I have a big sailing game

Chapter 159 Shadow of the Descendants of God (3k, please subscribe!)

[Captain Rogge, why did you suddenly think of taking us to the library? 】

On the way, Mira, who was pushed by Yas, couldn't help but look at Rogge.

Rogge brought her and Yas out early this morning.

[I have found a potion formula that suits you, but the main ingredient of this potion formula comes from an extraordinary creature called the 'Book-Collecting Eyeball'. 】

[‘Book-collecting eyeballs’ generally appear in large libraries. 】

[Moreover, only those who are thirsty for knowledge can see it. 】

Roger explained.

The second underwater cave has been explored.

The direction of the pointer is pointing to the Sea of ​​Sin, which makes it impossible for Rogge to find it in a short time.

Maybe the third underwater cave is outside the Five Seas.

After hearing what Rogge said, Mira was a little surprised and smiled.

[Only those who are thirsty for knowledge can see this? So magical? 】

[How can it tell who is thirsty for knowledge? And...will extraordinary creatures really appear in human libraries? 】

Mira couldn't help but wonder.

[I don’t know, but I have to go take a look anyway. 】

Roger shrugged.

When Mira heard this, she could only say "oh" and thought about the related issues.

Rogge suddenly remembered something.

[By the way, Mira, have you learned meditation and visualization? 】

After hearing Rogge's words, Mira sighed slightly.

[Visualization has been learned, but meditation has not yet been learned. 】

Due to her low body value, it was extremely difficult for her to learn meditation.

Rogge was not surprised when he heard this. He comforted her a few words, and then looked at Yas aside.

[How is Yasi's forging study going recently? 】

In fact, Rogge can see Yas's skill level in the partner interface, blacksmith lv5.

Maybe it was because he used a few residual spirits given to him by Rogge, so he improved quickly.

【good. 】

Asa paused and added another sentence.

[I learned the combat skill you gave me before, but...it's not very easy to use. 】

Yas said more bluntly.

Rogge didn't care. He recalled it and remembered the combat skills Yas mentioned, the giant bear combo book.

[Isn’t it easy to use? Then I’ll pay attention to it when I have time. 】

Roger said.

Then he suddenly remembered a question and couldn't help turning his head to look at Yas.

[By the way, Yas, why do I feel that you have become less talkative since you got on the ship? Not happy? 】

【……No. 】

Yas was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then shook his head, thought for a moment and then said.

[Mainly because I think sailing on the sea is very dangerous and you have to be vigilant at all times, so I may say less. 】

After hearing this, Mira couldn't help but hold her forehead.

[…Actually, it’s because he capsized the boat several times at sea when he tried to go fishing before, so he was very vigilant whenever he was on the boat. 】

Rogge couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. He glanced at Yas and found that he did look slightly embarrassed.

It seems true.

[It’s right to be vigilant, but don’t be too tight. It’s okay to relax a little. 】

Roger said to him.

Just as Yas was about to express his agreement, he heard Rogge add another sentence.

[If we encounter any sudden big crisis, vigilance will not work. 】


Rogge's cold humor left Yas speechless.

In the midst of chatting, Rogge and others arrived at the largest library in the city.

The librarian at the door looked at the three of them strangely.

After entering the library, the three began to move inside.

This library is very large. Although it is not as big as some of the large libraries Rogge has seen in reality, it is not bad.

The three of them stayed in the library for a long time, but could not find the book-collecting eyeball.

[Mira, have you seen anything strange? 】

Rogge, who had been busy for a while, turned around and asked Mira.

But Mira didn't move.

Rogge turned his head in surprise, but saw her looking down at a book in her hand, motionless.

【Mira! 】

After being shouted, Mira woke up from a dream and looked at him blankly.

[What's the matter Captain? 】

Roger facepalmed.

[Our mission today is not to come here to read. 】

Mira had been burying her head in the book, and it was strange to find the eyeball holding the book.

After hearing this, Mira woke up from a dream, smiled awkwardly, and then began to follow Rogge to search seriously.

But after a while, there was still no gain.

It was already afternoon.

The entire library was also visited by the three of them.

Helpless, everyone could only choose to go back and prepare to change places tomorrow.

Maybe there will be one in the library in the Royal City of Ozurek Island.

However, just as they were about to leave, a mysterious man suddenly appeared in front of them.

Looking at the mysterious man wrapped tightly in clothes, Rogge paused.

[Good afternoon, Captain Roger, I've been waiting here for a long time. 】

Rogge glanced at the large piece of wall next to him that had obviously been removed by a bored person, and nodded slightly.

[Yeah, I can see it. 】

Hearing this, the mysterious man felt a little strange. When he glanced at where Rogge was looking, he coughed in embarrassment.

[…I didn’t pick it. 】

Rogge looked at him strangely.

Did I say you stole it?

But he was too lazy to care about this little thing now.

[You know my name and have been waiting here for so long, just tell me what's going on. ]

Rogge said calmly.

He guessed that this person was either here to ask for potions or from the Mother Goddess Church.

[I have no ill intentions, Captain Rogge. ]

[The reason I came here is because of His Highness Radi, or rather, His Highness Kadi. ]

Unexpectedly, Rogge guessed wrong.

This made him feel a little confused, and his brows frowned slightly.

[Then what? ]

He did not change his attitude because the mysterious man mentioned Kadi's name.

The affairs of the palace are not simple at all. No one knows whether this person is a force that has bad intentions towards Kadi.


Mira wanted to say something when she heard Kadi's name, but she finally held back.

[Before mentioning the purpose of this trip, I need to let you know our origins and purpose, which should make our transaction smoother. 】

As he spoke, the mysterious man looked around, and then took out a bead under Rogge's vigilant eyes.

The mysterious man's tone was a little apologetic, and soon, an invisible ripple appeared on the bead, wrapping Rogge and the mysterious man.

Then Rogge saw Yas and Mira next to him talking with their mouths open, but there was no sound.

[Because the information of our next conversation is relatively confidential, so... please forgive me. ]

Superhuman... Rogge pondered for a moment and gave Yas and Mira a look that it was okay.

Seeing this, the mysterious man also spoke.

[We come from an organization founded by the hero king Ozurik. You can call us the 'Shadow of the Gods'. ]

[We have only one goal, that is, to maintain the inheritance of the Thousand Island Kingdom and the peace of the five major seas, so that humans can have a large rear base to recuperate. ]

The rear base?

Hearing the mysterious man's description, Rogge couldn't help but think of some information about the five major seas and outside the five major seas that Lao Yaoding had mentioned.

However, he did not interrupt the mysterious man, but listened quietly.

[The Hero King once left a prophecy before leaving, that at some time in the future, the five seas will usher in a great wave of world destruction. ]

[And this time is very close for us. ]

The mysterious man said seriously.

A great wave?

Rogue's heart was in turmoil.

There are definitely very few people who know this news now, and the mysterious man in front of him is probably from a secret organization.

[What does this have to do with you looking for me? ]

Rogue looked at him.

[Beside the Hero King Ozurick, there was a very low-key prophet, whose predictions were almost never wrong. ]

[And in this upcoming great crisis, you play an extremely important role. ]

[This is why I came to find you. ]

Rogue frowned when he heard this.

[Do you think I can solve this great wave? ]

He asked himself more like this, and shook his head after he finished speaking.

[Then you guessed wrong. ]

[If something is beyond my ability, it has nothing to do with me. ]

He was not joking.

So far, he has been working very hard to improve his strength.

I think he should be able to reach the apostle level before the big wave arrives.

But so what?

What does the apostle level count for in a world-destroying crisis?

So, if that time really comes, Rogge can only drive the Green away and find a relatively safe place.

At most, he can bring some acquaintances who can do their best.

As for solving this big crisis...

Rogge can only say that even if he reads the file to the beginning, there is no good way for him to become a god in a short time to solve this big crisis.

For Rogge's answer, the mysterious man did not express his opinion, but just smiled.

[This is your choice, and we certainly have no right to interfere. ]

[Our purpose is to make a deal with you. ]

The mysterious man said.

[Tell me. ]

Rogge said without comment.

[We can provide you with an apostle-level potion formula. 】

The mysterious man opened his mouth with a big bomb.

This aroused some interest in Rogge. Party A who could provide the apostle-level potion formula must have more than just this.

Under Rogge's gaze, the mysterious man continued.

[If you need any extraordinary materials or knowledge, we can also provide them for you. ]

After that, he quietly waited for Rogge's reaction.

[Tell me about your conditions. ]

Rogge said, implying that the chips they provided were quite substantial.

[We need you to help us do two things. ]

[First, go to the junction of the Sea of ​​Sin and the Royal City to find the whereabouts of the fallen objects from outer space. ]

[Second, return to the God's Peak in the Royal City in a month to watch the royal sword-wielding ceremony, and if necessary, protect His Highness Radi. ]

As he spoke, the mysterious man handed Rogge a report-style information.

After reading it, Rogge also understood what the fallen objects from outer space he was referring to were.

What surprised him a little was that the sea monster Mekuto that he had encountered before actually moved because of this incident.

No wonder they suddenly encountered this legendary creature.

One ball a day!

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