I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 535: Safety experiment and accident cause

The latest website: Fuming ’s abacus works well, and there is a training session right now, but it is not aimed at newcomers such as Zhang Heng, but for elderly people who have worked in nuclear power plants for a period of time. This is actually equivalent to a refresher class. People on the list are more likely to be promoted after the training.

Fuming didn't say hello to the chief engineer of Zhang Heng's department, but when he got the list from the newspaper, he found that Ivan's name was also awesome.

Fuming was taken aback, and when someone asked, he was a little crying and laughing. He didn't expect that he didn't mention this matter, but Zhang Heng found the head of the department directly, and then pulled up his tiger skin. Many people already knew about Zhang Heng during the interview, and he talked with Zhang Heng in private afterwards.

Fuming originally intended to show his approachable side and win the hearts of the people, but he did not expect to be used by Zhang Heng, and the latter did not even say how to die, just hinted that the department head gave his name Added, after all, Fuming, as the chief engineer of the nuclear power plant operation department, no department wants to offend him.

Even people who are not used to him usually don't want to fight against him on such trivial matters, just a training quota, and no one even comes to ask him for credit. That's why Fuming didn't know Zhang Heng was on the list until he got the list.

But this list still needs his approval. Fuming's pen stopped for a moment on Ivan's name, and finally moved to the lower right corner, wrote the word consent, and signed his name.

Although Fuming was somewhat dissatisfied with Zhang Heng ’s self-proposition, his thoughts of soliciting Zhang Heng did not change. It ’s one thing not to say hello. It ’s another thing to take the initiative to cross out Zhang Heng ’s name. Completely forced to his opposite. So Fuming finally pinched his nose to recognize this matter.

Facts have proved that Zhang Heng, who has been baptized in the Black Sail Pirate Island, should not be too easy to deal with the faction struggle in a nuclear power plant in every district. Even if there are ten Fumings, he will not be his opponent.

It took less than a year and a half for Zhang Heng to clarify the relevant physics knowledge, reactor design drawings and design principles, and even all the equipment lines of the entire nuclear power plant, and in the second year of Chernobyl He also got the safety experiment plan designed by Fuming, and even watched the failure of the first safety experiment.

He went to work at the nuclear power plant during the day and returned to his residence at night to continue to learn Russian and Ukrainian with the receptionist. In addition, Zhang Heng also took the time to go to Kiev's hospital for two reviews, probably because he was young and strong enough, at least At present, the body is recovering quite well, and no malignant tumors have been detected.

After Zhang Heng practiced Ukrainian to a level where he can communicate normally, he has no dynamic language proficiency and finally upgraded from lv2 to lv3. So far, including the mother tongue, Zhang Heng has eleven languages ​​that can reach the level of daily communication.

And this parallel copy also allowed him to acquire a nuclear engineering skill, which is now at the lv2 level. Of course, Zhang Heng ’s biggest gain is still figuring out what are the defects in Fuming ’s safety experiment and reactor design.

It must be admitted that compared with the pressurized water reactors used in most countries in the world today, rmbk has natural defects at the beginning of the design. It sacrifices part of the safety for faster construction speed and more Low operating costs, refueling without shutdown, and the production of military plutonium and other advantages.

In the eyes of the people at that time, if there were any shortcomings, it was probably that the emission of the rmbk reactor was slightly more radioactive, and there was no cleaning from the VVER type pressurized water reactor.

But in fact, the more serious problem is the design of the control rod. Djatrov has previously said that the control rod is used to adjust the nuclear fission reaction, because the boron that constitutes the control rod can absorb neutrons, which can also reduce the reactor. Power, but the problem is that there is a small piece of graphite at the lower end of the control rod. The role of graphite as a neutron moderator is exactly the opposite of that of boron. It is used to reduce fast neutrons to slow neutrons to increase reactor power.

Of course, the reason why the earlier designers did this is not to let the reactor operators feel the "surprise" brought by the reversal. The graphite at the bottom also has its effect, because the graphite stack has a significant deceleration effect on neutrons, which can be appropriate Reduces the purity of uranium fuel, thereby saving costs.

From the economic point of view, there is no problem, but the low-abundance uranium fuel is not stable during the reaction, especially when the reactor is running at low power, then the graphite at the lower end of the control rod can play a role, which can make the reactor Get better control.

However, this design will bring potential risks. When the control rod is completely pulled out of the reactor and then inserted back, the first contact with the core is graphite instead of boron. At this time, the reaction power will not only decrease but will increase. High, although the duration of the whole process is very short.

What surprised Zhang Heng was that according to the information he collected, before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other nuclear power plants had discovered that the power of the control rod was inserted into the reactor and then increased and then decreased, and reported to The relevant departments, but because it did not cause any security incidents, did not get enough attention.

On the other hand, it must also be recognized that the designers of the rmbk reactor have made a lot of efforts to ensure the safety of the reactor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For example, it is clearly stated in the safety manual that the core of the reactor must be guaranteed during the operation of the reactor At least 28 to 30 control rods are inserted.

In addition, the reactor is also equipped with an emergency core cooling system. When the cavitation coefficient in the reactor increases, the water tank of the emergency core cooling system will be opened immediately and injected into the reactor. However, in order to prevent cooling water from entering the high temperature reactor , Causing thermal shock, in the experiment, this device that can save lives at critical moments was disconnected from multiple forced circulation circuits.

After seeing Fuming ’s first failed experiment, Zhang Heng was almost certain to have exploded that night. The people in the central control room did not fully comply with the safety manual as they said before.

The situation on the night of the explosion was also more complicated than in the first experiment, because the safety experiment failed to proceed as planned. The reactor had been operating in a low-power state for a considerable period of time before falling into the iodine pit, in order to climb out In the iodine pit, the operator withdrew too many control rods, which eventually caused the reactor power to climb rapidly. Later, because the safety system was cut off and could not take effect immediately, the people in the central control room could only hurriedly insert all the control rods back into the core. , Want to suppress the fission reaction.

Unexpectedly, the design defects of the trigger rate reactor eventually led to the entire nuclear power plant GG.

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