I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 20 Don't think about going back after suffering such a serious injury~

"Hiss~ha! Hiss~ha!"

The Spider Queen was panting with difficulty, and two more of the only five thorny legs left were broken. At this moment, there were two legs on one side of her body, and one leg on the other.

Not only that, but most of the nine scarlet eyes on his head were already blind.

There is nothing taboo about the battle between monsters, they fight according to their instincts, and their moves are fatal.

Although the spider queen was miserable, the six-bearded catfish was not much better.

It has been affected by the slow magic eyes of the Spider Queen, and has been injected with a large amount of venom by the Spider Queen. At this moment, it is covered with wounds, and it has long been unable to move. .

The outcome has been divided, and the Spider Queen won miserably.

"The beating is over." Ji Ruo smacked his lips, "Tsk tsk, the beating is really fierce."

Liang Shixian reminded in a low voice: "Ji Ruo! Don't talk anymore, if that guy finds us, it will be terrible!"

The Spider Queen was missing most of her spider legs, and she was struggling to stabilize her figure on the spider web.

Fortunately, it won, and none of this is a problem.

The promotion method of monsters is quite special. Devouring powerful monsters or monsters or warriors can greatly increase their strength, and the injuries suffered in battle will also recover at a very terrifying speed.

So as long as the life is still alive, it doesn't matter how bad the injury is, as long as you win.

Of course, the evolution route of monsters is not fixed, and after devouring some powerful beings, their species may even change.

Ji Ruo could almost predict that after the spider queen devoured and digested the six-bearded catfish, some changes would inevitably occur in her life form. By then, maybe this guy would no longer be the Nine-eyed Demon Spider

After the Spider Queen gasped for a while, the remaining magic eyes on her head suddenly glowed red.

Ji Ruo and the others lay on the ground, watching the spider web that had been used as a battlefield for both sides suddenly shrink, binding the six-bearded catfish even tighter.

At the same time, those spider silks also wrapped the body of the Spider Queen, turning them into thorny feet, and sealing the wounds—it used the spider silk to repair the mutilated body!

Of course, those spider silk limbs don't have the strength of their original bodies, but they are barely enough to be used as prosthetic limbs for movement.

It didn't intend to devour the six-bearded catfish here, because the monster was very weak when it advanced, and it would be dangerous to advance here.

So no matter how tempting the six-bearded catfish is, it has to hold back, and will not devour it until it returns to the cave and lays its web again.

By the way, the reason why monsters are called monsters is that apart from their weird promotion methods, monsters have more or less special abilities.

For example, the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider has the special ability of slowing demon eyes, which can slow down the speed of its prey.

Not only that, as spider-type monsters, they also have several general abilities of spider monsters.

Such as 'poison making', such as 'spider silk manipulation'.


The spider queen fell down carrying the dying six-bearded catfish, and she was no longer as light as before.

It walked slowly towards its own cave.

Liang Shixian and others did not dare to breathe. The current situation is different from before. Talking nonsense now will be discovered!

However, Ji Ruo thought about it, and suddenly got up from the quagmire.

"Ji Ruo! What are you doing!" Liang Shixian was shocked.

The spider queen was too injured to notice them at all, so letting the spider queen leave like this seemed to be the best choice.

But Ji Ruo thought for a while, pointed to the back of the spider queen who was moving every step and was struggling, and said: "It has suffered such a serious injury, and I don't feel relieved to go back alone."

"What do you care about it!" Liang Shixian was going crazy: "Lie down quickly, don't be discovered by it!"

"No!" Ji Ruo said seriously, "We can't just ignore death!"

Several people:"???"

Even Li Nannan, who was still a little numb, was dumbfounded.

do you know what you're talking about That is a monster!

Do nothing? Is now the time to think about this!

But before they could persuade him, Ji Ruo got up and rushed out.

"My fellow! Don't go, my fellow. You have suffered such serious injuries. It is not safe to go back by yourself!"

Covered in mud, the clay figurine boy whose face was already unrecognizable waved his arms and chased after him. His concerned words seemed like he was really thinking about the Spider Queen.

Of course, if the mud stained on the boy's palm didn't quickly dry out and shatter, revealing the red palm inside, the credibility would be even higher.

The seriously injured Spider Queen froze for a moment when she heard the sound. She was so badly injured that her reaction was a little slow.

When it realized something was wrong, Ji Ruo had already run behind the Spider Queen, and before the Spider Queen could turn around, he jumped high and landed on the Spider Queen's back.

A pair of red and extremely hot flesh paws slapped on the dark purple spider silk all over the Spider Queen's body.

That movement seemed gentle, like patting the shoulder of a friend who was about to part.

"My fellow, why don't you stay here first, don't rush back after suffering such a serious injury."

Ji Ruo was consoling, but the extremely high-temperature iron sand palm was rubbing against the dark purple spider silk at high speed—this guy is indeed a monster comparable to the peak of Qimai Realm, and even the spider silk is stronger than the ordinary nine-eyed demon. Spiders are more resistant to heat.

But, no use!

Ji Ruo's iron sand palm has already reached the level of 'integration and penetration'. In theory, it is also a level that can only be cultivated by Qimai state warriors. The temperature is extremely high, and at this moment, it is rubbing at a high speed. In the blink of an eye, the dark purple spider silk was ignited.

It started as a spark, and then spread rapidly.

But Ji Ruo had already jumped away, nimbly like a monkey, and quickly climbed to the tree beside him.

"Hiss! Hiss!"

Spider silk is flammable and difficult to extinguish once it burns.

At this moment, the spider queen's body was covered with a large amount of spider silk, which was originally used to control her injuries and movement, but at this moment it became her death talisman.

In the raging flames, the Spider Queen roared and rolled all over the ground, trying to extinguish the flames.

But once the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider's silk is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish it even with water, so how can it be so easily extinguished?

The spider queen, who was seriously injured, was burned by the fire, and her injuries were added.

And the dying six-bearded catfish was also burned by the flames.

But it has no strength left to struggle.

Ji Ruo squatted on the tree trunk, looked at the spider queen rolling on the floor in pain, and couldn't help but sigh:

"If you don't want to stay, you should have said it earlier! Why is such a big spider still rolling around?"

The dark purple spider silk was highly poisonous. At this moment, the spider silk was ignited by flames, and purple poisonous smoke rose slowly.

The mystical realm of Wanshou Mountain without the sun also has the day and night it should have.

At this time, it was daytime, and the sun-like light fell from the sky, penetrated the treetops, and formed mottled spots of light, shining on the grass in the forest, and also shining on the spider queen who was screaming in pain.

Ji Ruo thought: "This is the legend, the Rizhao incense burner produces purple smoke? So you are called the incense burner."

When the purple poisonous smoke rose, he had already left the treetops, helped Li Nannan who was still a little numb, and called everyone to walk upwind.

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