I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 166: plot

Ji Kangmaode felt a lot more relaxed physically and mentally after the war, and then changed into Zhang Heng's hurry and left the gladiator school in the dark.

Zhang Heng watched his back disappear, then turned around and walked back to the room, only to find the little female slave lying on the crack of the door and peeking here.

I'm probably because I'm familiar with it, the little female slave is now relaxed a lot, without the restraint when I first met, she was caught without being blushed, but curious.

"Wow, is the person who came just now your emperor?"

"Don't you have the copper coins he gave you?" Zhang Hengdao.

"Well, I looked again. The head picture above is quite similar to him." The little female slave nodded. "I just can't believe it, even Her Majesty the Emperor has come to see you. How famous are you now Ah, have you caught up with Sinatus? "

"Not yet," Zhang Hengdao, "Sisnatus has a reputation built up over the years."

The little slave was relieved when she heard the words. She knew that Marcruz attached great importance to the valuable ace gladiators. If Zhang Heng became famous again, maybe Marcruz would send more female slaves to him. Maybe she might Will be sent to serve other gladiators.

However, she hasn't been happy for a long time, so she listened to Zhang Heng and then added, "The champions of this gladiator show, I should be able to surpass Sinatus."

"Ah?" The little slave was almost startled, "So fast ?!"

这个 "Well, after all, it's in the Flavi Amphitheater, there are enough audiences, and it will spread faster." Zhang Hengdao, "What's wrong? Do you have anything?"

"No, no ..." The little female slave quickly shook her head to deny that, of course, she did not dare to say her careful thoughts.

And Zhang Heng didn't ask any more, but just told again, "Usually we can just point together casually, if you meet other people in the future, don't peep, don't take it seriously, some people's identity It ’s very sensitive, especially those big people. Maybe just hearing the words may lead you to death. ”

"Is it so scary?" The little female slave didn't know why, she felt a little bit sour. She obviously didn't want Zhang Heng to know her true thoughts, but she felt frustrated when she didn't really care about her.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, she is no different from other female slaves. Even if she is replaced one day, someone probably won't notice it.

The little slave girl thought so, while Zhang Heng had already fetched water on the other side, he simply took a cold shower, washed off his sweat, and then went to bed early, because there was a gladiator performance the next day.

Uh ...

Compared with the first day, the atmosphere of the arena is obviously a little different the next day.

Even Santonilos, Giants Phililos, and Thanos Thrace, who were on the first day, can feel that the audience ’s enthusiasm has decreased a lot, and after last night they also knew Zhang Heng What happened to those earth-shattering wars.

Ask yourself, they all know that they can't do what Zhang Heng can do, even if the speed of the first battle is fast, especially in the second battle, Zhang Heng surrendered a bison with his bare hands. This is simply incredible to them. Things, even the most proud of Sathonillos can feel a strong sense of crisis.

Zhang Heng has clearly become their biggest obstacle to winning the championship, which can also be seen from the odds that the former has topped the list.

东方 The orientalist turned a glamorous performance of what was supposed to be the stars into a one-man show with his own strength, so it would be difficult for other gladiators to have a good opinion of Zhang Heng.

唯一 The only exception to this is probably Bach, who has taught Zhang Heng powerfully before.

It may be because he has accepted the fact that he is not Zhang Heng's opponent. The Germans have no difference. He came out of the training room and rushed to Zhang Heng. "I heard that some guys want to work together against you. You better be careful. point."

"Really?" Zhang Heng raised his eyelids and glanced at Habitus and others on the other side.

It stands to reason that they are all Victor Arena people. What really happened, at least these people should be on the same front, but it does not seem to be the case now. Zhang Heng had previously seen Habitus being taken by a The gladiator called out, and then came back. He obviously knew that a plot against Zhang Heng was taking shape, but he did not remind Zhang Heng like Bach, and it was quite possible that he himself was involved.

However, Zhang Heng didn't care too much about it.

Many things are difficult to achieve. Since he wants to show his strength to arouse the interest of Kang Maode, he will naturally think of the threat to other gladiators. Fortunately, Zhang Heng also has enough confidence in his own strength. It was two very different people when entering the copy.

At that time, he may also have to consider what measures should be taken to reduce the hostility of other gladiators, but now even if Zhang Heng knows that Satonilos and others want to join forces against him, there is no need to take any action.

The reason is simple, because he is strong enough now.

Because of the extra 24 hours on the body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After time and speed increase, Zhang Heng's growth rate has already exceeded the difficulty of increasing the copy. In fact, the ordinary copy of the leaker's copy is dangerous to Zhang Heng. It is no longer high, and he is more capable in the copy. He can focus on learning new skills, as he chose to join the balancing blade.

Zhang Heng certainly knows the risks of walking as an assassin, but after weighing the risks, he still decides to eat the risks. This is because of his confidence in his own strength.

Now it ’s the same. The final melee is limited to one-to-one, which is limited by the rules. This little action ca n’t be changed. With the lv4 knife method and the newly learned assassin ’s footsteps, Zhang Hengbu I don't think anyone else will be his opponent.

This is also evident in the gladiatorial performance the next day.

Zhang Heng's two battles are equally clean and neat. No matter what strategy his opponent adopts, under his two Persian swords are the same despair and helplessness, especially as soon as he appears, the entire audience is in the audience. Shouting his name rhythmically, the pressure on his opponents is also unparalleled.

Those who can stand in the Flavi Arena are also stars in their gladiator schools. Only the audience applauded them. They have rarely seen themselves become villains. What's more difficult is that they also fully earn not coming back.


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