I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 171: Yo, is this a coincidence

The three-day gladiatorial performance has finally entered the final part, and it is also the largest high performance of the whole gladiator performance.

Seventy-two gladiators from different gladiator schools gathered in the arena today. They will compete in the same field and fight against each other until the final champion is decided.

Unlike the previous twelve-player melee in Victor Arena, this time there are more gladiators involved, stronger, and there is no team, all are single-player, and there is no resurrection group, in other words, any slight mistake May lead to being eliminated.

The audience was expecting this visual feast for too long, so as soon as the gladiators appeared on the scene, they burst into cheers like mountains and tsunami.

And Satonillos and others finally came back at this time, realizing that they are now standing on the highest stage of the gladiators, representing their respective gladiator schools. Although yesterday ’s events, they have already been It's totally cold, but that doesn't mean that they can completely give up the next test.

Because this gladiator performance is very important for all gladiator schools, it will determine the rise and fall of the next few years. Therefore, the masters of all schools have basically issued death orders. In addition to requiring their gladiators to compete for the championship, they have also set minimum goals.

The vast majority of people such as Satonillos are not yet free, and if they fail to achieve their goals, they will also face great pressure.

So we can't give up now. They are powerful and famous gladiators. Even if they can't beat Zhang Heng, they can still have the upper hand against other gladiators.

Therefore, they only need to avoid Zhang Heng in the next battle.

However, when the battle really started, the audience on the stand was surprised to find that those powerful gladiators who had been placed in high hopes and felt that they could pose some threats to Zhang Heng had unexpectedly performed abnormally.

Satonillos and others are still affected. These effects are not physical, but spiritual. Compared to other gladiators who have prepared for today, many of them are I have not slept overnight, my mental state is very poor, my response and my sense of danger have decreased to varying degrees. In addition, they will be distracted by Zhang Heng's situation during the fight, for fear of meeting the latter in the next game. It also makes them tied.

Of course, their level is there after all. If it is normal, they can basically control the rhythm of the battle, but now their opponents are not ordinary gladiators, but the elite left after several rounds of slaughter. Even if the strength is slightly worse than them, it is not much worse.

As a result, the audience also saw the scene that made them astounded. Previously, the famous gladiators in Rome had lost their hands, and even some people who were familiar with Satonillos and Danaus could not help but wonder if these guys were in harmony with The dealers are collusion and are playing fake matches. They want to lose the battle on purpose and eliminate them early. Otherwise, they cannot explain their unbearable performance.

Instead, Habitus was the best performing group among those who attacked Zhang Heng yesterday.

Although he lost two fingers, he ran away alone after the attack failed, so he also missed the scene of Zhang Hengsheng's ascension. His mental condition was relatively stable. His decline in strength was purely a physical reason, just like Zhang Hengsuo He said that the loss of **** had a great impact on his grasp of weapons.

However, Habitus also found a solution. Instead, he held the sword with his left hand and the shield with his right hand without fingers, so that his right hand did not need to do too many difficult moves.

Of course, he does n’t dare to use his shield to attack his opponent ’s attack. He ’s afraid that the shield is too strong. Fortunately, he was a flexible gladiator and learned some steps from the old Persian trainer, even if it ’s just fur , But enough to deal with the current battle, and even gradually gain the upper hand.

Habitus is also fighting his life this time. He doesn't want to lose the reputation he has accumulated over the years. He clenched his teeth and took out all his strength. He even changed some of the previous fighting styles and reduced the dazzling skills to enhance viewing. Action, began to play steadily, and finally successfully defeated the opponent and achieved the first round of victory.

In addition, Habitus, like Satonillos and others, is closely watching the movement of Zhang Heng. It is seen that Zhang Heng is still far away from him, and he has just won and faced the opponent on the other side. Sri Lanka hastily ended the battle.

But when he saw his opponent in the second round, he couldn't help being there.

The Germans broke his mouth at him, exposing two rows of teeth. "Oh, isn't this a coincidence? It seems that the grudges between us can finally be understood."

Habitus patronized Zhang Heng before, but he missed Bach. Of course, he was almost at the limit, and he didn't have the energy to focus on two people at the same time.

If it was before yesterday ’s incident, Habitus was not afraid to meet the Germans, because Bach suffered a loss because he was too young. Compared to the old fox of Habitus, it was still too late to ignite. Even if Bitus is not at least 10%, there is at least 70% certain that he can win Bach.

But now it ’s different. He has **** missing. Although he can fight with swords in both his left and right hands, his left hand is not as flexible as his right hand. Moreover, he just won the bitter battle and spent a lot of energy and energy. It's easy to win over there.

In addition, the Germans obviously had a premeditated plan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It will win early in the morning, but they will deliberately drag on to wait for revenge.

Habitus looked at the referee aside. "We are in the same arena. It's not reasonable to meet so early."

As a result, the referee ignored him, but just made a gesture to start the battle, and Bach didn't wait for a second, and chuckled up.

Although the two have been looking at each other, they are not very pleasing to the eye, but Habitus still puts Bach and him in a similar position. Although the first time the two sides met, he won easily, but there were many factors in it. Yes, Bach was tired and tired, hungry and tired, and at the same time he didn't know enough about him. He ignored the enemy and finally suffered a big loss. He was easily played.

But this time the Germanic man was prepared, and when he came up, it was a fierce attack. He did not pick the key to Habitus, that is, the opponent could not jump and dodge, and he must resist his attack.

As a result, Habitus was unlucky. After receiving the two swords, he felt that his shield had a tendency to let go, but he had no other solution. The Germanic man was just hitting his local rat. What kind of skill is it? It's just a pure stormy attack, smashing his head and smashing his face.

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