I have a big sailing game

Chapter 192 In the Disaster (two in one, please subscribe!)

The waves are roaring and the rain is raging.

Looking at the despairingly huge mouth of the abyss ahead, the fire boat was filled with screams and desperate wails.

On Aita's ship, he involuntarily stopped holding the butcher knife in his hand, shocked by the scene before him.

On the other two fire boats, Hoyette also had a look of disbelief on his face.

"What kind of monster is this..."


The huge mouth of the abyss covered it and directly swallowed the entire fire boat into its throat. By the way, it also swallowed a large area of ​​surrounding seawater, several small boats and warships.

After devouring a fire boat, the Twisted Bite flipped its huge body and dived into the sea again.

The huge wave driven by the body formed a tsunami that splashed into the sky and struck all around.

Heisatan used his black mist tentacles and tried his best to help the Green withstand this terrifying wave.

The sea water gradually calmed down.

The huge Twisted Bite sank into the sea, turning a blind eye to the other two fire boats.

It seems that it is just a way here, by the way.

However, the shock it brings to people is indelible.

Rogge took a deep breath and looked up ahead.

The strait shrouded in mist, looming under the scarlet rainstorm and thunder and lightning, seemed very close.

The Twisted Bite just now happened to be right in front of the Strait of Atonement.

This also means that even if Rogge turns back, there is no point. With the huge size of the Twisted Bite, the Fire Fleet will be discovered anyway.

The brain-sucking fly shells in the sky are still pouring down, wreaking havoc on the sea.

The scarlet rain poured down on the wild sea.

There are still countless crazy creatures wandering in the sea, and from time to time the corpses of humans or other creatures, or the broken hulls of ships, float up.

At this moment, it is not hell, but better than hell.


The elf, who was awakened by the thunder, was flying around the boat at a loss.

"How could Wuhai become like this..."

Linna stood at the bow of the boat with a complicated mood, her heart was cold.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel depressed.

The sound-transmitting conch in Rogge's inventory also sent a message at this time.

"...Captain Rogge, ahead is the Strait of Atonement..."

Hoyette's voice was hoarse and a little tired.

He was not on that fire ship just now.

If he is, even if he is an extraordinary person, it will not help.

The vast mouth of the abyss is so vast that ordinary extraordinary people cannot escape.

"……I see."

Rogge could only suppress his thoughts and spoke in a deep voice.

After putting down the sound-transmitting conch, he stood on the bow of the boat and looked at everything in front of him.

No one would have thought that the five sea areas that used to be peaceful and sunny would turn into the current situation where monsters are rampant and storms are raging.

Compared to fighting monsters all day long, Rogge prefers to explore and hunt for treasures on the sea.

And the current situation of Wuhai cannot be changed even by him who has the ability to save and load files...

At the same time, the foggy sea on the edge of the demihuman sea.

A small boat is tossed in the storm.

There was a demi-human boy sitting on it, gritting his teeth and waving a harpoon, trying hard to drive away the crazy sea creatures around him.

However, he seemed to suddenly hear something and looked towards the mist involuntarily.



The giant thing forcibly dragged the sea water, causing waves.

A huge figure slowly walked out of the mist.

This is actually a huge giant.

The huge and thick bronze chains bound to its body had broken at this time and were dragging in the sea.

The giant had no head, and evil green smoke rose from the hollow in its neck.


The scarlet thunderbolt, which was thicker than a bucket, seemed to be summoned by traction and struck down on the head.

Black smoke billows from the giant, but nothing else happens, which doesn't even slow it down.

As it advanced, the crazy marine creatures around it seemed to have encountered natural enemies and fled in all directions.


The demihuman boy raised his head and looked around, but could only see its knees.

In front of the giants under the sky, a small boat in the storm is so small.

Giant Claw Sea, Giant Claw Island.

Unlike other sea areas and islands where natural disasters and chaos rage, Giant Claw Island appears to be exceptionally peaceful.

I don’t even know why, but the rain didn’t even fall on Giant Claw Island.

There seems to be an invisible barrier surrounding Giant Claw Island, blocking all disasters.

This made some of the remaining residents of Giant Claw feel ecstatic.

"Giant Claw Island is the chosen place! It is blessed by God!"

"Thank God!"

"This is the only safe place in the five seas!"

Many residents cheered and burst into tears.

They clearly know how terrifying the disasters outside are and how valuable the peace and stability here are.

However, it turned out that they were happy too early.

Disaster struck without warning.


"Oh my God, what's going on? There's an earthquake!"

"Claw Island is shaking!"

The residents were suddenly horrified to find that Giant Claw Island was shaking continuously, and the rolling rocks on the mountain had fallen down, forming a torrent of rolling rocks, rushing toward the Giant Claw City below.

But it's not over yet.

Then, they were horrified to find that their houses and the ground were cracking and tilting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Or rather... the entire Giant Claw Island!

After feeling the movement, an old man living on the top of the mountain excitedly ran out of the house with his crutches, braving the vibration.

Under the huge vibration, he fell to the ground, broke his cheek, and blood flowed down.

However, he didn't care about this at all, but trembled to the front, the highest point of the Giant Claw Island.

He looked at the claws that were slowly moving on both sides, and cried excitedly.

He knelt on the ground devoutly and shouted to the sky.

"Great ancient dragon..."

"You are finally... back!"


Several claws on the Giant Claw Island moved more violently, and finally slowly closed.

Countless trees, rolling stones fell, houses collapsed, and many people were buried alive before they even had time to scream.

From a distance, you can see that the ground on the entire Giant Claw City is falling off.

Under the cracked rocks, extremely ancient crystal bones emerged.

Finally, a huge bone claw broke free from its long-standing restraints and pressed down into the sea.

The entire sea surface also boiled wildly.

Not long after, a huge bone dragon slowly stood up under the support of the giant claw.

In the incomplete half of the skull eye socket, a blazing soul flame suddenly ignited.

Under the great waves, countless disasters struck, and the five major seas were already shattered.

And the Fire Seed Ship Fleet had lost nearly half of its fleet at this time.

In addition to the Fire Seed Ship devoured by the Twisted Devour, there were few ships and warships sailing with the fleet at this time.

And when they finally arrived at the important gateway of this journey... the Strait of Atonement!

The blood-red lightning did not stop, bringing a moment of light, reflecting the towering strait in the blurred darkness.

The Strait of Atonement was standing quietly in front of everyone at this time.

It stands at the end of the Sea of ​​Sin, like a door that goes straight into the sky, mostly covered by the fog outside the five seas.

The only narrow passage is dark, and it is unknown where it will lead people.

The fleet of the Fire Seed Ship stopped in front of the Strait of Atonement, and everyone's reaction was different.

"Finally here!"

"After crossing the Strait of Atonement, we will definitely find an ideal place to live!"

Some people on the boat were very excited, and some even hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

At this time, they no longer cared whether the Strait of Atonement could lead to suitable soil for survival.

The disasters in the five seas were too terrible, and they could only selectively ignore this and give themselves a little hope.

Rogge retracted his gaze, exhaled, and picked up the conch.

"Howet, you wait behind, we will go in first."

Howet on the opposite side was obviously also waiting for Rogge's news, and soon replied.

"Good luck, Captain Rogge."

His voice was very solemn.

Rogge put down the conch in his hand, and after a pause, he picked up another conch.

This is used to contact Lao Yaoding.

"Lao Yaoding, I have arrived at the Strait of Atonement."

"Live well, I hope you are still there when I come to find you next time."

After putting down the conch, he clenched his hand, and the surrounding fly shells and bones of other monsters twisted into a ball with flesh and blood, and fell into the sea.

Then, he looked at the crew standing on the deck of the Green and smiled involuntarily.

"Everyone, we have arrived at the Strait of Atonement..."

"We are heading towards an unknown and brand new place."

Hearing his words, the crew also responded.

Lina wiped the dagger in her hand and smiled slightly: "Listen to you, Captain Rogge."

"Okay." Yas nodded and responded seriously.

"I hope it's a good place." Mira said with a little expectation.

"I'm ready!" Nomi shouted happily, very motivated.


The elf didn't understand what Rogge and the others were saying, and shivered in fear in the corner.

Big Orange couldn't sleep at this time, and was extremely vigilant beside his nest.

Seeing this, Rogge turned around, facing the dark strait in front, and gave an order.

"Set sail!"

Clatter, clatter.

Accompanied by Rogge's order, the bone spirits on the ship moved one after another.

The Green, in the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, was the first to sail into the unknown strait.

Under the Green, Heisatan also violently tore a monster into two halves, and then headed towards the strait.


Howet looked at the Green, which was getting smaller in front, and was silent for a moment.

The Green, which was so small compared to the size of the Fire Seed Ship, was like a general leading the way, giving all ships great courage.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said firmly, "Forward!"

The brazier above the fire boat was still burning under the heavy rain!


With a swish, after a desperate fight, Etar finally chopped the fly shell in half with one knife.

In the body of the fly shell, wisps of red light emerged and gathered on his body.

The horrible wound on his body was healed, and his panting chest slowly calmed down.

Uncle Jack, Weavery, and a group of pirates were not idle either, fighting with a group of monsters with muskets and machetes.

Perhaps because the Twisted Bite was gradually moving away, the attacking creatures gradually decreased.

Everyone finally had a chance to breathe.

Etal naturally saw the Green sailing into the Strait of Atonement in front of him.

After wiping the blood from his eyelids with his sleeve, he turned to look at Uncle Jack and Weavery.

"Old man, Fatty, let's go!"

Uncle Jack sat on the ground very tiredly, and had no time to respond to him.

Weavery was also very tired, and signaled a pirate to go to the boat quickly.

Not long after, Etal's ship also moved forward slowly.

Uncle Jack finally recovered a little, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and felt very comfortable after exhaling the smoke.

"... The Strait of Atonement... I don't know if I can get out alive..."

Uncle Jack smiled, and his words seemed a little worried, but his eyes were full of indifference and ease.

"It should be... OK..." Weiweili said uncertainly.

"Yes... I will!"

Etal tightened his necklace and whispered.


Watching many ships heading to the Strait of Atonement one after another.

Doctor Pupa pushed his glasses and put his hands behind his back.

Pulu Pulu!

On his ship, many dark green monster meat balls with suture marks kept wriggling, automatically spewing out bone spurs with venom, attacking the monsters attacking around.

"Doctor, it's all collected."

Golden Knife Frank came to Doctor Pupa and said respectfully.

Doctor Pupa nodded: "Then we can set off."

"Go call back the other members."


After receiving the order, Golden Knife Frank came to the side of the ship, brewed for a moment, took a deep breath, and then uttered a low roar that was not human at all.

Accompanied by his roar,

The bloody sea water around them began to stir, and one after another, alchemical creations with large dark green syringes on their backs began to swim towards their ship.

Doctor Pupa did not move, but dark green juice separated from his feet, and then condensed into a sticky hand, which stretched directly under the mast.

The next moment, there was a sound of flesh and blood squirming on both sides of the ship, and several doors made of flesh and blood opened, taking all the alchemical creations in.

After taking them in, dark green steam gushed out from the holes in the hull.

Doctor Pupa's ship began to move forward.

This ship was actually also Doctor Pupa's alchemical creation.

He looked at the subhuman girl beside him.

"Do you know why I want to help you?"

The subhuman girl nodded: "You need my blood."

"What a smart child." Doctor Pupa smiled, "We are leaving here and may not come back for a long time. Will you miss home?"

The subhuman girl was silent for a moment and shook her head: "I don't have a home anymore."

Doctor Pupa reached out and touched her head, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Don't be too sad."

He pushed his glasses.

"This kind of thing is not important anyway."

Doctor Pupa's ship once again spewed dark green steam and headed towards the Strait of Atonement.

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