I have a big sailing game

Chapter 116 Pirates and Death

[You ate an unknown fruit and fell into a bleeding state. 】

[Loss three points of blood per second, lasting 300 seconds. 】

"This is so cruel, nine hundred blood will be deducted directly. Ordinary people may be poisoned to death instantly."

Rogge clicked his tongue in surprise.

He didn't panic at all.

Go back and re-enter and continue to be Shennong.

"Try this again."

[You ate an unknown fruit and fell into a state of hallucination. 】

[You lost 100 health points and fell into a hallucinatory state. 】

【You ate an unknown fruit...】

Rogge stuffed these fruits into his mouth one by one. While the different flavors stimulated his taste buds, he was also constantly falling into abnormal states and enhanced states.

He ate with great pleasure.

However, just when he was enjoying his meal, he made a move as if he saw something.

His expression gradually became colder.

"Did you follow me from Bali? You are really persistent."

"A bunch of damn bastards..."

A few minutes ago, we boarded the Green.

With the sails furled, the Green floats quietly on the sea, and the sea is surging with waves.

While waiting for Rogge, Lina and others chatted about one thing or another.

But at this moment, Yas, who was leaning against the railing with his arms crossed, suddenly straightened up and looked into the distance.

He spotted a ship speeding towards them in the distance of the Green.

"A ship is coming."

Yas frowned and looked solemn.

Then, he picked up the telescope and looked at the flag of the ship.

"It's a pirate."

Yas took a deep breath.

"What? It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Cady was shocked when he heard this, and was a little scared after swallowing his saliva.

"Captain Rogge is still down there and hasn't come up yet. What should I do?"

"What else can be done?"

"Can you survive without Roger?"

Lina frowned, her eyes firm.

"Ready to fight!"

She and Yas quickly walked into the warehouse, took out the gun and ammunition, and threw them to Cady.

After Cady gritted his teeth, he resolutely took the gun, and then encouraged himself crazily in his heart.

Come on, great poet Kadi, what you can do is just a few pirates, you can definitely beat the shit out of them...

Even if you are just an intern, you still have the responsibility to fight for the Green!

"I can definitely do it!"

Cady gritted his teeth and roared, looking like he was ready to die.

It would be better if his legs weren't so shaky.

Then he walked towards the railing.

However, before he went very far, he was pulled back by Lina.

"What are you doing?"

"Fight pirates!" Cady looked at her blankly.

"Go down and control the artillery!"

The Green was modified from a pirate ship, so it was naturally equipped with artillery, but not many in number.


"Ah, what, go quickly, it's not like Yas hasn't taught you anything."

At this time, Linna lost her usual gentle and gentle look, and instead looked like a female captain who had been at sea for many years.

"Yasi, you should go with him. It's too late to turn now. We have to take advantage of the artillery before they turn."

Lina was very calm.

At this time, the pirate ship was heading towards them, and the ship's heavy firepower could generally only be deployed when facing the enemy from the side.

And when they tend to launch firepower, it is the time for the Green to attack.

Yas nodded without saying anything, and took Cady directly to control the cannon.

After assigning tasks, Lina pushed Mira into the room.

Mira had no objection to this, but was very silent.

But before Linna left, she spoke with a firm voice.

"Sister Linna, give me a gun."

After Lina paused for a moment, she handed her a gun.

Linna, who returned to the deck, looked at the pirate ship not far away and took several deep breaths.

She glanced at the place where Rogge dived, with a look of determination in her expression.

At the same time, on the pirate ship opposite.

"Damn it, this adventure group is really good at running on horseback."

"Let me catch you now!"

"Only a few of you dare to wander around in this sea area. If I don't rob you all, I would be sorry for my name, Moi!"

Wearing a black eye patch, an iron hook in his right hand, and a scar on his face, the pirate leader Moi has a very classic look. He has one foot on the railing and makes a weird smile.

"Boss! They have been parked there for a long time. Could they have discovered something good?"

A subordinate next to him asked.

"You idiot, this sea is deeper than your mother's ditch, how can you find anything good?"

Moi slapped his man on the head and cursed.

Then he moved the eyepatch from his left eye to his right eye.

Damn, this tattered eye patch is too low-quality. The threads on it make my eye sockets itchy to death.

"Boss! Do you want to turn and fire at them?"

After the subordinate took a beating, he continued to ask without giving up.

"You idiot, when will you be smarter?"

"How many people can they have on that boat? Just a few fucking little brats who don't have all their hair!"

"What if you open fire and sink their ship? You go to the sea to make money for me?"

Mo Yi hated it and gave him another blow.

"...It's not impossible..."

"It's not a good habit to underestimate the enemy..."

The subordinate muttered.

Moy's veins suddenly popped up, and he angrily took off the iron hook on his right hand, then jumped up and hit him hard!


"Shut up!"

"Who do you think I am?!"

"Go to their front and bring the boat over! No firing!"

"Capture all the people in this adventure group alive! Sell the men as slaves and the women to the black market! Loot all their treasures! And this big ship!"


Moy stepped onto the bow and roared at the top of his lungs, his face was hideous, veins on his neck were bulging, and his cheeks were red with blood. He looked like a devil from hell.


"Let these young boys feel the horror of the sea!"


It must be said that Moy's speech was still very inspiring. His vicious pirate subordinates roared wildly, also at the top of their lungs.

There was even a pirate in light yellow clothes who wanted to tear his clothes and roar to show his power, but he was embarrassed for a long time and did not tear them open, and performed a good show of bananas greeting his companions.

If Rogge saw this, he would definitely complain.

Good guy, a ship full of performance artists.


The dull horn sounded.

The wolf-like pirates began to drive towards the Green at full speed.

At the same time, Yas in the gun room calmly aimed at the pirate ship.

When the pirate ship entered the attack range, he directly ignited the fuse.

A moment later.


The black fire bullet flew towards the pirate ship, drew an arc, and landed on the stern of the pirate ship.


There was an explosion, splashes of water, and the whole pirate ship swayed from side to side!

But Moy at the bow did not care, but laughed crazily.

"Hahaha, you dare to resist, you are so brave!"

"Little guys, go full speed, pull out their gunners later, empty their internal organs and hang them on the sails!"

"Pull the boat over!"

"I can't wait!"

Under Moy's order, the pirate ship came to the side and front of the Green after a scattered bombardment of the Green.

It must be said that the Green is still too short-handed now, and it is extremely weak for such a naval battle, and it is even difficult to turn around.

"Little guys! The treasure is ahead!"

On Moy's pirate ship, the melodious and low attack horn sounded again.

However, when they were only about a hundred meters away from the Green, a heavy noise suddenly sounded.


It seemed that some sharp object was hitting their ship from underwater, and it suddenly inserted into it.

"Fuck, what's the noise?"

Moy cursed angrily and looked at his men, wanting to get an answer from them.

However, his men were all confused.

"No, I'm not here, Captain." "I didn't hear any noise." "Do you know what it is?" "You ask me, who should I ask?"

A group of pirates looked at each other and scratched their heads.

"If you don't know, go and see! Don't just stand there like idiots! Damn!"


Moy was really angry this time. He raised his hand and shot at the feet of one of his men, which scared the men.

This bunch of rubbish, they do nothing all day long, they just drink and play with women, none of them are useful.


But before they could react, the strange noise came again.

Then there was a harsh sound of the hull rubbing and twisting, and the sound of something destroying the bottom of the ship crazily.

Moy was horrified to find that the sea level around them was slowly rising!

No, it should be said that they were sinking!

And the speed was very fast!

"Damn it! There's a big guy under our ship!" "What the hell is that!" "Our ship is sinking!"


A dull and terrifying roar came from the bottom of the ship, as if the gates of hell were opened, playing the prelude to death, and going straight into the soul.


Then the hull of the pirate ship suffered terrible damage and began to sink into the sea at a rapid speed.

"Fuck, the ship is sinking!"

"Run the fucking way! I don't want to die!"

"What the hell is under the ship!"

The pirates on the ship wailed, panicked, looked terrified, and ran away in fear.

The whole pirate ship was shaking violently!

The pirates all lost their balance and fell into a ball.

Most of the pirate ships at this time had already taken in water and sank diagonally into the water.

Moy forced himself to stabilize his body and was about to speak.

But he saw a big hole suddenly opened on the deck in front of him!


A dark brown bone blade that was more than one meter long pierced through the deck!

Instantly, wood chips flew everywhere.

An unlucky subordinate who happened to be standing on it was pierced through the buttocks, and the top of the bone blade came out of his mouth, which was extremely terrifying.


The unlucky guy didn't even have time to let out a wail, and his two hands kept twitching.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" "What the hell is this monster!" "God! Save me!"

The pirates around were in extreme fear.

Before they could escape, the deck exploded again, and a tentacle thicker than a human thigh wrapped around a pirate at an extremely fast speed.

Then, the tentacles locked tightly.



The pirate was directly cut in half, his internal organs were scattered all over the ground, and it was extremely bloody.

The feeling of a terrifying giant staring at you underwater is enough to fill people with fear.


At this time, Moyi's Adam's apple rolled, and his soul was surging, and he wanted to escape quickly.

After a panic search, he saw the Green in the distance.

Then, he picked up the hook rope next to him and shouted to his men.

"Get on that ship! Go to their ship!"

At the very least, we must take this damn monster over and let them die with us!

Moyi thought viciously in his heart that this was their only chance of survival.

I will also drag someone down with me before I die!

However, when he said this, the tentacles on the ship seemed to pause and stopped attacking his men.

A group of men also woke up from a dream at this time, as if they had found their target, and picked up useful tools and swam frantically towards the Green.

Of course, there were also those who stayed on the boat and waited to die.

Moy noticed that the monster under the sea seemed to have stopped moving.

But his heart was in his throat, and he secretly found the highest place and did not escape immediately.

Let this group of cannon fodder go and explore the way first!

A group of men swam frantically, but Moy did not see anyone being dragged into the water.

What about this monster?

He was puzzled.


The next scene quickly answered his doubts.

A giant claw tore the deck apart like tearing foam.

Then, the tentacles stretched out, and with the support of the surroundings, the whole body climbed out of the sea.

Then Moy saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

I saw a terrifying monster bathed in bloody seawater, with five or six tentacles and four scarlet narrow eyes staring straight at him.

Its target was himself!

This made Moy feel cold and blood coagulated instantly, and his limbs were so stiff that he couldn't even run.

In extreme fear, Moy made a crazy move like a trapped beast.

"Die for me!"

"Who the hell are you!!!"

With bloodshot eyes, Moy screamed hysterically and pulled the trigger frantically.


But the flintlock is not a Gatling gun. No matter how fast he pulled the trigger, he could only fire one round of ammunition.

With a bang, the bullet hit the bone blade that was as scary as a long knife and was directly bounced away, leaving no trace.

"Fuck you..."

Moy's pupils began to sag. It was unknown whether it was due to excessive shock or excessive fear, or both.

With a swish, the tentacles rolled him in front of him.

His pants were already wet, and the whole person was like a puppet without a soul, with no spirit in his eyes.

It seems that the deep-sea blood tentacles only showed up and scared this guy into a stagnation.

Rogge stared at him coldly.

The deep-sea blood tentacles stretched out another tentacle and wrapped around his head.

The sticky touch and the pain brought by the barbs seemed to wake him up again, and he instinctively struggled violently.

He beat and pulled the tentacles frantically.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

However, the python-like tentacles only gradually increased in strength until they crushed his head.


Blood spurted out like crazy, and the internal organs and body parts fell on the deck, drifting downstream, dyeing the sea red.

If there were no other pirates to be dealt with, Rogge would not let him die so easily.

One ball a day!

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Originally, I was going to make up a chapter of 2k, but when I wrote 2k, I found that it seemed to be a break, so I just made up another 2k.

You have to finish reading a plot, so I'm a little late, forgive me!

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