I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 186: Released the thin monkey!

Just going out with Zhang Heng to inspect the little female slaves, she experienced firsthand what the chaos of this place was.

She was walking down the street and the money bag clasped in her hand was snatched away.

After that guy rushed directly into the crowd, and how Ren Xiaonu slave shouted behind him, passers-by around him were indifferent, as if they didn't see the crime that was going on in front of them, everyone's face was covered with numbness and indifferent.

Eventually, the little female slave had to stop shouting, standing eagerly on the side of the street, and then asked Zhang Heng, who was watching the lively together, "how can you not stop him?"

Zhang Hengdao, "Isn't there much money in it?"

The two had a division of labor when they went out. Of course, Zhang Heng put valuables and gold coins on himself, while the female slave's purse contained loose change, about thirty Seths.

"But that's our money too," the little female slave reluctantly said. Besides worrying about losing her money, she was also worried about Zhang Heng's next job. This is still daylight. The law and order here is so bad, and it is even worse at night. I can't imagine.

But then I heard Zhang Hengyou say, "You don't want to get the money back."

"Everyone is gone, why do you want it?" The little female slave opened her eyes wide.

"Although the person who stole your money ran away, his accomplices are still there." Zhang Hengdao, "Generally this kind of money robbers are committed by gangs, the division of labor is clear, there are people who choose goals, some people who rob money, Pretending to be a passerby but ready to support it if needed. "

Zhang Heng said as he nodded that all the people in the crowd were not tall, only eleven or twelve-year-olds, "Hey, don't run."

The latter saw Zhang Heng pointing at him, and his face suddenly showed a sense of confusion, especially when he heard the word "don't run," without any hesitation, turned around and ran away, but he was still one step behind, and he didn't know if the other party was How come suddenly behind him in such a short time.

He had just taken a half step out of his front foot, and his back foot was lifted from the ground.

However, he did not give in to this, and wanted to take off his clothes and escape naked, but his little trick must not be hidden from Zhang Heng, who used the clothes he took off to hit his neck. As a result, when he tried to run again, he felt his throat tighten and his breathing became more and more difficult.

"Where are your friends, take us to meet them." Zhang Hengdan said indifferently.

However, he soon found out that this question seemed to be asked in vain, because maybe he saw the companion in charge of support being arrested, the guy who had previously stolen the little slave girl's money bag turned back, and also took two other Companions, they are not far away.

Their oldest is estimated to be about sixteen years old, and the youngest looks only ten years old. At this moment, they all carried weapons on their hands, which made the little female slaves look a little scared.

"Leave a thin monkey." The teenager who robbed the money spoke loudly, and he was also the oldest in the group.

"Okay, return the money we stole from us first." Zhang Heng calmly said.

"What are you thinking, we are not negotiating with you, if you don't do it, we will want you to look good!" The teenager who grabbed the money raised the dagger in Yang's hand, fiercely.

The little female slave hid behind Zhang Heng, and Wen Yan also pierced her head. "You are too daring. You actually robbed the street and threatened the victim after being spotted. Are you afraid we tell the patrol?"

"It's no use telling the patrol team, they can't control this place." The robbed teenager sneered. "If you know the acquaintances, you will be let go, otherwise don't blame us.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Zhang Heng said as he kicked the caught young man's calf and let the latter kneel on the ground. The teenager who took the money regarded it as a provocation to them. See The state couldn't bear it anymore, and he rushed up with a yelling roar.

Unfortunately, their fighting skills are not as proficient as stealing money. Coupled with their age, their combat effectiveness is limited, and they pick the wrong opponents. Zhang Heng put them all to the ground with little effort. Not even weapons were used in the process.

Then he crouched down, searched for the money boy, and pulled out the little slave girl's money bag from the latter's arms, returning it to the original owner. "Count it, is there less?"

The little female slave took the money bag cheerfully, and made a grimace to the group of teenagers on the ground who had been turned upside down. They checked the copper coins inside and nodded Zhang Heng, "It's all here."

But the smile on her face did not last long, and she soon froze there.

Because then a group of figures appeared on the street.

The numb passers-by did not respond to her shouts before, as if they were indifferent to everything around them, but this time they moved quickly, and saw the crowd of people coming to this side dodging. Going to the side, one of them walked slowly to the ground and did not dare to complain about anything. Soon, he stood up again and lowered his head to leave.

Zhang Heng noticed that the teenager who grabbed the money flashed a look of fear when he saw the group.

"What's the matter, does anyone need help here?" Asked the tall, slightly feminine Jewish men, his voice stretched with a hint of frivolity.

"No, it's nothing," said the teenager who robbed the money, "We're just playing around."

"Fun?" The feminine Jewish man smiled. "You talk about you, you do n’t have to do business all day, you know you can play everywhere. Have you got all the money this week? Tonight is the deadline. Now. "

"We are trying to find a way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We are trying to find a way to collect money, or are we trying to figure out how to lie and fool around?" The feminine Jewish man asked, "don't say that my black-tailed snake didn't remind you, but I heard Recently, you have robbed several fat sheep. I hope that the numbers you get will satisfy the shackles, otherwise you know what will happen. As for you ... "

The black-tailed snake shifted his eyes to Zhang Heng, smiling with a smile, "You hurt our people, what do you say?"

Unlike the teenagers who steal money, the seven people in front of them are all adults, and the weapons on their hands look more fierce, including iron-clad gloves and hammers, and even some of them have certain combat experience. , Have done such things as underground gladiators or bodyguards.

Seeing this, the little female slave couldn't help but nervously, "What should I do, will those who run away go back and inform the patrol?"

"It's unlikely. Besides, I'm from the patrol team. Although I haven't reported it yet, there is no problem in joining the office a few hours in advance." Zhang Heng was still the same, he shot The boy grabbed the cheek of the money screaming, "Honestly, I have some questions for you, but I have to deal with things over there first."

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