I have a big sailing game

Chapter 166 Sword Ceremony (three in one, please subscribe!)

Royal City Ozurick.


The long ceremonial trumpet sounded, echoing throughout the magnificent royal city.

The neatly dressed guards formed a long guard line, holding golden halberds and standing upright, motionless.


Above the royal city, there was an eagle circling, with golden feathers on its neck and a royal silk scarf tied around it. Under the sunlight, it looked dazzling and dazzling.

This was the Royal City Golden Feather Eagle raised by the royal family. It would only appear on important occasions to show the royal demeanor.

Under the Royal City Ceremonial Platform, there were countless Royal City residents kneeling on the ground.

Among them were humans, subhumans, and even some biological races that Rogge had never seen. It looked like a scene of all races coming to pay homage.

They stared at the ceremonial platform.


On both sides of the ceremonial platform, two four-handed humanoid giants wearing golden ceremonial armor, holding golden swords, took heavy steps, and raised their arms high.

"This is..."

Behind the side of the ceremonial platform, Rogge and a group of crew members followed the shadow leader and watched all this quietly.

"Wow! So big!" Nomi couldn't help but exclaim.

"The royal colossus guards." The figure hidden in the black cloak explained: "It was cast by the extraordinary craftsmen under the command of the Hero King. It has a hard body and infinite strength. It is one of the trump cards of the Thousand Islands Royal Family."

"But since there has been no war for a long time, it usually only appears at ceremonies."


The royal colossus stretched out its huge arms, and the big golden swords crossed, making a trembling sound that echoed throughout the ceremony platform.

The old king Qiao Wen sat on the throne of the ceremony platform.

Below him, three princes half-knelt on the ground.

The old minister of the ceremony, dressed in gorgeous clothes, looked solemn and solemn. He walked onto the ceremony platform, bowed to the old king, and then bowed to the statue of the Hero King. After a busy period, he finally held the oath in his hand and began to read the ceremony words loudly.

"In the past, the great hero king Ozurick rose in the endless tragic war, gathered the tribes of the five seas, and established the Thousand Island Kingdom..."

"The hero king is as great as a towering tree, giving the Thousand Island Kingdom an eternal and unyielding backbone..."

"The islands of the five seas are like stars in the sky, shining brightly, guarding the royal city..."

"The prince of the Thousand Island Kingdom should be noble and unyielding, with the determination of the sharp edge of the sword of Odakiro..."

Looking at the posture of the ceremonial minister, Rogge felt that something was wrong, and it seemed that a familiar sentence emerged from his mind.

"Classmates, let me say two sentences next..."

Rogge turned his head and looked at the shadow head: "How long will this ceremony word take to read?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should take about ten minutes." The shadow head said conservatively.


Rogge was a little speechless.

After thinking for a while, he withdrew from the real perspective, picked up the duck neck beside him and started to chew it.

As expected by Rogge, this ceremonial minister is a fucking talker.

Rogge had been watching for almost half an hour before the ceremonial minister read out the closing words loudly with a long tail.

"Levi... Anderson... Radi..."

"... The heirs of the king, carry the determination to become kings, and bravely climb the peak of the gods..."

"The supreme spirit and power of the hero king are waiting for you on the snowy mountain top..."

"Touch the sword of Odakiro, get its recognition, and under the gaze of the hero king Ozurick... be crowned king--"

The old minister of the ceremony was passionate, holding up the ceremonial words in his hand, and kneeling respectfully towards the old king Qiao Wen behind him and the giant statue of Ozurick behind him.

At this time, it was the time of the sun's brilliance.

The golden light fell and landed on the royal golden eagles. They surrounded the statue of Ozurick in a circle, just like a golden crown given by God, sacred and dazzling.

Under the reflection of the golden armor of the two giants, endless golden light burst out, illuminating the entire ceremony platform, golden and brilliant.

Under the high-pitched ceremony words of the minister of ceremony, the sacred feeling reached its peak!


Old King Qiao Wen walked down from the throne, and the scepter shook the ground.

In an instant, golden light condensed, and a huge whale shadow appeared beside him. After opening his eyes, he opened his mouth and made a deafening and majestic cry.


At this moment, countless residents of the royal city also began to shout and call spontaneously.

"Crown as King——"

The huge sound wave was like an overwhelming wave, echoing throughout the royal city.

Rogge also returned to the real perspective.

It must be said that this scene was extremely shocking.

It is not difficult to see that every detail and every process of the ceremony has been carefully crafted and studied by the royal family.

It is for this moment.

"Royal scepter." Shadow Head explained to Rogge again at this time: "The scepter made by the extraordinary craftsmen ordered by the second generation of God can summon the giant whale shadow."

"Can it fight?"

"No, it has no fighting power."


Hearing the response of the magician Suman, Rogge immediately lost interest.

This kind of thing is good-looking but useless.

At the same time, the giant whale shadow beside the old king Qiao Wen gradually dissipated. He came in front of the three princes, raised the scepter in his hand, and pointed to the faintly visible snow-capped mountain peaks in the distance.

"I, the seventeenth generation of the descendants of God, Qiao Wen Ozurick hereby announces that all the people in the five seas and thousands of islands kingdoms are invited to witness it together..."

"The sword ceremony... begins!"

The moment the old king's voice fell, countless voices rang out.

The ceremony trumpet was melodious and high-pitched, the golden eagle soared and cried, and the royal colossus roared excitedly.

At this moment, the sword-holding ceremony officially began.

The three princes responded, put their fists on their chests, uttered oaths, stood up and turned to the back.

At this time, Levi and Anderson both looked at the third brother they once paid the least attention to.

Facing the eyes of his two brothers, Cady took a deep breath, but there was some calmness and determination in his eyes.

Azuo is right.

He really had no determination to become king.

But if this country and the islanders of these five seas need him, he will stand up resolutely.

In this case, Cady calmly took the first step towards the ceremony stage, ignoring the two brothers behind him.

Levi and Anderson narrowed their eyes and followed.

It's just that it has been recognized by the shadow of the god.

What is there to be afraid of in a legendary organization?

If Ladi thinks that he can easily win the throne this way, then he is underestimating them!

The road from the ceremony stage to the Peak of the Divine Descendants... is still very long!

Boom, boom, boom...

Under the protection of countless royal knights wearing golden body armor, the three princes headed towards the Peak of God Descendants under the gaze of everyone.

The royal knights formed a solid queue, following closely around the three princes.

Outside the queue are those who are allowed to observe the sword-carrying ceremony.

Among them were some nobles, wealthy businessmen, and celebrities of the kingdom.

Of course, the Shadow of the Goddess and everyone on the Glynn were also among them.

"Where is the Mother Goddess Church?" Rogge narrowed his eyes.

He did not think that the Mother Goddess Church would be absent from such an important occasion.

"On the other side of the queue."

The shadow leader said in a deep voice.

"Here." Suman, the potion master, handed Rogge a bottle of potion.

Rogge took the potion and took a look.

The Flying Eye potion allows the drinker to see perspectives that some people cannot see. It is a very interesting potion.

The formula given to him by the potion master Suman also included this bottle of potion, but Rogge had no time to prepare it at that time.

[You drank the Flying Eye potion, and now you can observe the surrounding environment from different perspectives. 】

【Remember not to bump into others! 】

Of course, Flying Eyes medicine also has side effects, but its side effects are different from ordinary medicines.

As an alchemist, Rogge was certainly aware of the side effects of this bottle of potion.

"Lina, Nomi, hold me up."

Roger said.

"Oh." Although she didn't know what Rogge wanted to do, Nomi still responded obediently.

Lina held Rogge's arm silently.

After someone supported him, Rogge closed his eyes.

As soon as he thought about it, he opened his eyes again, and he was already in the sky behind the entire sword-holding ceremony queue, overlooking the entire queue.

"Oops." Nomi grinned: "The captain stepped on my foot."

"Ahem, sorry."

Rogge coughed and focused a little more to control the progress of his body.

The side effect of the Flying Eye Potion is that the perspective is not the first person, but the control of the body is still with you, making it difficult to coordinate the body and causing some discomfort.

However, Rogge is a transcendent after all and has long-term experience in controlling clones, so he quickly adapted to this side effect.

At this time, he also focused on the other side of the queue.

Church of the Mother Goddess.

At this time, there were about a dozen devout knights behind the Mother Goddess Church, and several missionaries in front.

The leader was wearing a bishop's robe and was the archbishop of the Mother Goddess Cathedral.

The messages from the devout knights and missionaries were not interesting, and there was only one person worthy of Rogge's attention.


[Type: Biological]

[Quality: Boss]

【Level: 35】

[Rank: Apostle]

[Explanation: Possessing the power of devout faith, there are unknown secrets hidden in the body. 】

Although Rogge had never seen him, he had heard it from Yingshou's mouth.

It seems that the Mother Goddess Church has not cultivated many extraordinary combat powers.

At least that's how it seemed to Rogge.

He originally thought that the Mother Goddess Church might have one hundred and eighty devout knights, dozens of missionaries, and even higher combat power.

But in fact, Rogge was overthinking it.

If the Mother Goddess Church really had the strength he suspected, they would have secretly controlled the Thousand Island Royal Family.

'But they should be more than that. ’

Roger thought.

There is absolutely no way that the Mother Goddess Church has not made any preparations. It is probably that it has some power hidden in secret.

Compared with the Church of the Mother Goddess, the Shadow of the Divine Descendants also looks relatively poor.

Rogge glanced at the information and discovered it.

There are actually only a dozen or so extraordinary people on the side of the Shadow of the Divine Descendant.

This is the result after adding the film leader and others.

It seems evenly matched, but in fact the Church of the Mother Goddess most likely has hidden power, while the Shadow of the Goddess does not.

It seems that the Shadow of the Divine Descendant is still slightly weaker.

At the back of the queue, in the queue of the old king, Rogge also saw the rumored queen.

As expected, she looked like a cold and beautiful woman, but she was just an ordinary person.

Finally, Rogge looked at these royal knights who looked gorgeous and solemn in golden knight armor.

There is no doubt that they are ordinary people again.

Only a few of the leaders were extraordinary.

At this time, Rogge had a rough understanding of the division of forces in the entire sword-holding ceremony. He closed his eyes and withdrew his perspective.

He retracted his arms and looked at the shadow leader beside him: "The Mother Goddess Church should still have a lot of power hidden in secret. Are you sure?"

In response to Rogge's inquiry, the film leader nodded calmly: "If nothing unexpected happens, it is impossible for the Mother Goddess Church to take action openly."

Unless they have the absolute power to silence everyone present.

Rogge thought.

At this time, the sword-holding ceremony queue had arrived outside the royal city.

The terrain here is broad and surrounded by forests.


A roar sounded, and a huge figure emerged from the forest and headed straight for the entire sword-holding ceremony queue.

"Enemy attack!"

The royal guard captain shouted, and dozens of royal knights instantly guarded the three princes behind them.

With a pop, the sword pierced its throat, and the huge figure howled and fell heavily to the ground.

The captain of the guard withdrew his blood-stained sword, looked at the giant bear in front of him, and then signaled to the rest of the people to continue moving forward.

Shadow Head and Rogge watched all this quietly.

"That bear was driven out."

"Be prepared, the show is about to begin."

Rogge raised his hand, and the Black Thorn Law Book appeared in his hand. The pages of the book opened with a splash, and power emerged.

After taking the large square box handed by his subordinates, the film leader walked up to Rogge.

"Captain Rogge, let me do it. Your Highness Lady, please pay attention at all times."

The shadow leader said in a deep voice.

Roger nodded.

The next moment, the real attacker finally appeared.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of trees falling down one after another came from both sides of the sword-holding ceremony queue. Birds and beasts fled in panic, and the dull trembling sound gradually became clearer.


The chief of the royal guard shouted loudly, then drew his sword and formed a triangle with the two men of the same extraordinary person, and the sword-holding ceremonial queue was firmly protected.

"What's going on?"

The old king Qiao Wen turned to look at the queen beside him, frowning as if he was questioning.

"Could it be that I caused it?"

The queen replied calmly.

Seeing this situation, the old king had basically made a guess, and his heart couldn't help but sink slightly.


The last tree collapsed, and the huge figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

This was actually a giant one-eyed monster over six meters tall with hard bone shields on both arms!

Its body was covered with pale, spider-like tissue, which contrasted sharply with the bloody muscle lines on its surface.

The huge bone shields on both arms also contained many sawdust and weed fragments.

There is no doubt that the movement just now was caused by it.


After arriving at the front of the sword-holding ceremony queue, the Cyclops roared loudly, resounding throughout the forest.

This caused a sudden commotion in the queue for the sword-holding ceremony.


Some nobles and wealthy businessmen screamed, but some still managed to calm themselves down.

"What are you afraid of? The most elite royal guards in the kingdom and the devout knights of the church are all here! Mere monsters are nothing to worry about!"


Under the roar of the Cyclops, groups of humanoid monsters emerged from behind it. Their skin was ulcerated and their faces were hideous.

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

Seeing this situation, Levi, who was still calm at first, couldn't help but change his expression and became confused.

Anderson said nothing and sneered secretly.

Kadi looked at him at this time: "If they support you, even if you become the king, you will be just a puppet."

When Anderson heard this, he looked at him with unkind eyes, but with a smile on his face: "What are you talking about? My good third brother..."

Cady's words undoubtedly pierced his heart directly.

In Anderson's view, Cady is the least qualified of the three brothers to inherit the throne.

I shouldn't have been soft-hearted in the first place, I should have killed him while he was escaping!

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Cady's voice was a little cold.

"Haha... Ladi, I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Is it just a mysterious organization that looks like an antique? And it just appeared out of nowhere..."

Anderson smiled.

"I remember that my father once taught us that all the forces in these five sea areas are the unused swords of Odakiro. As long as you have the ability to be a king, you can control them..."

"So Radi, can you control the sword of the Shadow of the Goddess?"

"Or are you willing to be their puppet?"

At this time, both Anderson and Cady were very clear.

The sword-holding ceremony has become a confrontation between the forces behind the two of them.

Faced with Cady's questioning, Anderson disagreed.

In his opinion, Cady was just lucky enough to have people supporting her.

The legendary organization, Shadow of the Goddess, is also blind and has no idea who the king ultimately belongs to.

Or maybe they have ulterior motives.

So he thinks he and Cady are the same person.

One represents the Shadow of the Goddess, and the other represents the Church of the Mother Goddess.

And under such circumstances, Cady actually questioned himself?

"You should know their origins very well."

"Anderson, the Church of the Mother Goddess is very dangerous, and they have big plans."

Cady looked him straight in the eye.

What Anderson said seems to make sense, but in fact it makes no sense.

The Shadow of the Goddess and the Church of the Mother Goddess are not so much two forces, but rather they represent the two camps of extraordinary people and believers.

The demands of extraordinary beings are nothing more than powerful extraordinary power. If they can hold up to the sky, they will be able to form the situation before the founding of the Thousand Island Kingdom, and their respective demands and interests are different.

But the church is different. They represent faith, and they need the faith of Thousand Island citizens.

Thousands of them have the same demands and interests, which is more faith and more believers.

If the people of the Thousand Island Kingdom no longer believe in the Hero King Ozurik and believe in the Mother Goddess, the rule of the Thousand Island Kingdom will come to an end.

This is shaking the foundation of the rule of the Thousand Island Kingdom!

If the Mother Goddess Church can make people happy, then that's it.

But this Mother Goddess Church is not a good thing at all!

But with the help of the film leader, Kadi saw the evil side of the Mother Goddess Church with his own eyes.

But Anderson doesn't care about this. He is actually arrogant at heart. It's strange that he can listen to Cady's words.

"Lardy, it's just that you don't have the strength to hold the sword."

Anderson sneered.

Cady sighed inwardly, and this conversation naturally ended.

Although Levi next to him kept asking.

But Cady and Anderson ignored him.

Cady didn't want him to get involved in this dangerous dispute.

And Anderson didn't take him seriously at all.

His ultimate goal of controlling politics and wooing ministers is to share the interests of the Mother Goddess Church in order to carry out bargaining chips.

Levi followed suit and pretended to win over the kingdom's fleet.

They don’t even understand what the decisive force in this sea area is.

Maybe it's because he feels that he and Anderson have been both civilized and military since childhood.

As everyone knows, among the three brothers, he is the only one who is a real idiot...

When Rogge saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The defiled!

This monster was exactly the same as the one he had seen in Kaia Castle.

It seems that this ghost thing is most likely created by the Mother Goddess Church!

other side.

After the Cyclops roared again, under its leadership, the tainted people rushed towards the sword-holding ceremony queue in groups.

The royal guard captain led two extraordinary men and a group of royal knights to fight against these monsters one after another.

The sword in the hand of the royal guard captain burst out with sharp air currents, and the knight armor on his body also glowed, roaring and slashing at the one-eyed monster.



The one-eyed monster raised its bone arm and swept violently, and the terrifying power instantly knocked away all the royal knights like they were sweeping away garbage.

Then, the Cyclops' chest and ribs opened and closed, and a large dark hole emerged. Countless flying insects with twisted horns and sharp teeth flew out in all directions.

The Cyclops' body then dried up.

The defiled people from behind also swarmed up.

A disaster swept across the entire royal guard in an instant.

Amidst the screams, their armor was lifted off, twisted flying insects got into the visor and began to bite their eyeballs, and the tainted ones began to eat their bodies.

In just one breath, the royal guards were already unable to resist.

The film leader is ready to take action.

But the prophet Theoride on the side opened his eyes and stopped him.

"This is the Mother Goddess Church's torture plan."

"They don't want to reveal their true colors in public yet."

"Just follow them. If you make them anxious, it will be very troublesome."

Having said this, Prophet Theoride glanced at Rogge, as if he wanted to say something, but did not speak.

When the shadow leader heard this, he did not step forward.

In Shadow of the Divine , Theorid is the real brains.

At this time, the Cyclops monster had broken through the defense line of the royal knights and attacked the three princes.

"Run away!"

When Levi saw this, he was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground. With his pupils constricted, he fled back in a panic and lost face.

Cady and Anderson both frowned when they saw this.

But they couldn't care less about this idiot Levi at this time.


The cyclops bent its legs and jumped, raising its arms high to hit the two of them heavily. A huge shadow enveloped the entire sword-holding ceremony queue.

"Guard...the prince..."

The royal guard on the ground vomited blood, his palms trembled, and he roared feebly.

"Lady! Anderson!"

The old king was also frightened at this time and stood up suddenly from the throne.

Just when the Cyclops's arms were about to fall, a gentle and solemn voice sounded.

"How can the sacred sword-holding ceremony be defiled by monsters like you?"

Archbishop Senuvel placed one hand on his chest, raised his other hand, and recited a prayer.

"Mother Goddess bless you!"


A blue wave-like shield tightly wrapped Cady and Anderson.


The giant arm of the Cyclops fell down, and a strong reaction force suddenly erupted, directly knocking its huge body away.

With a loud bang, the giant monster landed on the ground, kicking up huge clouds of dust and smashing several carriages and several unlucky spectators.

The archbishop walked slowly to the two princes, his voice calm.

"Like the Mother Goddess, the kingdom's sword-holding ceremony is also sacred and solemn, and cannot be tarnished in the slightest."

"Preachers who practice the truth protect the prince."

"The most devout knights under the command of the Mother Goddess, with faith as swords and roaring waves as blades, drive these filthy monsters out of this sacred land!"

The Archbishop's voice was gentle and solemn, pointing at the huge Cyclops.

"Mother Goddess bless you!"

The devout knight shouted enthusiastically, drew out the great sword of faith, and charged at the Cyclops and twisted flying insects with flashing light.

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(Today is the third update, um, it's a bit embarrassing, because the King City chapter has been deleted, reduced, and modified a lot, and it has been carefully polished. Although the quantity is average, the quality is very strong.)

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