The opening of Qimai is the first development of the human body by a warrior. A warrior can rely on the Qimai to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. While refining the physical body, it can also exert some special effects in their own martial arts.

Normally, there are five Qi channels, namely Baihui point on the top of the head, Laogong point on the palm, and Yongquan point on the sole of the foot.

When a martial artist develops five qi channels, these special meridians that did not exist before can be connected into a whole in the human body. According to Ji Ruo's understanding, the anatomy of qi channels is roughly equivalent to a stick figure.

At that time, the power of qi and blood will be able to penetrate the entire body, and the force will penetrate the whole body!

A few celestial wizards can open up six or even seven meridians, connecting the lower dantian or even the upper dantian.

Generally speaking, one Qi meridian is just one Qi meridian, which goes straight to and fro, and finally converges at Tanzhong acupoint.

But Ji Ruo's situation is a bit more complicated.

He is now a first-line martial artist, unlike normal first-line warriors who only have one energy channel, he is blessed with [more is better, bigger is stronger] talent.

His meridians are several times thicker than ordinary people's, and they are even branched.

In addition to the main vein from the Baihui point on the top of the head to the Tanzhong point on the chest, there are also densely packed branches on the main vein, which are distributed radially.

It is like the countless branches of a big river, and it is also like the huge root system of a big tree.

Even Ji Ruo suspected that, apart from the blessing of his inherent talent, the reason why his Qi meridian split was because he rubbed too hard when he just took a bath. Otherwise, even if it was going to split, it would not be possible to split it so quickly. !

"Why did this diverge?"

Ji Ruo scratched his head and made a little comparison. Now he seems to be much stronger than the martial artist described in the textbook.

A martial artist in the normal Qimai realm needs to reach the state of the five meridians in order to penetrate his whole body, but Ji Ruo can do it now, and when he reaches the state of the five meridians, he may be able to connect all the meridians.

"Meow~ (Master, what's wrong, what's the branch?)"

"It's okay, it's not a bad thing." Ji Ruo didn't explain much, picked up Rosie, and said, "Come on, let's go and see the monitor, he should be undergoing surgery today."

"Meow~ (Yeah, ok!)"

One person and one cat went out.

Ji Ruo's white hair aroused passers-by's sideways glances—you don't have gray hair.

If Liang Shixian wanted to have an operation, the city's first hospital was definitely the most likely place.

After all, Liang Shixian's iron cloth shirt has already entered the room, and he has eaten so many good things, even if he is not far from mastery, his defense is not weak.

He himself has reached the Qimai state, and ordinary doctors are really incapable of performing surgery on him—the Qimai state has the body-protecting qi.

Using a chainsaw or something can break Liang Shixian's defense, but what doctor uses a chainsaw for surgery? Doctor Gu?

Of course, Ji Ruo also called to confirm.

It was Liang Shixian's father who answered the phone, and it was true that he was undergoing surgery in the city's first hospital.

"Meow~ (has the master arrived?)"

"Well, here we are."

Ji Ruo put Rosie off his head: "Rosie, pets are not allowed in the hospital, you can wait for me here."

He put Rosie at the door of the hospital.

As a cat, Rosie was not allowed into the hospital.

"Meow~ (OK.)"

Rosie squatted obediently by the side of the road, looking like a normal cat.

But only Ji Ruo knew that the moment this little guy was put down, his talent became nine.

They are Tenacity, Malicious Perception, Illusion, Johnson, Swiftness, Lightness, Launch Start, Limb Strengthening, and Noise Reduction.

Among them, the 'silencing' is aimed at oneself, which can greatly reduce the sound produced by itself.

'Swift', 'lightness', 'catapult start', and 'strengthened limbs' are used to escape.

"Toughness" is used to resist beatings, "Johnson" is used to strengthen vitality, "Malicious Perception" is used to identify whether people around you are malicious to you, and "Illusion" is used to reduce your sense of existence

Ji Ruo took her to several hospitals today, Rosie was like this every time, her life-saving talent was full, and she was extremely cautious.

But think about it, this little guy is a monster after all, and when he comes to the human world, he must be more careful when he is alone with a cat.

Just as he was about to board the elevator, a boy rushed out from the stairwell with his head down, but Ji Ruo didn't care.

Ji Ruo got on the elevator.

Three minutes later, Ji Ruo came outside Liang Shixian's ward.

Mother Liang was sitting by the bed and was peeling apples. The fruit knife in her hand was flying up and down, as dexterously as a butterfly piercing flowers. The peeled fruit was as thin as a cicada's wings. It was obviously an exquisite fruit knife technique.

Ji Ruo vaguely remembered that Liang Shixian's mother used to be a military doctor.

With a slight movement of the wrist, the buff of [Sword and Sword] took effect, and Ji Ruo learned this surgical knife technique in the blink of an eye.

"Squad leader, is the operation over?"

Ji Ruo opened the door and entered, and said politely, "Hi, uncle and aunt."

Hearing Ji Ruo's voice, Liang Shixian raised his head in surprise: "Ji Ruo, come here."

Before finishing speaking, the family of three froze on the spot.

"Ji Ruo. Your hair" Liang Shixian hesitated, because not long after the operation, his face was a little pale, but it was not as white as Ji Ruo's hair.

"Hello, classmate Ji Ruo." Father Liang obviously didn't expect that Ji Ruo, who had just met yesterday, would have white hair in the mirror today, and smiled a little forcedly: "Uncle is planning to call to ask where you have been."

Mother Liang smiled mischievously: "Young man, he has a little personality, which is pretty good."

They thought that Ji Ruo had dyed his hair halfway.

Ji Ruo scratched his head.

Liang Shixian leaned on the hospital bed and said, "Dad, Mom, can you let me and Ji Ruo have a chat alone?"

The husband and wife were stunned for a moment, and then Father Liang smiled and said: "It should be, you young people have a common language, and we two old guys will make you restrained here. Well, Shixian, you and Ji Ruo have a good time." Let's talk, I'll go out with your mother."

With that said, the husband and wife left the ward, leaving space to Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian.

Ji Ruo sat down beside the hospital bed and asked, "Squad leader, how do you feel?"

"Very good, by the way, didn't Rosie come with you?"

"It's here, but the hospital doesn't allow pets in. I asked her to wait at the hospital gate."

Liang Shixian said with some dissatisfaction: "Rosie is so small, can you rest assured that she is waiting for you outside alone?"

Ji Ruoxin said, as for Rosie's ability to automatically wash points and increase talents, it seems that there is no need to worry too much.

"Don't worry about her. By the way, monitor, how many appendices have you removed this time?"

Liang Shixian froze for a moment: "One, what's the matter?"

Ji Ruo said: "Squad leader, don't you have two appendices? Why do you only take one?"

Liang Shixian: "???"

He said angrily: "The newly grown appendix has no disease, so why cut it up if I have nothing to do!"

"It seems to be too~"

Liang Shixian: "."

After a pause, Liang Shixian said hesitantly and euphemistically: "Ji Ruo, although you are already in the Qimai state, martial arts practice does not happen overnight, we can't slack off, I know you may like to stand out, but some fancy things are not good for martial arts. Practicing is not beneficial”

The implication is that he feels that Ji Ruo shouldn't waste money and time on things like 'dyeing hair'.

Ji Ruo naturally understood what Liang Shixian meant, and suddenly said seriously: "Squad leader, do you trust me?"

Liang Shixian froze for a moment, wondering if there was any other last resort in his mind?

After a martial arts test, the friendship between him and Ji Ruo has become a life-and-death friendship. Seeing that Ji Ruo is so serious, he subconsciously becomes serious.

"Of course I do, Ji Ruo, your hair, could it be?"

"That's right!"

Ji Ruo nodded solemnly: "This hair was washed out when I took a shower in the morning. I didn't expect that a martial artist in the Qimai realm would have such strong hands!"

"So it's like eh???"

Liang Shixian's pale face suddenly turned dark because he had just finished the operation, and he said angrily: "I cut the abdomen, not the head!"

"What I said is true!"

"Okay, okay." Liang Shixian felt a little regretful. After living together for seven days, he thought that he had developed a certain immunity against Ji Ruo's incomprehension, but looking at it now, it seems that he still can't adapt to Ji Ruo's well. brain circuit.

"Let's get down to business." Liang Shixian looked at Ji Ruo and said, "What are you going to do about what the old class said yesterday? My dad also asked me today, but I didn't tell them the details, I just said For the most part, nothing was revealed."

The experience of the two of them in the martial arts test is not suitable for others to use as a reference!

It's not even appropriate to say it to the outside world. The crisis-ridden martial arts exam is the same as an outing. Who will believe it?

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment: "What did the old class say? Are you having dinner?"

Liang Shixian was also stunned: "You don't know? Last night, Laoban sent me a message telling me that you have agreed!"

"I, agreed?"

Ji Ruo was a little confused, what did he promise?

Thanks to the book friend 'It's already a waste treasure' for the reward of 400 coins~

Thanks to the book friend "Blue Moon Sky Blue" for rewarding 100 coins~

Thanks to book friend 'Chi Youyu' for rewarding 300 coins~

Thanks to the book friend "Chenxi or Qiming" for the reward of 100 coins~

Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the book friend "After Gathering Fruits"~

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