I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 613: Bar talk

Although the time is very late, the bar selected by Song Jia has been doing good business on the island. There are still many people in it. Some of them drink and chat in front of the bar, and some play billiards.

Zhang Heng had no mood to pay attention to the people next to him, and Song Jia picked Zhang to sit down on the corner table.

Although he said that he wanted to come directly to the bar, he first went back to his place to change clothes, changed the coat with the blood stained on it, and washed his face by the way, it looked a lot normal, and then came by car. To the bar.

Zhang Heng took the wine list and ordered three bottles of wine at a stretch, all of which were spirits with a high degree. Then he handed the wine list to Songjia opposite, "Look what you want to drink."

Song Jia was relieved. She had just seen Zhang Heng ordering hard liquor as soon as she came up. She was also vigilant in her mind, thinking that this is what a man’s routine is. So Song Jia ordered a cocktail for herself, and added a fruit plate, and returned the wine list to the bartender.

After the bartender left, the girl couldn't help but turn the topic to the previous thing and said, "Are you really going to find the city under the ice on the ice sheet to the north?"

"Well, is there any problem?"


In the face of Zhang Heng’s rhetorical question, Song Jia didn’t know where to start, but the two spent a long time with each other. They were barely friends. She thought about it and persuaded her. How credible the story is, I personally think that this is just a collective conjecture of a group of patients with mental illness. Take a step back, even if what he said is true, you will see the end of him and Dr. Baker, this time Shouldn’t you think of a way to stay away from that underground city as much as possible? Why would you want to find it?"

"I came to Greenland to investigate this matter, and since there are clues, I will continue to investigate," Zhang Hengdao, "You don't have to worry too much about me, because for some reason, those who make Dr. Baker and Sachus crazy My nightmare will not affect me much."

"What about extreme weather and harsh natural conditions? Greenland is in the Arctic Circle, and the place you are going to is a no-man's land. It won't be easy along the way."

"Thank you for your reminder, I will start after I'm ready." Zhang Hengdao.

Considering the impact of the ice city and the contents on the spirit of ordinary people, Zhang Heng did not intend to hire a guide this time. Anyway, with his field survival ability, even if a person is on the road, there is no danger. As for language problems, in It’s not used much in the no man’s land, and 80% of the monsters in that ice city don’t speak Greenlandic.

However, before this, Zhang Heng still needed Song Jia to buy expedition equipment and supplies for him, and contacted the ship. This is why Zhang Heng promised to increase Song Jia's commission. However, Zhang Heng intends to talk about this later.

The bartender's efficiency is still quite high, and the drinks and fruit plates ordered by the two were quickly brought up.

Seeing that Zhang Heng didn’t seem interested in talking anymore, Song Jia also focused on the cocktail and fruit plate in front of him, probably stimulated by the strange horror story before, Song Jia really needs some alcohol to relax and Stable mood.

So the next two began to drink alcohol, and as a result Song Jia not only finished drinking the cocktail she ordered, but also had some unsatisfied intentions. After half a day of things, she actually gradually put her guard down to Zhang Heng, and then drank again. Order Zhang Hengdian's spirits, although I added half a cup of ice cubes.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Song Jia got up from the seat after another drink, and then wobbled toward the ladies' bathroom. During the meeting, he met a man who wanted to come up to talk, but Song Jia shook his head, and the other party was also very polite. Stopped her footsteps and raised the glass in her hand, wishing her a happy day.

Feeling some physiological changes, Song Jia also accelerated her pace at the last minute, plunged into the empty ladies’ bathroom, then picked a compartment to release herself, flushed afterwards, walked out of the compartment, at Wash your hands before the sink and make up.

Just as she lowered her head and rubbed her hands with hand sanitizer, the bathroom door was pushed open again, and a figure walked in silently.

If Songjia looked up at this time, she would immediately scream.

Because the person entering the bathroom at the moment has a face exactly like her, and there is no difference in dressing. Even if you take off your clothes, there is a birthmark on the lower left chest, and the shape and size are exactly the same.

In fact, except that the eyes of the person appeared to be a bit cunning, even her behavior was carved like a mold, and this re-enacted version of her did not stay after entering the bathroom, so she walked behind her. Reaching, pinched Song Jia's neck. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com


After about ten minutes, the door of the lady’s bathroom reopened, Song Jia came out from inside, her face still had a faint blush, and her footsteps still appeared a little floating, but after sitting back on the seat, she still grabbed The bottle in front of him, but the next moment a hand hurried before her and took the bottle of whiskey.

"You have already drank a lot tonight, let's control it." Zhang Heng said, "I ordered you a glass of lemonade."

Song Jia smiled. The drunk girl had a charming charm that she didn't have during the day. This smile made many difficult people in the bar turn their gaze. "It doesn't matter, my wine volume is not so bad. Anyway, you are better than me Drink more, I wanted to ask before, why, is there something tonight?"

Zhang Heng did not deny, "I am really thinking about something."

"Well, it shouldn't be an adventure afterwards, because you don't want to mention this thing after entering the bar. This makes me a little curious. You clearly behaved calmly in the face of danger before. I'm fast I was scared to death, but your emotions barely fluctuated, as if nothing in the world could affect you at all," Song Jia said. "At that time, I began to doubt that the Chinese heart was made of stone. ?"

"My heart is no different from other people," Zhang Heng paused, adding a half sentence, "probably, besides, I was just thinking about the things at home."

"Uh huh, thinking of your lover?"

"No, my parents." Perhaps it is because Greenland is now thousands of kilometers away. Coupled with Song Jia, the two sides have experienced so many things together, and Zhang Heng has gradually dispelled doubts and doubts about girls. Precautions, plus this kind of thing, he also wanted to listen to other people's opinions, so he said, "I find that I don't seem to be born of my parents."

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