I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 193: Don't go too far

After Zhang Heng's remarks, the pub was quiet, and the laughter before was gone.

Blacktail snakes and dwarfs took a breath of breath. The patrol was too rude. They could not handle the case that had happened because no one cooperated with their investigation, but they were able to stop the ongoing crime. .

At least on the site of iron shackles, after all, it is only some immature ghosts who are actually responsible for earning income.

And just as Zhang Heng said, if they were patrolling on the three streets with their heart, the twelve people of the patrol team could completely make all thieves on the three streets without business to do, and the iron shackles and his men naturally In other words, no particles are collected.

But, how does this always feel strange?

Yes, the people in front of the iron shackles are obviously patrol teams and law enforcement in this area, but now they do n’t say anything about the law. No, they should be talking about the law, but they are actually given by law. The power to seek personal gain for their own sake, they now look like a little guardian of law, completely no different from other gang forces in this place.

What kind of business is this, is simply blatant blackmail.

No matter what vocabulary Zhang Heng uses to modify their behavior, there is no way to hide their true purpose-the patrol team is preparing to eat black.

It stands to reason that they have always lived here with iron shackles and dwarfs. They are no strangers to things like scams. In order to survive and not be swallowed up by other forces, they often need to pay some protection costs and donations. People are actually patrols.

For a moment, the thoughts of iron shackles, dwarfs, and others even raised a thought. Has the neighbourhood we live in really fallen to such an extent? Even the patrols have engaged in extortion. As criminals, they have even started to care about the spiritual construction of the surrounding area.

Everyone in the tavern was thinking, and for a long time no one spoke.

And when he returned to God, the eyes of the crowd gradually turned to the face of the iron shackles, apparently he needed to speak as the boss.

However, the shackles are now hesitant.

The patrol team has been a mascot for a long time. Before, no one paid attention to them at all, and did not pay attention to them. However, now this group of guys who have no sense of presence suddenly show their fangs and want to roll over and ride. On the heads of the shackles, this makes it difficult for people such as shackles and dwarfs to accept them emotionally and in face.

But the iron shackles knew what Zhang Heng said was true. His business was special. Once he was spotted by the patrol, it would be difficult for the thieves to steal any money. Not to mention that the patrol deliberately targeted them. Walking around three streets will also make theft difficult, and their income will definitely decrease by that time.

What should I do?

In terms of numbers, they have an advantage. Even if the thieves are not counted, the number of iron shackles is twice that of the patrol team, and there are some good players in it. The patrol team, besides Aris, needs to pay attention. This oriental man, who knows nothing about the depths of his eyes, should not be a problem if he wins.

But the question is after that?

Even if the patrol led by Aris is no matter how unbearable and wasteful it is, the law enforcement officers in this place are serious. If they are severely beaten, it will be a shame, but will it attract more powerful guys? After all, the patrol team is not only this team, but scattered in various places in the city. They are all concentrated. It is difficult to say whether they can lay down this place, but they are obviously fine with these small roles.

After all, they are just the bad guys living in the bottom of the slum. After all, they have limited vision and thinking. How do you know the cricket in the patrol, Aris and their group are marginalized exiles. Besides, if he knows, he ca n’t be sure. After finishing the reaction of Aris and their other patrols, even Aris himself did not know the problem, and he did not want to know, because then most of them would be removed from office.

Although their lives are now miserable enough, anyway, there is still a meager salary to support themselves and their families, and if they lose this job, they will probably be completely integrated with this place.

Therefore, when they were hesitant in the iron shackles, they were also very nervous. One hand was already attached to their weapon, and the iron shackles around them were also eager to move, waiting for the boss to order to clear up the group. Know the height of the patrol team members.

The situation in the tavern became tense and tense, only Zhang Heng's expression remained calm, and he even leaned his back back and waited for the answer from the iron shackles.

Ironcuffs noticed that the black-tailed snake was winking at him. There seemed to be something to tell him, but for the time being Ironcuffs had no time to discuss with his most dependent men because he had been silent for a long time. Now, he must speak now, otherwise his heart will be shaken by the opponent and his subordinates.

"Thirty percent is too much."

In the end, the shackles chose to resolve this matter peacefully. After all, they are a small force and do not want to conflict with the patrol. The shackles feel that they have made a lot of concessions and it is time to enter the negotiations. .

What surprised him, however, was that the Oriental man sitting opposite had shaken his head when he heard the words.

"30% ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is no shortage of copper."

"This is impossible, the money is not all in our pockets." The iron shackle almost jumped up, but he finally suppressed his anger, explaining, "I have almost half of it in me. We have to give it to the above forces, we can only take half of it, and I still have so many men to support, at most 10% for your patrol. "

As soon as his voice fell on the patrol side, some people could not help but swallowed their mouths. It was obviously better than the patrol side when they saw the shackles and their teammates. They now earn more.

The patrol team all wanted to agree on the spot, but they did not expect Zhang Heng to still say, "30%, there is no need to talk about this."

"Don't go too far," the iron shackles finally said intolerably.

"Excessive? We are a patrol team, helping to maintain law and order in the street, what is too much to catch a few thieves." Zhang Heng shook his head. "It seems that you have not figured out the situation, and we have no permission from you, you You ca n’t go on with your business. You wo n’t make a single Sesters. It does n’t matter if you do n’t want to cooperate with us. I believe that some of your people are willing to cooperate with us. ”

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