I Hang Up In the Fantasy World

Chapter 593: The Day of the Grand Event

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

With the anticipation of countless forces and powerful people from all sides, the day of the Jianshan high-level meeting held by the sword master himself has finally arrived.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Today's Jianshan Mountain will undoubtedly be the busiest time in hundreds of years. There are lights and shadows roaring from all over the sky, plundering towards the islands suspended in the central area.

Such a huge momentum, the collision of the breaths of the saints caused countless people to look sideways.

And up to now, there is also a team of sword guards specially composed of saints dispatched to guard the Quartet, so as to avoid accidents under such a grand event, or if it gets out at that time, Wenjianshan will lose face.

All of a sudden, the eyes of many people in the Sea of ​​Fury were cast over, wanting to figure out the thoughts of this sword master who had retreated for thousands of years before leaving.

Amidst the turbulent undercurrent, in Yifeng Stone Mansion, there was a figure standing with his hands behind his back.

The figure had a slender body, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and it had a sense of calm even when it stood still.

Of course he is Zhang Yi.

At this time, he looked at the entanglement of energy in the outside world, and the audience stalked towards the hanging island, with a calm expression in his eyes, unmoved.

"It's really noisy today. Even during the previous Martial Arts Festival, it's not as hot as the current 30%."

"And it's not just within the scope of Sword Mountain. Judging from the news channel of Disha Palace, there are many forces in the entire violent sea area who are paying attention to this."

"This is the power of the sword master, and it is also the deterrent power that the seventh heavenly saint brings to everyone."

"In the final analysis, the reason why the eight major forces are called top forces is based on whether there are seventh heavenly saints in the sect."

Zhang Yi's eyes were a little emotional, but also a little enlightened.

"No matter how noisy it is below, it can't affect the overall situation. It is these top-level combat forces that really determine the trend of the violent sea."

"Whether it's Xu Liuyun who left Wenjian Mountain to join Tingxuelou and became the owner of the seventh floor, or Qingfeng Swordsman who has already entered the sixth heaven."

"For people at the level of the sword master, I'm afraid it's just a small fight."

As the eyes fell, Zhang Yi's figure flashed, and it also turned into a light and shadow, rushing along the crowd to the hanging island high in the sky.

Let him see with his own eyes, what is the difference between the so-called sword masters and the few seventh-level saints in the violent sea area.


The floating island is located in the center of Sword Mountain. There are dark golden chains running across the sky, connecting nine islands.

This is the retreat place of the four elders and the sword master.

On weekdays, the void spaces of the nine suspended islands are surrounded by extremely powerful formations, and it is difficult to enter without the permission of the four elders.

But at this time, the formation covering the periphery of the entire island has obviously been closed, allowing anyone to enter and exit the floating island.

But even so, the crowd did not offside in the slightest, and at the same time plundered the largest island among the nine floating islands.

That is the place where the sword master lives and where high-level meetings are held.

Zhang Yi's figure swept from mid-air, and finally landed on the ninth suspended island.

At this time, in front of him, a huge palace appeared.

The palace was vermilion, forming a continuous piece. At this time, as Zhang Yi approached, he immediately felt a huge sword intent lingering in his perception.

If Zhang Yi's sword practice at this time is compared with it, it is only the gap between the river and the sea, as insignificant as dust.

"It's so strong in the realm of swordsmanship, the sword light is sweeping across the four directions, enough to cut off mountains and rivers."

Zhang Yi was calm in his heart, and he couldn't help but comment.

Zhang Yi has no doubts that if there is a fluctuation of this vast sword intent, it may be enough to kill a middle-level saint.

This is the might of a high-level saint who has stepped into the realm of the seventh heaven. Even if it is placed outside the violent sea region, it can become the overlord of a party.

Zhang Yi's eyes were calm, his figure swept down in the air, and landed at the gate of the palace, and then he walked in with the saints.

The hall is empty and high, with bright front and back, and eighteen stone pillars standing in the middle.

And each of the stone pillars is engraved with a high-level sword formation diagram, which contains extremely terrifying sword energy and has unparalleled killing power.

These eighteen stone pillars are the hub of the super large formation covering the entire Sword Mountain, and they are also the key source of supporting the hanging island for thousands of years.

At the end of the stone pillar, there are several condescending stone seats.

The positions of the stone seats are distinct, and the highest stone seat is made of a smooth sword-whetstone, which contains a mouthful of original sword energy, and faintly exudes a kind of majesty.

This is the first seat of the sword master.

Under it, there are four golden stone seats with a whole body, flowing with a faint golden light.

That is the residence of the four elders, living below the head seat, but above the mid-level saints, which is the embodiment of the authority of the four elders.

"Today, the four golden chairs are afraid to add another seat."

Thinking of Qingfeng Swordsman, Zhang Yi couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Immediately, someone came to the door.

The person who came was Tao Ye, the princess of Chiyan County, who hurried back to Jianshan not long ago, obviously not wanting to miss this opportunity to spy on the sword master.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang Yi, how you've been doing lately." In the palace, Tao Ye walked in and said with a smile and clasped his fists.

At this time, Tao Ye greeted Zhang Yi with a smile on his face, but his heart fluctuated a little.

Because at this time, Tao Ye had already seen from Zhang Yi's aura that the other party had entered the peak of the fourth heaven.

You know, even if it is him, it is only the late stage of the fourth heaven.

"During the martial arts grand meeting, the opponent stepped into the fourth heaven. At that time, I had a faint perception that it fell below the level of combat power."

"Up to now, not only combat power, but also pure cultivation is behind."

Tao Ye was in a complicated state of mind, and couldn't help but sighed, admiring the patrol envoy's speed of practice.

"Fellow Daoist Taoye, with the relationship between you and me, why should you be so polite? Regarding Wei Xue's matter, I would like to thank Brother Dao for your hard work."

Zhang Yi replied with a smile.

"It's just a trivial matter, and it's nothing more than a matter of effort for me, but Fellow Daoist really cares about that junior."

Tao Yeping replied calmly, and immediately, the two started chatting.

Not long after, Ziqing also came here. She stood in the distance, nodded slightly to Zhang Yi, then stood still, not hearing anything outside the window.

As for the surrounding area, as time went by, many saints came. They either stood alone or gathered in twos and twos to discuss some trivial matters, and even some peeping eyes fell on Zhang Yi.

Those were people who were curious about him, and some of them were veteran saints.

In this regard, Zhang Yi just dealt with it calmly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and at a certain moment, three streamers of light quickly swept over from outside the palace, and landed on the golden stone platform in the deepest part of the palace.

They were the three elders Xia Qing, Po Xuan and Wu Chun that Zhang Yi had met.

But not long after the three elders were seated, a ray of sword light suddenly flashed on the highest seat.

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