I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 28 Symbiosis in the Mountain of Beasts

The fourth day of the martial arts exam.

"Wow! Bai Lingguo!"

Ji Ruo plucked a white fruit exuding an attractive fragrance, looking very happy.

This white spirit fruit is a higher-level spirit fruit than Xuemidao!

Eating it can clear the mind and eyesight, and there are no restrictions on food consumption, which is of great benefit to martial arts practice.

Not only that, eating it at the martial arts level can also increase qi and blood, and even refine the body to a certain extent. There is a saying that the martial arts level is weak or weak, but any elixir and fruit can have special effects.

According to Ji Ruo's understanding, this is roughly equivalent to that when playing online games like Tanwan Lanyue, your own level is too different from the highest level in the world, and you will get a certain amount of experience bonus when you fight monsters

Because it is not a particularly high-level spiritual fruit, whether it is the effect of clearing the mind and eyesight or refining the physical body, this white spirit fruit has the effect, but the effect is very weak.

But even so, it was enough to make Ji Ruo happy.

After all, the fruit was picked for nothing.

"Ji Ruo, please lower your voice."

Liang Shixian lowered his voice and said anxiously.

"We can't expose it now!"

"Expose what?"

Ji Ruo asked in surprise: "We are tree demons now, what are you afraid of?"

Liang Shixian: "."

You really think you are a dryad!

Liang Shixian thought of yesterday's experience, and now he is still a little confused.

Yesterday, Ji Ruo took himself to dig two pits, lay down in them respectively, and filled them with soil, intending to just survive the remaining four days of the martial arts exam.

Unexpectedly, they were indeed not discovered by the monsters, but all the trees in that forest were tree demons!

They stay in place during the day to bask in the sun and carry out photosynthesis.

At night, they rise up one after another and migrate.

Liang Shixian himself was fine, but Ji Ruo, who didn't know if it was bad luck or something, was suddenly pulled out of the soil by a tree demon.

At that time, let alone Liang Shixian, even the tree demon seemed to be stunned.

Then the tree demon began to attack Ji Ruo.

The dense branches seem to cover the sky and cover the sky, stabbing at Ji Ruo.

Liang Shixian remembered very clearly that at that time Ji Ruo put the Miao Dao on his waist in a calm manner, his body sank slightly, and then there was a "squeaky" sound, the light of the saber was extremely bright in the dark night, like fine white thunder with.

Ji Ruo was so fast at that time that it was even difficult for Liang Shixian to see clearly—they were obviously at the same level!

Liang Shixian could only see a dazzling flash of thunder, and all the tree demon's branches were chopped off, and Ji Ruo also rushed in front of the tree demon at the same time, hugged the tree directly, his palms were red, and rubbed at high speed.

Forcibly rubbed by the dryad!

Normally speaking, the average dryad just has a long life, and its individual strength is not very strong, and it is extremely afraid of fire.

The other tree demons also wanted to come up to attack Ji Ruo, but they ran away when they saw the fire. Ji Ruo also clicked his tongue at the time, saying that it was the first time he saw a tree actively divide the isolation zone.

Then, taking advantage of the gap between the tree demon's burning and screaming, Ji Ruo ran away with Liang Shixian.

Then, the outrageous place came.

Liang Shixian never expected that after Ji Ruo ran into the normal woods with himself, he picked up a large leaf, crushed the leaf, took the juice and rubbed it on his body, and broke off a few branches with green leaves. Put it on the clothes, and despite Liang Shixian's strong dissuasion, he said that he would bring Liang Shixian back to have a good meal.

Then, the two were surrounded by the dryads and let go, Ji Ruo suddenly said that he wanted to join the big family of the dryads, and then he really joined in.

He also extinguished the flames of the dryad whose leaves were almost burned... Although the small half of his body was burnt, but seeing the tree demon's branches trembling, he seemed to be very grateful to Ji Ruolai...

These tree demons didn't even doubt their identities, it's outrageous!

"It's better to be careful, we are not real tree demons after all." Liang Shixian said earnestly: "Can you stop picking the spirit fruits from those tree demons all day long? This is too arrogant!"

Ordinary dryads have no eyes, no nose and no mouth. They are relatively docile monsters and not very dangerous.

But even if it's not high, it's still dangerous!

Liang Shixian felt that the reason why these tree demons accepted them was because they had no five sense organs, and could not see or hear them speak—but what kind of tree would climb to other trees to pick fruit!

Ji Ruo thought for a while, climbed to the tree and picked a fruit, said: "Hey, monitor, I'll eat it for you."


Ji Ruo took a bite of the Bailing fruit, and said happily: "Don't worry, we won't expose it. The dryads sleep during the day and wake up at night to move around. Moreover, they can't see or hear them. We won't expose them." It's exposed, don't worry~"

Seeing Ji Ruo like this, Liang Shixian said helplessly, "Ji Ruo, when will you grow up?"

"Snacks? What snacks?"


Naturally, Ji Ruo was not an ignorant person. In fact, because Liang Shixian was not the person involved, he didn't have a special understanding of the situation at that time.

At that time, Ji Ruo was not pulled out by the tree demon, but Ji Ruo got out by himself, so the tree demon was really dumbfounded.

In fact, Ji Ruo didn't want to come out, but the problem is, the tree demon stepped on Ji Ruo at that time!

The strong root system that the dryad used to move ran over Ji Ruo's body, and Ji Ruo saw a large group of dryads migrating through the vents reserved on his head, and his mind turned.

The teacher in the school taught that normally speaking, dryads are relatively mild in character, and dryads who live in groups must choose to live in groups because they cannot survive independently.

So Ji Ruo started to do it——the dryad was too heavy, and its moving speed was too slow. The dryad seemed to feel that his feet didn't feel right, and dawdled on Ji Ruo's body, refusing to leave.

So the reason for doing it was that Ji Ruo couldn't bear it because he was being stepped on all the time.

As for why Ji Ruo came back later, it was mainly because he remembered a very important knowledge point after he escaped.

That is, tree demons living in groups like this generally form a very wonderful symbiotic relationship with other creatures in the forest.

Because the dryads need to sleep during the day, or carry out photosynthesis to accumulate the ability to move at night, they cannot move during the day until they reach a certain level.

So they will produce some relatively common spiritual fruits on their bodies, which are non-toxic and harmless, and attract other creatures in the forest to eat them.

Because the spirit fruits are relatively common, there will not be too powerful monsters or monsters to eat them. First of all, the crime of pregnant jade is ruled out.

And those creatures who will come to eat spirit fruits are not strong enough, and at the same time, vegetarian demons or monsters are more docile in character. In theory, they can't do the thing of beating the cook when they are full.

In this way, although the dryads cannot move during the day, they are still considered safe.

Not only that, occasionally some weak creatures feel full after eating and drinking, and they will excrete on the spot.

While the living beings are satisfied, they will also provide some fertilizer for the dryads—this is the way of survival for ordinary dryads living in groups, mutual benefit, and cooperative symbiosis.

Ji Ruo had thought of this, and after running away, he put on a little disguise and came back with Liang Shixian.

But at the beginning, he just wanted to grab some spiritual fruits, and after he was full, he would find a place to bury him in a geomantic treasure, and wait for the martial arts test to end.

However, the world is impermanent, and those tree demons who were still migrating at that time found Ji Ruo who had gone and returned, and immediately surrounded them.

It's just that at that time, Ji Ruo and his body had a strong smell of soil and plant juice, and they also had the blessing of [Camouflage].

The dryads are not very strong in perception, but some movements can still be found.

Ji Ruo was ready to fight at that time, but one of the thicker trees touched the branch on Ji Ruo's clothes with its own branch. The leaves shook slightly and rustled, as if to say, don't fall behind

Afterwards, the tree demons continued to migrate, and Ji Ruoguo hadn't gathered it yet, so he suddenly didn't plan to leave.

Because just when the dryads recognized Ji Ruo, he suddenly triggered an achievement——

[Congratulations to the host children for unlocking the function to achieve: let's pretend to be a house wine together! 】

[Acquisition of skills: a sense of being brought in! 】

[The sense of being brought in: When performing role-playing, if the identity played is within the 'reasonable range', you can get a 40% identity bonus, so that there will be a certain degree of being brought in around the target. 】

[Remarks: Today I am a father, tomorrow I am a grandfather, the whole family is me, hehe~]

"Ji Ruo, the food is almost enough, right? Let's run quickly before these tree demons wake up." Liang Shixian said in a low voice.

As the class monitor, Liang Shixian has always been excellent in character and learning.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, Liang Shixian is not much worse than Ji Ruo.

Can Liang Shixian not think of important knowledge points that Ji Ruo can think of?

Of course he knew that under normal circumstances, this kind of symbiotic group living dryad would not take the initiative to attack the surrounding creatures.

But if you know it, you know it, and it doesn't affect Liang Shixian's fear!

Ji Ruo said seriously: "Why are you going? We have important things to do now!"

Liang Shixian froze for a moment: "What's the big deal?"

"Of course it's pretending to be a house party!"

Liang Shixian: "???"

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