I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 630: guess

Zhang Heng stunned after hearing Song Jia’s translation, "Have you... seen my parents?"

"Yes, but strictly speaking I saw them in a dream. My elf found them on a deserted ice field and led me into your mother's dream." Kuna said with a smile. "Of course, that was 18 years ago. We played a video game together in her dream. I have to say that your mother is really an interesting person."

"Then how do you know that I am her son?" Zhang Heng asked.

"This is what my elf told me." Kuna still blinked at Zhang Heng.

And Zhang Heng was obviously very difficult to be satisfied with this answer, and gently said, "Your elf knows too much."

"It does know a lot of things, but there are also some things that I googled on my own." Kuna still said, "Well, no kidding, the reason I recognize you is because you carry my blessings on you. ."


"Yes, this is the reward your mother received after winning the video game. I wish her first child, no matter what happens, will always retain the last purity of the soul."

Zhang Heng opened his mouth.

"I know what you are going to say, what do you think I am, an omnipotent god? The shaman's power has been weakening for the past 100 years, but I want to wish you a long life and become wealthy overnight, but this I can't do anything about it," Kuna still spread her hands. "I can only send you such a blessed blessing. After all, how old are you this year, sixteen or seventeen, why do you look a bit old, Is it because you stay up all night to play with your mobile phone?"

"I am twenty years old this year."

Kuna was still surprised this time. "Impossible. When I met your mother, she said she had no children. How could you be twenty? Are you adopted by them? But my blessings are only right Children who are related to them are effective. If you are an adopted person, you cannot carry my blessings."

"My situation is special. My parents do have blood flowing from my parents, but I am not born of them." Zhang Heng said.

"What do you mean," Rao Yi Kunaju's experience and insights were also a bit dumbfounded, did not understand what Zhang Heng was saying, in order to ensure that it was not a translation problem, she also specifically confirmed with the same confused Song Jia Once again, Kuna still managed to find an understanding perspective, "If you were adopted and received a blood transfusion, it is not counted. My blessing is for the life created by your mother."

"In a sense, my life was indeed given by my mother."

According to Naiaratopip, he had no soul from the time of birth and was the perfect container for the owner of the city under the ice, so the fanatics tried to find a way to send him under the ice In the city, the blood exchange was about to succeed. Unexpectedly, it was broken into by his parents, and the two were very chaotic. They put their own blood into his body.

As a result of such a random operation, he actually helped him complete the rebirth and created the soul. In this way, it seems that Xiaoxia created him without any problem.

"Okay, I'm just an old shaman in the primitive tribe. I really don't know how far outside science and technology have developed. The greetings will stop here. Then let's talk about the business, you said on the phone that you put Lost the relic?" Kuna still looked at Alexia when she said the last sentence.

She didn't use blame, but Aleixia couldn't help but bowed her head, she seemed very self-blaming, but Ole was very loyal. At this time, she stood up and patted her chest, "No The thing about Alexia is that I said I want to borrow a holy thing. Aletheia just listened to me."

Kuna couldn't help crying or laughing, "I'm not asking the teacher to blame, what are you cooking? I just want to know what happened."

Zhang Heng pulled Song Jia up and said, "You are talking about the relics of your tribe, should we avoid it?"

"There is nothing to avoid." Kuna still shook her head. "That thing is barely an antique, but it can't be sold in the hands of outsiders."

"You mean, that thing was robbed by our people?" Aleixia heard the voice out of the string.

Ole on the other side also echoed, "Now Hans is the most suspicious, because he is the person responsible for transporting the relics, and he also left a secret signal that only we can understand, leading us to the siege of the group of fanatics. In the middle, we came back this time and met him again. He ambushed us on the way we must pass. He sneaked into us and killed Luke, but Zhang Heng said that his goal was actually Sachus behind the sled. Here, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and he also found Hans's knife."

"I don't think Hans did these things." Alessia, who had been silent, suddenly said at this time, making Ole somewhat stunned.

"Zhang Heng found Hans' knife, but he also warned us not to take this knife into our hearts, because he felt that this was intentionally left there to mislead us. I actually felt a little strange before, If Hans really betrayed us, he would call us directly and let us meet at the art museum. Why do we have to keep the secret code to make it so troublesome? Until just when we were attacked, I started to feel that our attackers and Not Hans."


"Hans’s father and brother also died in the hands of those fanatics. His desire for revenge is not less than mine, so he has been practicing the marksmanship silently for many years. If the person who ambushed us is really him, That Sachus should have been dead, because the previous shot of Hans was impossible to miss."

Ole thought about it and thought that Aleixia made sense, but in this way, he did not know who was the one who betrayed them, so he could not call everyone out and make them line up. Interview one by one.

Kuna still looked to the side and kept quiet Heng Zhang, "You seem to have an answer?"

"The answer is not a guess, just a guess." Zhang Heng said.

"Can you tell us something?"

"Of course, I suspect that I have betrayed you because I have been with you before."

"How is this possible, isn't Alley already dead?" Ole immediately widened his eyes and yelled, "This is still what you said."

"Well, I checked the van. The people inside were stabbed with at least twenty knives. From the blood flow point of view, there is indeed no possibility of life, but I have not said that the person in the car is Aili."

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