I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 577: New to Greenland

After understanding what happened, Zhang Heng and Shen Xixi greeted each other and set the phone to the airplane mode, temporarily blocking all information and calls.

Of course, he is still paying attention to the progress of things on the forum. Zhang Heng has found that the current Tianma is a little too normal to be excited, and the tone and behavior style are also very different from before, so he also suspects that the person behind the account is not the real Tianma. However, the Silver Wings haven't come out to clarify for so long, which also makes Zhang Heng a little surprised.

In addition, in the forum, the sound of the president of the arc arc has been killed in February, and everyone has been in danger for a while. With the power of the arc, he can’t protect his president. The situation of other players can be imagined. know.

It's rare that Zhang Heng doesn't have to worry about his safety for the time being. He is already in Copenhagen and he has to catch a plane to Greenland. I am afraid that there will be no other players within a thousand miles. People outside the vortex, otherwise with Simon’s name, will certainly not have fewer people staring at him than those at February Siege.

Although the attack on the Siege in February is not like a sudden chain reaction, it is more like a long-planned beheading operation, in order to cooperate with the disclosure of this identity information to push the already panicked emotions of the players to Extremely, chaotic spread, but I have to admit that the series of layouts behind the people who planned all of this are simply organized and clear.

Zhang Heng smelled a familiar breath from it.

——Rocky, the **** of lies and mischief obviously involved. These plans and arrangements are not accidental.

Luo basically came to the fore, and his agent, Sunglasses, had once placed three guilds at the auction, but now the prospects have only been reproduced, even though in the last copy, Loki has been killed by Zhang Heng. , But the plan he left behind is still being faithfully executed by someone.

Zhang Heng knew that he might meet this guy one day, but after all, it was after he returned to China. Now he still focused his attention on this trip to Greenland. This is something he has prepared for a long time. Now that there are already trips, there must always be a result.

Soon Zhang Heng completed his transfer at Gobenhagen and took a Greenland Airlines flight to Konklåsvag Airport. This is one of the two civil airports in Greenland and the international hub of Greenland Airlines. Many The first stop for tourists to Greenland is here.

However, even in Greenland, which is not very suitable for human habitation, this place is extremely desolate. As early as a few decades ago, this place meaning "fjord" was still an uninhabited area, because it was far enough from the coast, It was not easily affected by weather changes and was selected as the airport, but even so, there are only about 500 residents living in this area.

The plane landed in a desolate valley, looking up at the surrounding mountains, and occasionally a small piece of green vegetation, which survived the cold climate and the blowing of the cold wind, was tenaciously rooted between the sand and stones.

The low-rise red and blue bungalows along the runway are basically all the buildings of the airport.

Zhang Heng also walked off the plane behind several European tourists who came to vacation.

Greenland is worthy of being three-quarters of the islands located in the Arctic Circle. Although it is now summer, Conkruswage in the Midwest is only about seven or eight degrees, and the temperature will be lower further north. .

After getting off the plane, Zhang Heng also switched the phone from the flight mode to the normal mode again, but set up strange calls and message rejections, and as soon as he left the airport, he received Songjia’s call, which was for Greenland. The guide of the trip hire, the identity on the resume is a student, use spare time to do odd jobs to make money.

"Hello, I saw that your flight has landed, how about it, where are you now?" Song Jia at the other end of the phone politely said in Chinese.

"I have left the airport."

"Really, can you see me? I'm wearing a blue coat next to a red off-road vehicle." Song Jia waved while speaking.

"Well, I saw you, and this is over."

Zhang Heng hung up the phone and then walked to Songjia with his suitcase.

The two had already exchanged photos more than a month ago, so they are not unfamiliar with each other's appearance, but Zhang Heng had to admit that Song Jia was more beautiful than the photos, because the mixed blood allowed her to inherit each The appearance features of the race, the facial features are quite delicate, and at the same time it is not the kind of soft and soft that can't help the wind. The long-time sunshine makes her complexion look extra healthy.

The only shortcomings are probably the freckles on her cheeks, but they can only be observed by taking a closer look, so Song Jia's appearance definitely bears the title of beauty.

"Welcome to Greenland, I hope you like this beautiful island."

The girl gave Zhang Heng a generous hug.

"Good luck." Zhang Heng also said, putting the big suitcase in his hand on the roof of the off-road vehicle, but when Song Jia passionately wanted to put the travel bag he carried with him in the back seat, he was caught. Heng declined the polite words, because it contained not only his passport and some cash, but also game items that could be checked.

"I'll just hold this bag by myself."

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We are still some distance away from Nuuk, I just want to make you as comfortable as possible during your trip." Song Jia saw Zhang Heng didn't seem to have anything to put the travel bag in the back row, so it was just Without perseverance, he opened the door readily and sat in the driver's seat.

And Zhang Heng on the other side also got on the car, but Song Jia took some time to catch the fire afterwards, and was a little embarrassed, "I borrowed this car from a friend, specifically for the purpose of being a guide this time, So driving may not be very skilled."

"Well, I remember you told me that being a guide is to buy a used car and drive right."

"Yes, Greenland is actually very large. It is the largest island in the world. Because I have to do research and write a thesis, I sometimes need to run around on the island. It will be much more convenient if I can have a car. I don’t want to hide it. I’ve already optimistic about one, and I have negotiated the price with the owner, so I’ll wait for the funds to come in."

As soon as Song Jia said that the car that was about to get started became excited, she first told Zhang Heng about her car selection process, and then touched the hospitable and aboriginal people on the island. The entertainment activities and food completely opened the conversation box.

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