"Chirp~ (That? Don't you know? I thought all of you humans knew.)"

Fengshen Falcon said casually: "Chirp~(Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that more than a hundred years ago, a very weak human came to Wanshou Mountain and had a so-what...resource, resource exchange with the monster on the top of the mountain? Yes, it is resource replacement.)”

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment: "It turns out that there are actually people who have made deals with demons..."

Ji Ruo is a little hard to accept the experience of traveling so far, the people and things he has come into contact with.

"Chirp~(Yeah.)" Fengshen Falcon said: "Chirp~(I don't like being with those guys on the top of the mountain very much, so I wasn't there at the beginning, but after they negotiated a cooperation, I will inform you Just tell me not to go to the foot of the mountain to kill humans casually, what are you kidding? I am too lazy to kill, humans hold grudges so much, killing one will attract a group, it is very annoying.

They called me over for such a little shit, and I beat them up when I was so angry. Later, they rarely came to me. )”

"The area at the foot of the mountain."

Ji Ruo pondered, he felt that he had grasped something vaguely.

It seems that the area controlled by humans is at the foot of the mountain

More than a hundred years ago, it was the time when the martial arts examination system in the secret realm was implemented!

A high-level monster like the Fengshen Falcon cannot leave at will.

Because once you leave, it will inevitably attract the siege of countless high-level warriors. Whether you can fight or not is another matter-no one likes to make trouble for themselves!

The monsters are not united. If a big monster or a big monster is besieged, there is a high probability that other monsters will take the opportunity to divide up its 'property'.

After thinking for a while, Ji Ruo said again: "Then Auntie, do you know what the specific content of the transaction is?"

"Chirp~(That weak human gave those guys on the top of the mountain a treasure, as if they could control the power of part of the space...and promised that as long as they don't go to the foot of the mountain to kill weak humans, the human side will not send powerful warriors to Wanwan Beast Mountain. That is to say, if a weak human like you dies in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, no powerful human will come to seek revenge. That’s probably how it is.

You humans seem to regard the area at the foot of the mountain as a testing ground, where life and death depend on fate.

Humans and those low-level monsters have suffered casualties over the years, but generally speaking, lower-level monsters die more. )”

"Chirp~(But those guys on the top of the mountain think that humans have given them treasures, and even sent some weak humans in to die, thinking that humans are really stupid.

In their view, this is human beings consuming their own power.

And they don't need to pay anything, they only need to promise not to go to the foothills where they don't know how to go, and they can get a treasure for nothing. In short, they are very happy. )”

Ji Ruo was silent.

What's this? The truth about Wu Kao?

It turns out that the secret area controlled by humans was traded in this way...

He was a little unacceptable.

"I didn't expect that we humans would compromise with demons..." Ji Ruo said with a heavy heart.

"Chirp~ (compromise?)" Fengshen Falcon glanced at Ji Ruo strangely: "Chirp~ (as far as I know, you humans have never compromised!

That means those fools on the top of the mountain will be complacent because of a treasure, but don’t forget that there is another prerequisite for that transaction, that is, if those guys on the top of the mountain don’t break the rules, you humans won’t send powerful warriors into Wanshou Mountain ...)"

Ji Ruo froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Fengshen Falcon took a deep look at Ji Ruo: "Chirp~ (According to my understanding, isn't the premise of the transaction that both parties to the transaction have theoretically equal strength?

Those high-level fighters, but even I will have a headache when I see them...)"

Aunt Fengshen Falcon's eyes were filled with resentment: "Chirp~ (Hundreds of years ago, my floating island was a continent. At that time, I left the secret realm with the floating continent. When I was approaching your human territory, there was a powerful The martial artist punched the sky... Later, it became like this, so after I came back, I never participated in the daydream party of those guys on the top of the mountain.)”


Ji Ruo gasped, "Sense of Substitution" is so effective? Can you tell yourself this kind of thing?

"Auntie, is it appropriate for you to tell me this..." Ji Ruo asked hesitantly.

"Chirp~(I'm not telling you this because I'm afraid of humans, I just don't want to cause trouble for myself...

Back then, I left the secret realm and roamed freely in the vast sky outside. I didn't understand anything and scared some humans.

Later, I was chased and beaten by that warrior for several months... Ahem, anyway, I'm not afraid, it's just troublesome...)"

She looked at Ji Ruo and said seriously: "Chirp~(I won't hurt you, not because humans have the ability to perceive whether monsters have killed humans before, but because I don't like killing.

My child has just been born. Human beings can make so many delicious and fun-looking things. I want them to live a happier life. It’s not that I’m afraid of human beings, you know? )”

Ji Ruo smacked his lips: "Got it, I also think that such a beautiful bird as Auntie must be very gentle."

That’s what I said, but Ji Ruo remembered that he seemed to have heard a sentence somewhere——

The more you emphasize something, the more you care about it.

"Chirp~(It's good that you know it, bake it quickly!)"

This Aunt Fengshen Falcon seems to be a chatterbox, staring at the barbecue in Ji Ruo's hand, said: "Chirp~ (I have also tried to communicate with weak humans like you, after all, you come every year.

Every time I see you humans making something that looks delicious at a distance, I can't help but want to exchange it... I want to eat it too!

It's a pity that you humans are too timid, you can faint from fright just seeing me... Speaking of which, you are the first human being not afraid of me in the past hundred years. )”

"Hey, didn't I say it, Auntie, you look so good-looking, why would I be afraid?" Ji Ruo laughed.

If Ji Ruo was a little afraid of the Fengshen Falcon before, now Ji Ruo is not afraid at all.

Isn't this just a house bird who was beaten out of psychological shadow by a high-level martial artist!

"By the way, Auntie, since you said that we humans have never compromised, and we are indeed capable of suppressing those guys on the top of the mountain, what happened to the changes in Wanshou Mountain during this period?

Could it be that those guys don't intend to abide by those trading rules? "

"Chirp~(That's not true, those guys on the top of the mountain went crazy some time ago, and killed the earth-turning dragon that was born in the mountain range of Ten Thousand Beasts, so that the veins were disordered, and all areas were in chaos. )”

She looked at the barbecue in Ji Ruo's hands, and said casually: "Chirp~(Besides, being able to suppress and being able to suppress are two different things.

Just like me, I can hit any one of the guys on the top of the mountain, but there is not only one of them. )”

Having said that, Ji Ruo understood.

Is there a difference in the number of combat units?

Liang Shixian couldn't understand Fengshen Falcon's words, so he said confusedly: "Ji Ruo, what are you talking about?"

He has gotten used to Ji Ruo's inexplicable ability to communicate with monsters. Although he hasn't figured out the situation yet, Liang Shixian feels that he has accepted the fact that he has inexplicably become a non-staff member of Fengshen Falcon's family.

Ji Ruo said casually: "It's nothing, it's just that Auntie told us to bake it quickly, she is waiting to eat."

Liang Shixian: "...Ji Ruo, have you forgotten, I can't understand Auntie's words, but I can understand yours, what deal? What are those guys?"

[Sense of Substitution] This skill never affects a single target, but all the targets around you!

Ji Ruo smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha, is this so? It's so embarrassing..."

Liang Shixian asked curiously, "Tell me about it."

Ji Ruo pondered for a moment, then said seriously: "Squad leader, do you really want to know what 'those guys' refer to?"

Liang Shixian subconsciously looked serious: "Think!"

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

Liang Shixian's heart gradually became heavy.

The more Ji Ruo was like this, the more he felt that the meaning of 'those guys' was not simple.

"Okay." Ji Ruo said seriously, "'Those guys' are personal pronouns!"

Liang Shixian: "???"

God damn personal pronouns!

Eat and drink enough - the two little Fengshen falcons have limited food intake, and they were just born, so they fell asleep when they were full.

As for Aunt Fengshen Falcon, it is not easy for Ji Ruo to feed her well, so this aunt just tasted it.

Apart from Luo Xi who was still eating the spiritual fruit, Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian were already full and were slowly practicing martial arts to refine the meat in their bodies.

"Squad leader, remember the rhythm of breathing, don't mess it up, let it become a habit, even instinct."

Ji Ruo was punching, breathing with full concentration, and there was a fine current flowing on the surface of his body-I don't know if the food he ate was too advanced, but he actually had a faint feeling that he wanted to open up his energy channels!

Fengshen Falcon looked at the two practicing martial arts curiously: "Chirp~(Is this the martial arts of your humans? Although I have been... ahem, I have experienced it before, but sometimes it is really hard to imagine that such a simple movement can be done. Let you have such a powerful force.)”

Ji Ruo chuckled and didn't explain too much.

In fact, these movements just allow people to move their body more comprehensively. The real magic is the way of breathing.

The advent of the secret realm brought spiritual energy, under normal circumstances, humans cannot directly absorb and refine spiritual energy.

You can only get a certain degree of subtle strengthening through daily activities and breathing.

But with special breathing method is not the same.

The special breathing method can allow human beings to absorb the spiritual energy floating in the void to the maximum extent, cooperate with the blood circulation, and refine the whole body.

The martial arts stage is the foundation of martial arts, and there are nine levels in total. These nine levels are actually a process for the human body to adapt to the aura.

During this process, the human body will be strengthened in all aspects, flesh, muscles, bones, etc., will all be strengthened.

When it has been strengthened to a certain level, you can try to open up the Qi veins - according to Ji Ruo's understanding, the so-called opening up the Qi veins is to some extent equivalent to the "bridge through heaven and earth" in some martial arts novels I read in my previous life.

That is the so-called 'innate'.

Stronger aura absorption ability, ability to refine and store aura, let warriors become extraordinary from now on, with the help of refined aura, combined with transformed flesh and blood body, they can display various "special effects martial arts".

Therefore, it is not necessary to be a ninth-level martial artist to try to break through the Qimai realm, but after becoming a ninth-level martial artist, the success rate of opening up the Qimai is higher.

"Comprehensive Breathing" was created by Ji Ruo integrating all known basic breathing methods with max-level comprehension, and then referring to some concepts of the original book.

Although theoretically it is a breathing technique combined with the sword technique, but within the basic framework, it can absorb many advantages of practicing the basic breathing technique.

It is neither like the original, nor is it very different from the basic breathing methods of the world that Ji Ruo refers to.

Those basic breathing methods are the most basic breathing methods integrated by human beings for thousands of years, and they are already approaching the state of theoretical perfection.

After the integration of Ji Ruo's essence, as well as the supply of a large amount of high-grade monster meat and spiritual plant medicine, a wonderful reaction occurred.

Liang Shixian's shock when he decided to end his queen, Li Nannan's sincere praise, Fengshen Falcon's psychological shadow, and his longing for a powerful warrior

All kinds of feelings merged into a wonderful feeling in Ji Ruo's heart.

Humans never compromise!

Ji Ruo is happy from the bottom of his heart.

This feeling of happiness is like a spark that starts a prairie fire, a little at first, and then spread rapidly.

Feeling the pure happiness from the heart, Ji Ruo suddenly shook his body, the power was born from the soles of his feet, passed through the spine, condensed layer by layer, blessed to the soul, and struck out a straight fist full of heart!


There was a faint sound of bubbles bursting in the ear, and then a strange yet familiar force poured into Ji Ruo's body from the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head without any hindrance.


Ji Ruo felt as if he could hear the sound of blood flowing in his body, like a great river, rushing endlessly!


Ji Ruo let out a long breath, and the white mist visible to the naked eye was like a sharp sword, piercing through the shackles between the Martial Apprentice Realm and the Qi Pulse Realm!

The perennial practice of "subsistence allowances" has already made Ji Ruo's body extremely "hungry and thirsty". In the past few days, eating high-end ingredients in succession in the secret realm has made Ji Ruo's body feel like "the rain meets the rain after a long drought" .

Coupled with the shock and joy I felt during this period of time, as well as the strong feelings of aggrieved and angry——

So qualitative change!

Qi pulse state, successful!

Thanks to the book friend "The world is not worth A" for rewarding 500 coins~

Thanks to the book friend "Bubai Xiaojun" for the reward of 1500 coins~

Thanks to the book friend "Yin Nanzhen" for the reward of 500 points~

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