I Hang Up In the Fantasy World

Chapter 352 The Defeated Spirit (for Subscription)

At this moment, Zhang Yi landed on the ground, in a stretch of rolling hills.

The hill as a whole is composed of black and red crushed stones and clods. The color is monotonous and gloomy, which makes people feel uneasy.

Zhang Yi walked among them, always on guard against the changes around him, trying to find out the abnormalities.

Soon, he saw a huge dead bone between the two hills.

The dead bones were severely weathered, and their original appearance could no longer be seen. Only a few pieces of black iron-colored skulls remained, which looked more like monsters than humans.

Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and the next moment, he slashed out with a sword light without hesitation.


A swift and sharp lightsaber flew across the air, directly overturning the skull, and then another lightning fell, blasting the skull with scorched black marks.

Then, there was a sudden change, and a shrill and sharp voice suddenly came from the skull.

The shrill scream turned into a tangible sound wave ripple in mid-air, covering Zhang Yi in a fan shape.

Zhang Yi's gaze remained unchanged, and he didn't make any movements. Just in a single thought, a fierce sword intent appeared on his body, showing his sharpness!

Then this sound wave was split into two by the sword intent, passing through Zhang Yi and spreading towards the hill behind him.

With a loud noise, the hill crumbled and collapsed.

With his back to the explosion, Zhang Yi was unmoved, just looking at the broken skull.

Under his gaze, that piece of bone kept trembling, and finally shattered completely, with black traces seeping out, and a distorted translucent black shadow emerged from it.

This is Zhang Yi's goal, and it is also the source of the abnormality he felt before.

As for the dry skull, it's just a habitat.

At this time, the strange species that appeared in front of Zhang Yi appeared gray-black as a whole, without a specific physical shape, and kept changing its shape like a liquid.

And an aura of decay emanates from it, making people feel a sense of the end of decay, as if the end is approaching.

At this time, because Zhang Yi disturbed his dream, this strange species was staring at Zhang Yi with resentment.

And with the change of his mood, countless tentacles suddenly formed behind him and flew in all directions, which seemed a little disgusting and weird.

But Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged when he saw this scene, and his insightful eyes had already peeped into his life information.

Name: Spirit of Ashes

Information: When the world is shattered, a kind of spiritual body is produced by the dissipated original power combined with the breath of the world shattered. It has no specific body and can be attached to tangible things. It is extremely scary and weird.

"Sure enough, it is a monster created by the dissipated original power, and its name is the spirit of ashes..."

While Zhang Yi was muttering, the defeated spirit roared angrily, and opened his mouth to bite Zhang Yi.

In an instant, the afterimage flashed across the air, and the spirit body rushed in front of Zhang Yi, and then opened its mouth to bite Zhang Yi's neck.

However, the spirit body was in vain.

This is just a phantom formed by the combination of Zhang Yiyun's artistic conception and body skills, and the main body has long gone.

"The speed is good, but the intelligence doesn't seem to be too high?"

Zhang Yi's figure appeared in the distance, and he nodded slightly when he saw this.

And this spirit body turned around again after a single blow, and charged towards Zhang Yi again.

But Zhang Yi didn't dodge this time, but waved a few sword flowers to block the front with his wrist shaking, but the petals of the sword energy were torn in half by Hui Bai Ling in an instant.

"The attack power is also acceptable."

Zhang Yi nodded. He saw that the opponent was about to rush out all the petals of the sword energy, and he swung the sword again with his backhand.

But this time, the defeated spirit transformed into two arms and tried to reach out to stop it, but failed miserably.

This ray of sword light flashed across suddenly, cutting off Huibailing's transformed arm with a icy cold light, and then it passed by Huibailing's entire body unabated!


Accompanied by a soft sound, the defeated spirit was directly split into two!

But the strange thing is that even though the spirit body was divided into two, it still didn't die. The two halves of the body turned into liquid and merged again in the air.

It's just that compared with before, the shape of the defeated spirit has shrunk a bit, and the aura emanating from it has also become weaker.

"The defense is average, and it has some characteristics similar to immortality, but every reorganization will weaken it."

Zhang Yi murmured thoughtfully, "The characteristic of immortality should have a limit, and where the limit is, you have to try it."

It was Zhang Yi's first encounter with a strange species in this broken world, so he did not choose to kill it simply and roughly, but chose to contact it briefly in order to find out the changes and special features of this species.

At this time, Zhang Yi already had a general framework in his mind, and the gray and defeated spirit on the opposite side had only one last role left.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's eyes turned cold, and he stopped holding back.

He took a step forward, taking the Saint's fist as the core, coordinating the two forces of the physical body and the real essence, and swung the sword again.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's natural prestige rose sharply again, and he took another half step forward in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Realm.

This is not the realm of a half-step saint, but it also surpasses the energy level intensity of the Great Perfection in the heavenly realm.

Dark blue power radiated from his body, causing white cracks to appear in the space.

"call out!"

With a simple sword, Zhang Yi swung it again, and the cyan sword light cut across the air cleanly, turning the newly reorganized gray defeated spirit into two sections again, and there was a sharp sword intent permeating the crack!

This powerful gray defeated spirit is so vulnerable in front of Zhang Yi.

""Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi..."

Zhang Yi swung sword after sword, and countless sword lights criss-crossed and turned into an impenetrable sword net, enveloping the gray and defeated spirit within it, continuously strangling it.

Its shape is often cut into countless parts before it can be assembled, and its breath becomes weaker and weaker.

After ten breaths, the criss-crossing sword energy disappeared, and this defeated spirit was completely wiped out!

Even though he possessed the quality of immortality, he was still beheaded here if he suffered excessive attacks in a short period of time and the quality was exhausted!

The strength of this defeated spirit is definitely not weak, coupled with its immortality, it can definitely cause major troubles for warriors in the Great Perfection of Heaven Realm.

But it's a pity that he happened to meet Zhang Yi, and the only ending was death.

"The strange species evolved by the power of origin is really troublesome, and it must be completely consumed before it can be killed."

Zhang Yi frowned slightly, quite dissatisfied.

Immediately, he shook his head and mourned silently for the top fighters from the star realm who set foot here.

It is a blessing and a curse.

It now appears that the dangers of this land of chance are no less than its opportunities.

For most of the top warriors in the star realm, it may be particularly difficult to survive here for a year, let alone encounter warriors from other small worlds in the future.

With the superimposition of the two, I don't know if there will be 50% of the remaining top fighters in the star world after one year? or even less?

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi's heart suddenly throbbed, and he looked at the place where the ashen defeated spirit fell.

It could only be seen that its liquid-like figure dissipated in the sky and the earth, but there was something left in place.

It was a ray of twilight light, and Zhang Yi was very familiar with the breath it emitted.

The power of origin!

This is the core force that makes up the defeated spirit!

At this time, the gray and defeated spirit disappeared, and this ray of power also appeared.

It's just that Zhang Yi feels a little different from the original power, which is different from what he absorbed in the original place.

He looked at the original power of Muhuang, only feeling that apart from the aura of chaos, there was also a sense of decay in the old dusk.

"The original power of the broken world dissipated and merged with all things, did some strange changes occur..."

Zhang Yi murmured, and there were waves in his eyes. He opened the eyes of insight, but he couldn't analyze it.

Slightly silent, Zhang Yi withdrew his insightful eyes and judged the degree of danger based on his own perception.

For a moment, Zhang Yi's eyes flashed, he opened his mouth, and he immediately swallowed the breath.

As soon as Mu Huang's power entered the body, it traveled along the meridians in Zhang Yi's body, and after a circle, it poured all the way up into Zhang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhang Yi, who had been comprehending all kinds of changes quietly, couldn't help but feel moved.

"Aiming at the sea of ​​consciousness, it really is an opportunity to condense martial souls."

"It seems that some changes have taken place in the original power contaminated with the aura of destruction..."


At this moment, Zhang Yi's heart moved quietly, and there was a clear sound of water on the surface of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then a light and shadow slowly emerged from the surface of the water.

That light and shadow is exactly the same as Zhang Yi, it is his spiritual body.

The sea of ​​consciousness is not only the source of spiritual power, but also the habitat of the soul.

Zhang Yi's spirit was suspended above the sea of ​​consciousness, observing the various changes of this aura pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At a certain moment, the shrunken Zhang Yi suddenly raised his head to look somewhere in the pitch-black space, but his eyes were full of solemnity.

Suddenly, a majestic twilight force landed in the pitch-black space, sweeping heavily with a terrifying momentum.

Like the afterglow of the setting sun, this force directly poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, turning the entire sea surface into yellow ripples.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's mental body showed pain.

The power of the original source is to create all things, but at this time it is contaminated with the aura of destruction, but it has great lethality.

At this time, as the power of the original source merged into the sea of ​​consciousness, the breath of the end of destruction dissipated in Zhang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Like a raging fire, the constant burning erodes this sea of ​​consciousness.

In the outside world, Zhang Yi couldn't help showing pain on his face, but his eyes remained calm.

Because in his perception, following the burning of the original power with the shattered aura at this time, strands of black aura in the sea of ​​consciousness dissipated and became more transparent.

The sea of ​​consciousness is becoming more pure!

The breath of the end of one world is undoubtedly a disaster for warriors.

But if you can really break through and get the baptism of world destruction, it is obviously a very precious experience.

Although it is still far from experiencing the real destruction of the world, it is obviously enough for the warriors of the heavenly realm.

As time passed, Zhang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness was continuously burned under the breath of world destruction, and even the entire sea level began to drop.

But in contrast, the remaining sea of ​​consciousness is undoubtedly more crystal clear.

After a long time, Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the shattered aura contained in the original power has completely dissipated!

And because of this, his sea of ​​consciousness dropped by about 10%!

You must know that after going through a lot of tempering and profound background, his sea of ​​consciousness is far beyond the ordinary state of Dzogchen.

But even so, it was still consumed by about 10%, which shows how intense the changes are!

But Zhang Yi felt very good at this time, because the sea of ​​consciousness became more pure at this time.

Although it is only 90% of the original, it is not weak at all, which means that the quality has improved.

When Zhang Yizheng realized it, he suddenly felt a little bit of comfort, and his mind was refreshed.

His heart moved, and he looked towards the surface of the sea of ​​consciousness.

But it turned out that after the shattered breath dissipated, the remaining pure original power merged into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness that had been consumed before suddenly began to rebound under the integration of the original power, not only returning to the original state, but even expanding compared to before.

"The breath of destruction in the power of the source burns the sea of ​​consciousness, and then the remaining pure source restores the sea of ​​consciousness again."

"This opportunity is simply perfect!"

Zhang Yi's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Strike while the iron is hot, Zhang Yi once again had a thought, and the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly set off a huge wave.

When the sea of ​​consciousness expanded, the light spots of will also increased sharply. At this time, along with Zhang Yi's thoughts, these countless light spots of will danced out of the sea of ​​consciousness and merged into the illusory long sword suspended in midair.

The body of the sword trembled and became solid again, and it walked in the direction of 50% of the sword soul.

Feeling the progress, Zhang Yi nodded in satisfaction.

"Even if it is a broken world, it is still a feast for warriors."

"However, it is necessary to kill the gray and defeated spirit that evolved from the original power, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty. I don't know how many warriors will be counter-killed?"

The corners of Zhang Yi's mouth curled up, and his figure disappeared into the hills in a flash.

Now that the specific target is known, the next step is much simpler, and Zhang Yi officially begins the hunting journey!

In the following time, Zhang Yi entered the hunting state, and began to actively hunt and kill the defeated spirit, in order to absorb its original power and condense the sword soul.

For others, it may take careful calculation, step by step, and exhaustion to kill a defeated spirit, but for Zhang Yi, it is too simple.

With the sword in hand and the sword in the air, often a gray and defeated spirit dies!

Just two weeks later, Zhang Yi's sword soul was about to reach 50%!

This is the result of spending most of his time searching for it.

It can only be said that the situation where the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak is vividly interpreted here.

On this day, Zhang Yi was in a dilapidated mountain range, and he was hunting for a defeated spirit.

And this defeated spirit was stronger than the ones he had encountered before, and it took some time for Zhang Yi to kill it.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Yi suddenly sensed something and looked sideways into the distance.

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