I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 615: Special party

The person behind the camera was caught in a tangle.

On the one hand, he did recognize Song Jia, but on the other hand, he was not reconciled to the sacred rules, but when he hesitated, someone in the room came to the screen and shouted, "Oh, this is not Song Jia. Open the door soon... No, don’t open it first, we will clean it up."

It took another three minutes before the electronic lock on the door of the villa was opened. Song Jia opened the door, beckoned to Zhang Heng, and walked in. Zhang Heng also followed behind.

The two passed through the front yard of the villa, where there was a small swimming pool, but most of the time it was estimated to be icy, which can be used in summer, in addition to an old computer and various discarded The Gundam is composed of parts, and behind it is a two-story building.

The two heard the sound of ding ding bang inside before they walked in, and one of them yelled, "Quick, quick, what... The newly bought magazines will be stuffed under the sofa. Whose shoes, put On the shoe rack."

However, when Song Jia and Zhang Heng walked in, the calm had been restored, and there was nothing like the previous situation. Five young boys were sitting in the living room on the first floor, where they were transformed into a work and game room. It looks like everyone has a computer, and they are also equipped with several screens. It can be seen that most of them have a good family and shoes and clothes are limited editions.

"How come here," one of the boys who took care of Beckham's hairstyle stood up, and he should also be the owner of the villa.

"Did you have any inconveniences at this time?" Song Jia said while sitting on the side sofa.

The hearts of several boys in the room instantly mentioned in his throat. Someone looked at the sofa cushion on the left hand of Song Jia with a guilty conscience.

"No, there is nothing inconvenient, you know ours, it's just...to exchange technical issues together." The boy who managed Beckham's haircut saw Song Jia drawing a magazine from under the sofa cushion before he finished. Come out, the cover **** the top is poorly clothed, and also poses a very provocative posture.

"Russ bought it." As a result, the four immediately sold the tall boys.

"I'm not your parents, it doesn't matter what you look at," Song Jia rolled his eyes casually, put the magazine down again, then pointed to Zhang Heng and said in English, "My friend wants to go to the no man's land to explore , You need a boat and a set of adventure equipment.

"Yes, fortunately you mentioned earlier." The tall boy named Russ breathed a sigh of relief. "Because then there will be more chances of tourists. If the boat is booked, I will have no way."

"Why?" Song Jia said, "It's not the peak season yet."

"It didn't count, but didn't an earthquake and red aurora suddenly appear tonight? Someone posted photos of the aurora on the Internet. I noticed that there were dozens of times more searches on Greenland hotels and airline tickets."

"Is it so, then I still pay the boat fee at the original price." Zhang Heng said.

"It's not necessary, since it's Sister Song Jia's friend, it must be the price of acquaintances. Before we got caught in the school affairs system of the school, or Sister Song Jia helped us to plead with the principal before he was dissuaded." Russ said, "Although I don’t care, but my parents will kill me if they know it."

"There is no problem with the adventure equipment. Give me your mobile phone number. I will send you an address, but you can go to the store to choose it yourself, or let the clerk help you." Another boy wearing coconut said.

"Okay, after the business is over, it's time to relax." Song Jia clapped after they finished talking, and then turned to the boy who was thinking of Beckham's hairstyle. "Alan, take it out."

"Now?" Alan was stunned. "The party time is every Thursday and Sunday."

"Really, isn't today Thursday?"

"Uh, in theory today is indeed Thursday...but it is more suitable for the early morning of Thursday, or the evening of Wednesday." The boy wearing coconut said.

"Oops, I drank a little too much tonight, and my head was a little confused. I saw Thursday on my phone and it was dark again, so I brought my friend over. I said, why are you only five of you, the others Where have you been," Song Jia rubbed his temples with some trouble.

"If you don't mind, you can wait here until night, there are a few rooms upstairs." Alan said.

"Thank you, but my friends have other schedules afterwards, and it is estimated to leave Nuuk tonight." Song Jia said.

Zhang Heng didn't care, "It doesn't matter, just play~www.wuxiaspot.com~I don't like to touch any medicine anyway."

"No, no, you misunderstood, our party is not what you think...the party is very scientific and healthy," Alan explained. "We just use music and incense, as well as psychological hints to help Adjusting your mood is equivalent to being a spiritual massage, letting you release stress and depressed negative emotions."

"I have no negative emotions." Zhang Heng said lightly.


"In short, this thing has no side effects, and after you finish it, you will be more focused and more agile. Several of us will do it regularly, and staying up late will not lose hair." Russ also said , "There are more and more people who join us in the school, and even teachers want to join us, but we refused. After all, we have such a party and we also want to meet some new friends. So we are still young. People-oriented."

Song Jia also said again at this time, "In the bar, you told me that you are worrying about some things. I can't give you an answer, but I can take you here to relax and relax. Your spirit is immersed, and it may help you to see the choice you want to make, but I did not expect that I remembered the wrong time."

Alan scratched his head. "Actually, it doesn't matter. The reason why we set the time for the party is just because we can get everyone together and finish it at once. Everyone in the province has to make an appointment. Although it's no harm to do more, it's also It’s useless. I can manage two or three days at a time. If your friend is really in a hurry, I can arrange a separate one for him."

"Really, then I want it too." Song Jia said, "You don't know what I have experienced today, and I have accumulated a lot of psychological pressure, so I need a spiritual massage."

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