building endured the impact of Kaku's body, and the aftermath of the explosion quickly cracked and spread in all directions, quickly destroying the building.

Pieces of broken wall fragments slanted and fell sideways from the high altitude, and fell to the corners in all directions.

for a while.

The smoke and dust billowed, and the attack rose.

And Kaku's figure was already buried in that cloud of smoke and dust.

"Kaku, have you been seconded too?"

Lu Qi was shocked.

"Damn it!"

Jabra withdrew his shocking eyes and attacked Layfon again.


Blueno also reacts very quickly.

"You are responsible for interfering with and trapping his actions, and I will attack!

Lu Qi ordered immediately.


Jabra and Blueno properly distanced themselves from Layfon, staring at Layfon intently with killing intent and coldness on their faces.

"One on one?"

"It's not that I underestimate you, can you really do it?"

Layfon looked at Lu Qi in front of him with a smile.

The blade in his hand shone coldly, bringing endless pressure to Lu Qu and the others!

Compared to Layfon's Marine Six Styles...


Layfon's superb swordsmanship is what makes them value it!

Layfon's sword skills are too high!

Let Lu Qi and the others completely fail to keep up with Layfon's sword skills!

If it was just pure Marine Six Styles, they certainly wouldn't be in such a mess... But on the basis of Marine Six Styles, Layfon still has such proficient sword skills, which is completely different.


Lu Qi disappeared instantly.

next second.

He appeared beside Layfon.

"I see you."

"Shave? Actually, I can too, and I'm a Grandmaster!"

"Maybe, the attainments are much higher than yours!"

Layfon smiled.

His figure disappeared in place.

Before Lu Qi's attack was launched, he abruptly stopped. Looking at the area where Layfon disappeared in place, his eyelids twitched crazily.

A strong sense of crisis swept through every cell in his body.


shouted loudly.

Lu Qili turned around swiftly, without the slightest doubt or hesitation, his fists closed together, all the power emerged from his body, and condensed in the fists of both fists.

"Six Styles..."

Six Kings Spear!"


Terrifying power erupted from both fists.

The surrounding space seemed to usher in signs of weak movement.

Lu Qi stared at his eyes tightly.

as predicted!

The figure of Layfon stood in front of Lu Qi, and faced Lu Qi's signature six-king gun head-on again.

But at the moment.

Layfon did not panic, but calmly raised the samurai sword in his hand, the blade shone coldly, and placed the blade horizontally in front of him.

Raise the knife and cut it off!


The purple sword energy is wrapped around the blade.

Gathering strength, constantly brewing and concentrating.

Then, he was instantly released by Layfon!

Slash, forced out from the tip of the knife!

The berserk power found a breakthrough, and all of them crazily rushed straight ahead from the tip of the knife.

call out!

The terrifying and dazzling purple slash directly aimed at Lu Qi's body and slashed fiercely.

at the same time.

Slashing and Lu Qi's Six Kings Spear, the two forces had friction and collision!

The moment I was touched by the slash...

Lu Qi's Six Kings Spear was directly shredded!

The shock wave released by the Six Kings Spear was completely crushed by Layfon's slash and turned into nothing!

The gap between the two forces is too great!


Lu Qi's Six Kings Spear was completely defeated by the terrifying power contained in the slash released by Layfon, and swallowed up this power to strengthen himself.

Just like, big fish eat small fish!

"how can that be?!"

Lu Qi's face was full of shock, his eyes were bloodshot.

Slashing the shining light, the pupils of his eyes magnified infinitely!




The magnificent slash 1.2 hits, getting closer!

"Six Styles....."

"Crushed in an instant?!"

Lu Qi doubted his life on the spot.

The overwhelming light bloomed from the slash, and finally engulfed Lu Qi's body completely.

Under everyone's shocking eyes.

I see.


With a loud bang.

Lu Qi's sternum was shattered, and a hideous and terrifying bloodstain was split across his entire chest. The blood splashed all over the sky and scattered in all directions.


Blood was thrown and splashed from high above.

The smell of blood drifted into the air.

The huge force penetrated Lu Qi's body, knocking him flying hundreds of meters away.

at last.

Lu Qi hit the edge of the dilapidated wall.


A strong shock wave spread from Lu Qi's body, spreading back to the wall, smashing the wall in an instant, collapsing countless broken stone fragments, sliding down and falling down.

In a blink of an eye.

Lu Qi's seriously injured body was completely buried under the broken stones.

Smoke billowed up.

This place has been reduced to ruins.

Look away.

Holding the samurai sword in his hand, Layfon quietly looked at the ruins where Lu Qi fell, with a look of surprise on his face.


He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"I heard that Lu Qi is also known as the strongest agent of CP9 in the past 800 years?"


"Is this the only way?"

"What a disappointment!"

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