I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 600: Doctor and guide

"You don't have to worry about our affairs," Song Jia apparently did not take the warning of the lame man to heart.

He paused and said, "You say you are different from the others below, then I will ask separately, who are you and the guys below?"

"The people who died downstairs were voodoo fanatics. Of course, it's not the voodoo that you know that originated in western Africa and played with corpses. No, strictly speaking, they are indeed what you know. The voodoo is just occupied by the dove in the magpie’s nest." The lame man really cooperates and must answer questions.

"Dove accounts for the magpie's nest?"

"Yes, their original gods have declined, or... have never been so powerful. In short, it has been replaced by another, more powerful being, so some Christians have also been transformed. As far as I know, except for African Laochao, many Voodoos in other places are different from the original ones. In fact, even a small part of Africa has changed."

"Why did the fanatics attack Ole and Alysia? And where did Dr. Baker go? I saw his car in the parking lot outside. He should have been here a while ago."

"They attacked the two Inuit because the Inuit have been tracing their whereabouts, and they have been very tight recently. As for the doctor, he did come here to get something, But when I got the things and left, I don’t know where he went."

The lame man saw Zhang Heng took out his knife again just after the speech, and Song Jia hadn’t even finished the translation yet, so he had no choice but to change his mouth. "Well, I just lied. Doctor Baker did come here, but now he already dead."

Zhang Hengwen frowned, saving Ole and Alysia was just a matter of convenience. His main purpose of coming to the art museum was to come to the doctor, and learn about the scientific research team from the latter, but he did not expect that the doctor was dead. Yes, but the unfortunate thing is that he caught Sachus here, the former was the guide of the scientific research team, and now I don’t know why it became the director of the museum.

Moreover, it seems to have changed its name and surname. Even the appearance has changed a lot. If it is not Zhang Heng’s observation ability is good enough, it is really difficult to recognize it. No wonder there is no more information about him after the Internet. News.

"Who killed him?" Song Jia was startled.

"I." Since he couldn't lie, the lame man could only tell the truth. "But believe me, I'm also forced. After all, Baker and I have been in friendship for almost two decades. I don't actually want to kill him, but if Let those fanatics know what he does, and neither of us will have a good result."

"He is telling the truth." Zhang Heng said to Song Jia.

"Are you still his friend? So you killed an old friend who has been dating for twenty years?!" Song Jia felt incomprehensible. "Because he took something from you, and you are afraid of being retaliated by those fanatics. , Aren't you the heads of those guys?"

"I am their commander, yes, but they only listen to me when there is action. I can’t control them at ordinary times. They only worship one existence and listen to that existence, and you didn’t talk to those guys. I’ve contacted them and didn’t understand their behavior at all, so they wouldn’t tell you anything. It seems to you that it’s a small thing, but it’s enough for them to kill. In fact, the group of people It’s fun to kill, and even when they can’t find a suitable offering, they will do it on their own.

The lame man's words made Song Jia tremble, so it seems that Zhang Heng knocked them out of the net this time is not a bad thing, but so many people died, Song Jia does not know how Zhang Heng will end, just like she said before, The police may not be willing to believe such a story, and even if they are willing to believe, Zhang Heng is only a tourist and has no law enforcement power in Greenland, let alone a killing.

And it seemed to see what he was worried about, and the lame man said, "I can help you deal with the corpses downstairs. As long as you are willing to save my life, most of these guys are actually not Greenland natives, and a few are joining. After voodoo, he also broke off contact with relatives and friends, and has long been regarded as a dead person by his family, so even if they are missing, they will not cause the police’s idea as long as they are handled well."

"But you also killed Dr. Baker!" Song Jia said.

"I said I was sorry, but Dr. Baker was not originally a local. His clinic was closed for a while, and he rarely communicates with people. I can find someone to help him take a long vacation over there. He... went back to China to recover from illness, and he can always cover up the past."

"What's wrong with Dr. Baker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ makes him what he is now?"

"How do I explain it," the lame man thought about it, "at the physiological level, he actually has no problem, at most it is a little anxiety and insomnia, but on the other hand, he and I have been suffering for a long time, really , You are not us, it is probably difficult to understand this pain, especially in recent times, we have hardly slept well."


"Because that guy will come to us when we fall asleep." The lame man said, "We can't get rid of it. It's like a ghost. It has been haunting us for so many years. Dr. Baker and I are looking for escape. The method of this nightmare, but unfortunately neither he nor I have succeeded, so you don’t have to feel too sorry for him, death is actually a relief for us."

"Then why are you so afraid of death?" Song Jia asked.

"Do you think I never thought of breaking myself?" The lame man sighed, "If you have also tried suicide, you will know how strong human survival instinct is, no matter what tomorrow, you can always live one more day. Good thing."

"So you became the ghost now because of the scientific expedition more than ten years ago?"

The lame man had been responding like this before, and his face changed drastically after hearing this question, wondering, "Who the **** are you, why would you know that scientific expedition?"

"It seems that we can finally get into the key point," Zhang Hengdao said, "Let him talk about the scientific expedition that year, tell him what he saw and heard, and it is best not to fall."

Song Jia translated Zhang Heng’s words to the lame man, “We know that you were the guide of the expedition team that year and took them to the no man’s land. Where did you see what?”

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