I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 622: Are you finished?

Naiaratopip feels that he has eaten the boy opposite.

But what he didn't think of was that Zhang Heng didn't release XM109 in his hand afterwards, "Do you think that I will let you put that suspicious thing in my body by my words alone?"

"You still want to know what you want. Just ask me, as long as I have the evidence I want, I will try my best to provide you with it. If I don't have it, I can help you find it. Anyway, the guardian in your body is about to expire. From the moment you start to enter those mysterious dreams, you have re-established contact with the owner of the city under ice, which also means that you can gradually receive information about us."

Nayaratopip was very happy, "I am different from the old guy of Cronos. I always talk about business with clear prices, and I will never hide mystery, because I believe only you know everything. Information in order to make the most sensible and self-help decisions."

"I have made a decision. I am very satisfied with my spine and have no plans to replace it at the moment."

"Maybe you don't know exactly what your decision means." Naiaratopip still said patiently.

"Will I be occupied by something in the city under the ice?"

"It would be nice if things were so simple, unfortunately this is your own decision, but it's never just a matter for you." Naiaratopip said, "You probably don't even know that you are looking at you now What kind of body exists, once he leaves the city under the ice, you will not be the only one who suffers."

"And your unlucky boss?"

"Yes, neither my boss nor I want to see such a thing happen, because it will make my boss fall off his throne, but in the end... we and the guy are all the way after all, even if he is out of trouble, even Even if I know my little movements, it is impossible to do anything to us, because we are all from the great Lord of All Things, but humans, humans are in great trouble."

Naiara Totip said, "Once the owner of the city under the ice is out of trouble, he will become a new type of natural disaster in the 21st century. Everything he passes, everything on the earth will fall into endless madness, happy 'S killing and carnival ignited the flame of freedom and joy."

"Aren’t there other gods? You said that they don’t like the lunatic who suddenly broke in at the banquet. They will not sit idly by and watch their believers being harvested by that guy, so this kind of thing is still Give them a headache."

"I said that there is no such simple thing. Indeed, other gods will come to stop him. In fact, people of our faction have never been treated by other gods, but do not underestimate the destructive power and growth power of that guy. Given the rapid development of electronic entertainment, his power has been growing rapidly over the years. Of course, gods stronger than him do exist, but you should never release the devil from his cage. I love

"The **** of our faction... is very special, and he is the most special one of us. Once he gets out of trouble, he will immediately cause a large amount of panic in the human world, and all these panics will become his food, let He grows at a more amazing speed, his power will grow crazy at the speed of **** in a very short time, and eventually no one can stop it.

"It is here that bears the brunt, Greenland. There are no powerful gods on this island. The shaman's magical powers have long been pitiful, and they continue to decrease with the passage of time. They cannot stop. In his footsteps, tens of thousands of people here will become his fanatics.

"And after that, fear will spread rapidly through the Internet to the entire human society. What’s worse is that a large part of them knows his existence, and these people will be more likely to be affected by him when they realize his existence. Captured, reduced to his believers, providing him with a steady stream of power, while the number of believers of other gods will decrease rapidly. This increase and decrease will quickly widen the gap between the two forces."

Naiaratopip also seemed a little helpless, "In the end you will find that no one has the power to stop him, and the whole world will be destroyed. You may be able to ignore the life and death of others, but your adoptive parents , Your grandfather, and those friends and classmates, one of them can't escape this disaster, and their blood will cover your hands. This is not just an analogy, because you know your body at that time. It’s his already. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I don't want to wait until the day when this happens, and you will regret not accepting my offer tonight, although if there is really such a day, your soul will be long gone."

Naiaratopip finished the whole paragraph in one breath, and then stopped, leaving enough time for the teenagers outside the house to think, but Zhang Heng on the other side still didn't respond.

A moment later Zhang Heng's voice rang again, but he only asked faintly, "Have you finished?"

"I actually still have a lot to say, and as I said before, if you want to prove, I can prove it to you, but I guess it doesn’t make much sense to you, does it? Your feelings The degree of disappearance seems to be more serious than I thought. I’m curious how much affection you still have in this world."

"If you have this kung fu, it is better to wonder how much trouble the three bullets left in my barrel can cause you."

Just when Nayaratotip told him bitterly that the world was about to be destroyed and the entire human race was in danger, Zhang Heng was also studying how to enter the house enveloped by the black mist, and at the same time would not be that piece It was affected by the black mist, and he really thought of a way afterwards, but only after I tried it, did I know it,

Zhang Heng walked to the swimming pool that he saw in front of the door. Now the pool has half of the water in the pool. In addition, there is a faucet on the other side and a rubber tube for watering the lawn. Zhang Heng picked up After raising the rubber tube for watering, he lifted his legs, walked down the pool, and turned on the faucet to let more water flow in.

Soon, the flow of water rose to the position of his chest, but Zhang Heng did not mean to close the faucet.

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