I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 200: Farewell

Recently, Zhang Heng was probably the busiest time. During the day, he had to deal with the expansion of the forces. When he first took over the gang of iron shackles, they were just an insignificant small force, but the newly-appointed soap was changed from the previous one. It looked like a crazy dog ​​and started provocatively declaring war. At the most exaggerated day, he provoked two gangs whose strength is above them. When soap went to lunch, he almost made a knife to chop. Fortunately, he waited long ago. The waiting patrol stepped in enough time to rescue him, and all those who retaliated against him for murder were taken.

As a result, at night, someone would come to the patrol station immediately. If it was the previous patrol team, it is estimated that he would have to be released at this time. Aris might have to face the boss behind the scenes to compensate him.

But now the patrol team just concentrated their families in a room on the top floor, and then the rest of them all put on armor, took up their weapons, and kept silently behind the gate.

After a while, the soap, who got the news, rushed over. He smiled and greeted the leader who was opposite. The guy hadn't figured out what was going on. The soap group had taken out their weapons and the other side was on patrol. The team's door was also wide open, and Aris rushed out, slamming back and forth with the soap man, and directly crying the aggressive team on the other side, throwing the weapons on his hands and kneeling to surrender.

This scene is like a copy of the night when I was dealing with iron shackles. Although there were many people on the opposite side, but I have never seen this before. The patrol team and the local forces joined forces and colluded together. It was not enough to overcast them once. Thanks to the one-stop service of the chain, they lost even their bottoms.

Uh ...

In just two weeks, the power of soap has expanded six times, but this is almost their limit. The power of soap is inherently inadequate. It is like a deformed child that has spawned. Before you learn to walk, you have exposed cavities. Busy hunting, although in the patrol's care to pass the next pass, but now the early dividends have been eaten up.

Now basically everyone knows that there is an inextricable connection between the patrol and soap, so they will naturally be careful to prevent the two parties from joining forces, like the incomparable iron before, send a wave here, and then go there The situation of sending a wave is almost no longer the case.

However, it just happens that soap needs a little time to digest what he eats. Whether it is a construction site or a man, he doesn't even have the name of his own people. Naturally, there is no cohesion. If it is not he has been paying And more and more, it is estimated that the people below have already run away. In addition, he just killed the boss of the others. The ghost knows what the people below really think.

So when I learned that Zhang Heng decided to give him a two-week leave to rectify the interior, he was relieved.

Zhang Heng himself was also a bit surprised. The performance of soap was much better than he imagined. Considering the former background of the latter, Zhang Heng originally thought that he could expand the power by two or three times, but he did not expect that he would actually overdo it. Task.

However, Zhang Heng did not change his plan because of this. He has already called out the gang who helped him investigate the enemy of Valo, and is planning to build a new force. Zhang Heng has no plans to expand the soap for the time being, because Their size is close to a medium-sized force, and they have joined forces with the patrol team and have started to attract some people's attention.

So Zhang Heng intends to quietly get a new force out. This time the patrol team will not openly help, but the new force also has advantages.

Zhang Heng just completed his first performance after returning at the Victor Arena. On that day, the entire stand was crowded. Marcruz, the greedy gladiator gladiator school owner, sold half of the tickets. One could not help worrying about whether the crowded stand would be crushed.

Fortunately, as a result, the performance was undoubtedly successful. Zhang Heng once again proved his popularity as the first gladiator in Rome. According to his agreement with Marcruz, he also received a large sum of money.

Zhang Heng took half to form a new force. In addition, he also planned to use the threat posed by the patrol and soap crazy dog ​​to directly pinch some small forces and then push his people to the position of boss. , And now the prototype of this alliance has begun to form.

Zhang Heng has always been very decisive. He chose the bottom forces and tried not to alarm the people above them. When the big forces reacted, they would find that their bottom ecology was completely turned upside down.

In addition, the patrol began to recruit soldiers after having the money. Of course, the new recruits did not have the official status of the patrol members. They could only be regarded as informants who assisted the patrol members in capturing criminals. However, the informants can also become fighters when necessary. .

This place is full of poverty and evil, but poverty also has the benefits of poverty. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can recruit enough people to die for you.

Zhang Heng's plan to integrate forces of all sizes is progressing steadily, but his own focus is not here.

The Persian veteran trainer took two weeks to complete all the lectures, and Zhang Heng now has an lv1 assassin skill.

Of course, this is because he just memorized these things. After fully understanding and mastering it, he should be able to upgrade to lv2, but this is estimated to be two months later.

It's time to say goodbye.

The Persian veteran trainer bluntly said that he had basically taught Zhang Heng what he could teach. He had been dragging on for quite some time, and it was time to go on his way to complete the tasks entrusted to him by the priestess.

So when the last night of training ended, the two said goodbye by the Tiber River, Zhang Heng also brought a bottle of wine.

After receiving the drink, the old Persian trainer asked, "How is Kang Maode, has he come to see you again? Given his interest in you, shouldn't you haven't seen you for so long after you won?"

Zhang Hengwen shook his head and said, "It should be that the people around him are stopping him from wanting him to notice me again, but it doesn't matter. When I solve the matter here, I will return to Kang Maode's sight. "

"That's good. Solve Otrus sooner, you can also become the core member of the Blade of Balance sooner." Now that Zhang Heng is saying this, the old Persian trainer will no longer have any doubts about this, he pulled out The wine cork sniffed. "This wine is good, at least three gold coins."

"You like it." Zhang Heng is not short of money now.

The old Persian trainer then put the cork back into the bottle, but sighed, "Do you remember what I said before, the hounds have killed us alone, and they have no trace during this time, this Not a good sign. I have been dizzy recently and I always feel that something big will happen. "

"Did your **** tell you the answer?" Zhang Heng asked.

注意 "Pay attention to your attitude ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the priest has never mentioned to me that you have nothing to be polite and respectful." The old Persian trainer was dissatisfied.

"Did she tell you that she was going to throw me directly into the river?"

"Anyway, you have to be one of us. Try to get along well with your companions. In view of the distrust of the other members of the organization, you can only ask her about anything after I leave. , I will tell you how to contact her. "Said the old Persian trainer.

Zhang Heng shrugged, "You have the final say."

"I thought I could spend more time with you and arrange everything, but now I can only rely on myself." The old Persian trainer sighed again.

"Rest assured, I can handle it, don't hesitate, hurry up, you are so old, it will take a lot of time to walk past." Zhang Hengdao.


"That being the case, let's say goodbye here." The old Persian trainer finally stopped, "I left a gift for you, but because of your bad attitude, I decided not to tell you where the gift was. Just guess it yourself. "

老 The old Persian trainer finished his last sentence and felt a lot more comfortable. He blinked at Zhang Heng and jumped into the boat by the river.


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