Perhaps it was because of the superimposition of the souls of the traversers, even if they were both sixth-level warriors, Ji Ruo's reaction speed was faster than the rest of them.

What's more, Ji Ruo has been a human being in two lives, and his life experience alone is more than these ordinary high school students, so even if his behavior style seems a bit naive in order to trigger achievements, he has never given up his vigilance.

The moment those green shadows sprang out from the grass, Ji Ruo was the first to notice it, and he was also the first to react and fight back.

Because of the positioning problem, the primary target of those green shadows was Liu Neng, and Liu Neng had his back to them.


Ji Ruo let out a low cry, pushed Liu Neng away, and then used his basic body skills. While flashing and moving, his palms were flushed, and he shot out one after another!

Iron Sand Palm!

Those green shadows are fast, if they are faster!

In the blink of an eye, five palms were shot out, hitting each green shadow's head with precision. The iron sand palm, which had entered the room, smashed the heads of the five green shadows and died on the spot.

Iron sand palm, very strong!

Several green shadows died almost at the same time, and they were caught by Ji Ruotan's hand, and they were caught in his hands--the monsters hunted were all counted as martial arts test results!

"Green snake?"

Ji Ruo frowned, and recognized the identity of this thing at a glance.

The original body studied very hard, and Ji Ruo was naturally not bad after taking over. Ji Ruo knew the monster and beast illustrations that he could come into contact with in high school.

Liu Neng was originally a little annoyed that Ji Ruo suddenly pushed him away, after all, he was defenseless just now, when Ji Ruo pushed him, he staggered and almost fell.

But after seeing Ji Ruo kill the green snake, Liu Neng was very grateful.

If it wasn't for Ji Ruo's quick response, he might have been hit a few times.

However, Ji Ruo didn't even think about it, he roared, "Why are you thanking me, run away!"

The so-called emerald snake is actually not a monster, or in other words, it is a low-level monster.

It possesses a paralytic neurotoxin, is not slow, and is good at camouflage.

If it is one or a few, it is not enough to look at Ji Ruo, a sixth-level martial artist with an iron sand palm that is a house-breaking level.

However, this thing lives in groups, if there are only five, it is not considered a group at all.

And from here, we can see the degree of mastery of the basic knowledge of several people.

After Ji Ruo recognized the Green Snake, he immediately ran away, and Liang Shixian followed Ji Ruo's footsteps after being stunned for a moment.

As for Liu Neng and Zhang Quan, they were stunned and didn't know why these two Yuncheng classmates who had just met had to run away.

Then, they saw a terrifying scene.

The whole grass field suddenly trembled crazily. Hundreds of dense green snakes raised their heads from the grass field, their cold eyes stared at everyone, the snakes faltered in their letters, and the terrifying 'hissing' sound made the scalp numb.

"Run to where the grass is pale!"

Ji Ruo roared.

At this moment, the surrounding vegetation began to tremble crazily, and a large number of green snakes sprang out from the dark side of the grass, and the same was true on the treetops.

These guys are actually misleading humans in such a way!

While fleeing, Ji Ruo took the time to observe the environment.

What kind of shades of vegetation can tell the direction? This is obviously the same color, how can there be any shades!

After all, Liu Neng and Zhang Quan were a step too slow, with green snakes behind them like a tide, and they were about to catch up.


Ji Ruo turned around and clapped his palms, the iron sand palms moved to the extreme, and his palms were even redder. Those green snakes would instinctively want to escape just by approaching them.

Under the urging of the iron sand palms that entered the room, the temperature of those fleshy palms was so high that even these cold-blooded animals felt instinctive disgust.

Ji Ruo didn't want to kill too many, he couldn't kill them all.

Seeing that the number of green snakes was increasing, Ji Ruo turned around and ran away without any reluctance to fight.

Several people are college entrance examination students, and the average level of college entrance examination students is a sixth-level martial artist. After running away with all their strength, these low-level monsters, green snakes, naturally cannot catch up. They can only watch the four of them run farther and farther. .

after an hour.

The four finally ran out of the woods.

In the critical situation just now, they didn't have time to identify the direction, and they were already lost at this moment.

But now no one cares about this issue. While everyone is panting, there is a sense of joy in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

"Ji, Ji Ruo, just now, thank you."

Liu Neng and Zhang Quan gasped and said gratefully.

The two met by chance. Although they were both college entrance examination students, they were not from the same school. Under such circumstances, Ji Ruo was able to turn around and save them, which they did not expect.

"Huh, we are teammates now, and teammates should naturally take care of each other."

Ji Ruo said.

He originally thought that the achievement could be triggered, and he had already thought of the name of the achievement, 'Saving two lives is worth building a fourteenth-level pagoda'.

It didn't work, which is a pity.

"Squad leader, where are we going next?" Ji Ruo asked.

Liang Shixian looked around, sighed, and said, "I don't know, the methods of distinguishing directions taught in school are useless for the time being."

In the woods behind him, the emerald snake has been dormant again, and the green of the vegetation has become darker on one side and lighter on the other.

However, after experiencing the situation just now, everyone knows that there is actually a green snake lurking on the dark side.

Zhang Quan raised his hand weakly and said, "How about we wait here first? I was a little scared just now, and the rescue device has been activated."

Ji Ruo: "?"

They all ran out, you said you activated the rescue device?

Liu Neng also said with some embarrassment: "Mine too."

Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian looked at their wristwatches, which were displaying a 'SOS signal is being sent, please try to ensure your own safety'.

Ji Ruo: "."

The activation is indeed activated, but the secret realm of Wanshou Mountain is too big, even if the warriors who came to act as invigilators and rescuers have opened up their energy channels and surpassed the limit of the conventional human body, it is impossible to reach every rescue in the first place The place where the signal was sent.

In general, if the situation is really critical, activating this device is actually useless.

Based on my knowledge, the most important thing that the rescuers for the college entrance examination in previous years was to collect the dead bodies of the students.

Even if the martial arts test site has been cleaned up by powerful fighters, there are still countless dangers.

Therefore, the death rate in the martial arts examination remains high.

But this is also impossible.

Warriors must go through the baptism of blood before they can stand on their own.

In the face of countless alien races and monsters and monsters, human beings are still too busy to take care of themselves. It is impossible to achieve a safe and sound college entrance examination in a short period of time.

Zhang Quan said apologetically: "I'm sorry, we were too scared at the time, so we activated it subconsciously. But don't worry, only ours is activated, and you still have the qualifications for the exam. When the time comes, the invigilator will just take us away. It won't affect you."

Liu Neng also said: "Yes, do you want to wait with us? We have already lost the qualification for the exam, and now we are also lost. When the invigilator comes, we can also help you ask the direction."

Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian looked at each other.

"Okay, we'll wait with you."

It’s just that no one noticed that the information on Liu Neng’s and Zhang Quan’s watches has always been “Sending distress signal” without any change, nor did it show who is coming for rescue.

It was the first time for several of them to participate in the martial arts test, and they were not very familiar with this rescue device. The teacher in the school only said that after activating the device, find a safe place as soon as possible and wait patiently.

Suddenly, Ji Ruo's eyes lit up.

"Look what I found!"

Several people froze for a moment, and looked in the direction Ji Ruo was staring at.

And Ji Ruo has already walked towards that direction with his eyes shining.

Then several people saw Ji Ruo bent down to pick up a wooden stick, looking very happy.

Liang Shixian asked curiously: "Ji Ruo, why are you picking this up?"

"Look, monitor, how straight this stick is!"

Ji Ruo posed with a flamboyant face, and said, "Like a sword, look at me, handsome or not?"

Several people:"???"

Don't you have a real sword on your back?

Liang Shixian said helplessly: "Ji Ruo, you... don't know the occasion? Can you stop being so childish!"

However, Ji Ruo hummed softly: "I don't want to, I don't want to~I don't want to grow up~The world after I grow up~There are no fairy tales~"

Several people:"."

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