I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 291 288. Hogwarts in Turmoil

"Don't be nervous Harry, you don't know whether you did it or not, all we have to do now is to help you verify the truth."

As Lynn spoke, he stretched out his hand towards Harry.

"Give me your wand."

Harry swallowed, and obediently handed his wand to Lynn.

Lynn took his wand and used the Flashback Curse in front of Professor McGonagall and Harry.

"Grin huh la la, a little curse?"

Harry hurriedly explained: "That was what I used when I dueled Malfoy yesterday."


Harry hesitated for a moment, but at this time he felt it was better not to lie: "That's my homework for the convenience of learning from Hermione."

Lynn looked at him with raised eyebrows: "Which subject's homework?"

"Professor Defense Against the Dark Arts! I'm definitely just borrowing it! I really didn't copy it!"

"Well, I won't let you rewrite your homework."

Lynn waved his hand, returned the wand to Harry, turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "I'm going to the school hospital to see Professor Snape's injuries, and Harry can be sure it's not the murderer."

Professor McGonagall frowned. She didn't believe that Harry was the murderer either, but she wanted to tell her guess.

"Is it possible that Harry has taken someone else's Imperius Curse?"

Lynn shook his head. He looked at the conspicuous lightning scar on Harry Potter's forehead: "There is a powerful magic that has been protecting Harry, and the Imperius Curse should not be able to control him."

"Then why did Snape let us catch Harry?"

Harry interjected weakly from the side: "Maybe he just doesn't like me."

Lynn knocked on his head and said in front of Professor McGonagall, "Professor Arrangement, five points will be deducted from Gryffindor."

"Professor Snape may not deal with you very often, but he won't mess around with this kind of matter.

If you really didn't do this, then it is only possible that someone turned into you and attacked him. Snape had no way to determine whether that person was you at the time, and he finally asked us to catch your biggest The purpose is not for us to catch the murderer, but to protect you. "

Harry looked disbelieving.

Snape would want to protect him?

It was really the funniest joke he had heard this year.

"Professor McGonagall, you'd better take Harry to the auditorium at lunch time to announce that he has been proven not to be the murderer, otherwise he will have a very difficult life before he catches the murderer."

Professor McGonagall nodded: "I will."

Compared to Professor McGonagall, Lynn's current posture is more like the acting headmaster of Hogwarts, but now no one is entangled in these details. Dumbledore is not here, as long as he has the ability to preside over the overall situation, everyone is the same.

After coming out of Professor McGonagall's office, Lynn walked all the way to the school hospital.

Snape was currently lying on a hospital bed, and Lynn was allowed to visit after reassuring Madam Pomfrey that he would not disturb him.

"He is in a very bad state, especially when he was discovered too late, and he lost a lot of blood. Even if he drank a whole bottle of blood-replenishing potion, the missing blood would be replenished in a short while. For a period of time, he may even die from ischemia."

Lynn didn't go directly into the ward, but first asked Madam Pomfrey about Snape's current situation.

"Where is his main wound?"

"The penetrating wound on the waist, where the injury is the heaviest, and the internal organs, as if being punched hard with a fist, all the internal organs in the body have wounds, I heard that he was still able to recover before he was sent here. Talk? I really can't imagine how he lasted so long." Madam Pomfrey said with a look of fear.

"Then are there traces of the curse behind him?"

"No, he didn't show any signs of being affected by the spell on his body. He didn't look like he was fighting a wizard at all, but it was more like a hand-to-hand fight with a giant."

After Lynn learned about it from Madam Pomfrey, she entered Snape's ward.

Snape's face looked paler than before, with no blood at all. If he could not hear his faint breathing, Lynn even wondered if Snape just died like this.

He lifted the quilt covering Snape's body, his upper body was covered with bandages, and he could faintly see blood oozing from under the bandages.

The wound was too deep, Madam Pomfrey's potion couldn't heal the wound completely immediately, and follow-up treatment was still needed.

Lynn silently put the quilt back on again.

Looking at Snape's pale face, he whispered to himself.

"Don't worry, professor, I will help you get the place back."

The atmosphere in the castle suddenly panicked.

Because it wasn't the students who were attacked this time, but a professor, who was also the Slytherin head Snape that the students feared the most.

Everyone knew that Snape was not from a Muggle family, and now even he was attacked, which meant that the whole school, no matter pure blood or non-pure blood, students or professors were not safe.

The descendant who opened the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets seemed to have suddenly gone mad after a long period of silence, and began to attack everyone in Hogwarts indiscriminately!

Countless owls fly from the castle on this day.

The little wizards in the wizarding family all decided to tell their parents what happened in the school. Now that such a serious thing happened, they can only know what to do next if they get in touch with their parents.

Some people also questioned Professor McGonagall, why Professor Dumbledore didn't come out to preside over such a big thing.

In this way, the fact that Dumbledore was not at school could not be concealed anymore, which aggravated the uneasiness in the hearts of the students.

When the restlessness was permeating Hogwarts from top to bottom, Lynn's owl sent him a belated letter.

When he received this letter, he was going to teach the students, but when he read the contents of the letter, Lynn immediately changed his destination.

There were still five minutes before the class started, but he stuffed the letter into his pocket indiscriminately, and then almost trotted all the way to the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room.

He grabbed a Hufflepuff student and asked in a hurried tone.

"Have you seen the fat monk?"

The student was taken aback by him before reacting.

"The fat monk seems to be on the second floor of the castle now."

Lynn turned around and ran towards the second floor, and finally found the fat monk at a corner.

The fat friar looked at "Professor Lockhart" who was blocking him and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

Lynn calmed his breathing, then looked at him seriously and asked.

"I would like to ask you monk, the kind of magic you have studied that can revive ghosts, is it called a Horcrux?"

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