I have a big sailing game

Chapter 133: The Potion Master's Confidence

[You have obtained the magic potion formula - warrior. 】

[You have obtained the magic potion formula——Watcher. 】

[You have read the potion formula, and now you can refine the corresponding potion. 】

Rogge scanned the requirements for the potion formula and stopped paying attention.

The production requirements for the Watcher's potion are extremely low. Anyone with knowledge of potions can easily refine it. It is not a good potion. It is only slightly better than the monster-drowning potion, so there is no need to consider it at all.

[Potion Science level 5 provides you with some additional information. 】

[The warrior potion sequence has high adaptability, but its production is also relatively difficult. 】

It seems that although the warrior potion is not as good as the trainee potion, it should not be bad either.

Especially the word sequence suitability, Rogge felt that it was linked to the difficulty of making the potion.

After putting away the two potion formulas, Rogge looked at the man in front of him.

These two potion recipes came from hounds.

Like Hudson, he also prepared the corresponding potion ingredients.

He prepared three ingredients for the watcher's potion, but only one for the warrior.

It seems that the reason why he dared to call Hudson the 'Exorcist Boy' was because his own strength should not be underestimated, otherwise he would not be able to gather these potion ingredients.

[The main ingredient of warrior potion, 'Brute Ape Tail Bone', is too difficult to obtain. I searched hard for several years but could only find one copy, and spent a lot of savings on it. 】

[Little brother, can your teacher refine these two magic potions? 】

The hound's voice was low, but his words were already more polite.

It can be seen that Hudson was greatly shocked when he became a true transcendent.

The young man in front of me does indeed have a teacher who can refine potions!

Rogge's status in his mind instantly changed from a stranger to a distinguished guest.

The hope of becoming an extraordinary person is also close at hand.

The Hound even had plans.

As long as Rogge can help him obtain the magic potion, he will agree without hesitation even if he spends everything.

His desire for the potion is even greater than that of Hudson!

This kid Hudson just waited a few years to find a potion master like Rogge.

But his hound has searched almost all the five sea areas and still can't find the corresponding doorway!

He even went to the Sea of ​​Sin!

Even if he has met and interacted with extraordinary people, this does not mean that they can come up with the potion that the hound wants.

People who have never experienced it will never understand the pain of going through all kinds of difficulties and painstaking efforts to collect the materials, only to find that no one can refine the potion.

This is why an extremely rational person like Hudson would show humility in front of Rogge.

In the expectant eyes of the hound.

Rogge nodded slightly.

[Can be refined. 】

[But the trading chips you gave are not enough. 】

Hearing Rogge's words, the hound was overjoyed and had no worries at all about the second half of Rogge's words.

As long as it can be refined, everything can be discussed!

[If you need anything else, just ask, as long as I can do it. 】

Like Hudson, Hound is a smart guy who quickly lowers his stance and gives plenty of attitude.

[First, I need the whereabouts of the Brute Ape. 】

[Second, use your connections to search for other potion formulas for me. In exchange, my teacher can consider refining potions for them. 】

[Third, I need advanced equipment blueprints and potion formulas. 】

[Furthermore, let me tell you something. If there is only one potion ingredient, no potion master can guarantee a success. 】

Rogge was not polite to him and told him all his conditions.

If Hudson barely still has the kindness to lead the way, then the hound and him will only have a purely transactional relationship.

After hearing what Rogge said, Hound felt a little embarrassed.

It wasn't that he was hesitating or dissatisfied with Rogge's conditions.

[...I will do my best to meet all other conditions, but the whereabouts of the Brutal Ape...I don't have it yet. 】

[But I will search during this time and let you know as soon as I have any news. 】

Hound responded quickly.

Regarding Rogge's last sentence, he believed it deeply and did not feel inappropriate.

This is the truth. Whose potion master helps people refine potions and only charges one set of materials?

If you are not a cheater, who can guarantee success in the first try?

The hound even felt a little ashamed of it.

I can only provide one piece of information, but I can actually talk about it.

It seems that Rogge gave himself such a chance because of Hudson's sake.

This made the Hound both ashamed and grateful.

[Little brother Rogge, don’t worry, my hound will do its best to meet your needs even if I risk my life. 】

The hound said solemnly, with a serious expression.

In this regard, Rogge just nodded.

This transaction was originally a sure profit for him.

Even if the hound couldn't reveal the whereabouts of the brute ape, he had obtained the formula for the warrior potion. He could just find it by himself when the time came, and at worst, he would waste more time.

[In that case, let’s do this for now and come back to me when you make progress. 】

Rogge said.

But the hound looked a little anxious.

He always felt that Rogge was rejecting him politely.

This made him feel that the warrior potion that was so close was about to leave him.

【etc! 】

After he called out to Roger, he hurried back to the room, took out a few boxes, and handed them to Roger.

[This is a complete set of Warrior potion materials and Lookout materials. ]

[Take it first and give it to your teacher. ]

[The missing potion main material... I'll find a way myself. ]

The Hound gritted his teeth and said.

In his opinion, this was the only way to keep Roger.

Anyway, if no potion master is willing to refine this potion material, it will just be a pile of waste. It is better to use it to exchange for Roger's promise or guarantee.

There is no way, the Hound can only resort to this last resort.

Seeing the Hound's attitude, Roger was a little surprised.

Hudson next to him was also used to this and had a calm attitude.

He did not mean to refuse, and the Hound must have misunderstood.

Unexpectedly, he was willing to give out the only potion material in his hand.

This also made Roger see more clearly the degree of desire of these quasi-supernaturals for supernatural potions.

It seems that if kneeling down could get the potion, the hound would have kowtowed long ago.

...This potion master has a higher status than the alchemist in fantasy novels...

Rogge sighed in his heart.

Seeing his attitude, Rogge pondered for a moment and thought of a way.

[In fact, the brute force ape tailbone is not a necessary potion material. ]

[There are also some extraordinary materials that can barely replace it, but this will affect the success probability and quality of the potion. ]

As a potion master, Rogge naturally knows the knowledge of potions.

The materials of the potion formula are not fixed. As long as the extraordinary factors contained in it are roughly the same, the replacement effect can be achieved.

But this will greatly reduce the original success probability and even affect the quality of the finished potion.

However, probability is not a problem for Rogge, a cheating player.

Hearing this, the hound was overjoyed.

After Rogge told him the information of the potion materials that could be replaced, he told Rogge another piece of news before leaving.

After listening, Rogge left here.

The hound went to collect alternative potion materials without stopping.

On the way, Rogge couldn't help but frowned.

The hound told him that the members of the Mother Goddess Church in Giant Claw City had made some changes and left Giant Claw City in two groups.

This made Rogge secretly alert.

It seems that the Mother Goddess Church may be looking for missionaries, and it is estimated that it will also notify the members of the Mother Goddess Church in other places.

While Rogge was thinking, Hudson also said goodbye to Rogge.

[Thank you very much for your help, Rogge. ]

[I am ready to leave Giant Claw City. ]

[I will give you these two things, maybe they will be of some use to you. ]

Hudson thanked Rogge seriously, and then took out two booklets from his bag and handed them to Rogge.

[You have obtained Hudson's exorcism notes. ]

[You have obtained the exorcism secret scroll. ]

After putting away Hudson's thank-you gift, Rogge also nodded to him.

[Have a good trip. ]

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(The power went out again yesterday, it was so hot I couldn't write.)

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