I have a big sailing game

Chapter 196: The Wheel of Scholars, the Friendship of Knowledge and Wisdom (Two in One, please subsc

Then, Rogge began to search for items in the alveolar room.

Although it was a bit crowded for Heisatan to enter, the size of the fishing boat was still relatively large, and there were no walls outside, so Rogge could still shuttle freely.

When it was really inconvenient, he used the serrated bone blade to break open the alveolar room and collect the items in it.

[You found brown small shells × 32. ]

[You found brown large shells × 8. ]

[You found coral pen × 1. ]

[You found a sea kelp with symbols painted on it × 1. ]

After searching for a while, Rogge only found these things, and there were no special items.

[Brown small shells]

[Type: Currency props]

[Description: Ordinary brown small shells come from a special shell creature. The shells they shed are very suitable for use as currency, but the value of brown small shells is not high. ]

So it’s currency...

It seems that these marine races do have their own civilization.

Rogge looked at the remains thoughtfully again.

[Coral Pen]

[Type: Miscellaneous]

[Description: The pens that look like coral are actually made of coral. They are taken from a hollow structure with black marrow inside. With a little modification, they can provide writing functions. ]

"This thing is actually a pen..."

Rogge shook the twisted coral in his tentacles and was a little surprised.

"Then this kelp must be paper."

After reading the description of the kelp, he found that it was indeed the case.

There were also some text symbols written on it, but Rogge couldn't understand it.

It seems that these marine races also have their own language and writing system.

"I don't think I have to learn a foreign language..."

Rogge suddenly felt a headache.

Based on the current situation, the sea area they are in is most likely the place where these marine creatures live.

"Look at other rooms, maybe there will be some treasures or something."

Rogge began to continue to search other alveolar rooms.

He found a lot of shell currency.

But the "face value" is very low, mostly small brown shells, not worth much.

Some strange small objects were also found along the way, but they had already rotted.

Later, during the search, Rogge saw a huge bone fork that ran through the entire fishing boat, which looked a bit like a trident.

There was a skeleton hanging on this thing, and it had some beautiful scales that had not yet completely decayed. It should be the captain or other important positions.

On its hand, there was a layer of crystal cartilage, which looked a bit special, but it looked a bit damaged.

"It seems that this huge bone fork should be the reason for the sinking of the fishing boat."

"Maybe it was because of a tragic naval battle?"

"However, I didn't see the cause of death of these crew members... Logically speaking, aren't they a marine race? Can they be drowned by sea water?"

"What is wrapped in its hand?"

Out of curiosity, Rogge took it down and checked the information.

[You found a damaged fish heart cartilage × 1. 】

[Damaged fish heart cartilage]

[Type: Special props]

[Quality: Blue]

[Effect: After wearing it, the user will establish a link with the marching big fish and all its personnel, thereby controlling the marching big fish to move forward and fight. 】

[Description: Don't look at it, you can't use it, can you wear it? Those who can't wear it, don't have the bloodline to know. 】


This shows that he is being naughty again.

Rogge was speechless, but after seeing this, he could only shrug his shoulders, and he really couldn't wear it.

But he still put it away.

Judging from the information on the effect, perhaps the reason for the death of other crew members is probably because this fish heart cartilage was damaged, which led to the death of all the crew members.

After sweeping and collecting it again like a vacuum cleaner, Rogge ended the search with a sense of unsatisfaction.

In general, the harvest is not rich, but it is very useful to Rogge.

From this sunken wreck, he got some important information.

First, they are likely to be in a sea ruled by a marine race.

Secondly, this ocean race has its own language, currency system, and has developed a unique civilization.

"Let's go."

After sorting out the things, Rogge threw the selected items into the hungry sac in his abdomen and prepared to leave.

However, at this time, the hungry sac seemed a little dissatisfied and made a gurgling sound.

Oh, it's time to feed flesh and blood again.

After thinking of this, Rogge looked around and then found a few unlucky little fish.

After feeding the hungry sac, he controlled Heishatan to keep up with the pace of the Green.


[The front is blocked by an unknown force and cannot pass. ]

Seeing this line of prompts on the mobile phone screen, Rogge couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, his game character was in front of the gate of the first floor of the Japanese Cave.

The gate was open, but it was shrouded by a fog barrier. Rogge's game character tried many times but couldn't pass.

"Oh no, this time there may really be no way back to the Five Seas."

Rogge sighed.

Originally when he was in the Five Seas, he could still use this method to travel long distances and return to the vicinity of the Sea Snake Island.

But since he left the Five Seas, this method no longer worked.

It seems that if you want to return to the Five Seas, you have to find other ways.

"Forget it, continue to develop convenient potions."

Rogge returned to the alchemy room in the cave.

He wanted to see if he could improve the communication potion.

Although the communication potion given to him by the old medicine man is omnipotent, it requires the body tissue of the communication target to be found in advance, such as hair.

This is not very convenient.

Rogge wanted to try to improve it and see if he could make a relatively convenient potion.

For example, the kind that can take effect immediately by pulling a hair from the other side and putting it into the potion.


[You tried to improve the potion...]

[But failed. ]



Rogge's game character was blown black and coughed continuously.

[It is very difficult to improve the potion, and you have accumulated some experience of failure. ]

"This prompt will definitely not appear for no reason. Maybe there will be special circumstances after multiple failures?"

"However, brushing the file does not seem to be of any use for this."

Rogge touched his chin thoughtfully.

After failing, he did not continue to try, but turned around and took out a simple wooden seal.

[Wooden Seal]

[Type: Weapon·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Green]

[Attack Power: 1/7 (Physical/Magic)]

[Special Effect: When using this seal to start prayer, there is a small probability of triggering the "Calm" effect. ]

[Negative Effect: When the "Calm" effect is triggered, the body will be slightly stiff and sluggish. ]

[Description: Made by the not-so-skilled craftsman Rogge, the forging level of the seal is good, but the aesthetic level of the seal is low. ]

"Your description..." Rogge laughed when he saw this description.

He forged this thing a few days ago by imitating the Mother Goddess's seal, and did not read the description carefully.

Now I see that this dog description is actually mocking himself blatantly.

I admit that this seal is a bit ugly, but it can be used, right?

The purpose of Rogge forging this wooden seal is to use it for prayer.

He dared not use the seal of the Mother Goddess Church, so he forged it himself.

However, without the blueprint, he could only follow the Mother Goddess seal and copy it, which was the best he could do.

"Now you can pray."

After Rogge took out the seal, he saved the file and then manipulated the game character to recite the prayer.

The game character held the wooden seal tightly in his hand, with a solemn face, placed it on his chest, and slightly bent his body.

[The controller of the ocean of knowledge...]

[The guide of infinite mysteries...]

[The great existence of omniscience and omnipotence...]

[The proof of wisdom and knowledge, I pray to you here, offer my respect and sincerity, please enlighten me...]

Along with the recitation of the prayer, the golden light began to spread from the game character's eyebrows.

Finally, he appeared on a golden ocean.

On this golden ocean, countless languages ​​and words flashed, like waves rising and falling.

There are many books with wings floating in the air, and the picture is wonderful and dreamy.

However, Rogge was a little surprised.

"... This is not right? Didn't Suman say that only golden dots fell or something?"

Rogge scratched his head in surprise.

But at this time, the prompt that appeared in the information bar solved some of his doubts.

[You recite prayers and pray for enlightenment from the source of knowledge and wisdom. ]

[It seems to be a little surprised and puzzled by your prayers, but still pulls you into the sea of ​​wisdom to show friendliness. ]

"Surprised and puzzled? Showing friendliness?"

Rogge was even more shocked, rubbing his chin frantically to think about the reason.

This is a source of faith that holds power!

If it is calculated by rank, it must be a god!

And it is a particularly powerful god!

Although Rogge is not clear about the subsequent rank, it is definitely right to describe it as a god.

After all, it holds knowledge and wisdom, which is not a common source of faith.

So, the question is, why is it confused and puzzled by its own prayer?

Could it be... I am also a god?

Rogge found a blind spot.

As an online writer, he has nothing else, but his ability to associate is very strong.

This is really possible!

Just as Rogge was thinking about it, the screen flashed again.

Then, a strange object appeared in front of him.

This thing is like countless golden eyes overlapping together, with a 360-degree vision without blind spots.

Moreover, it has many rotating golden information flow halos around it, which looks very cool.

[? ? ? ]

[Type: ? ? ? ]


After Rogge took a symbolic look, he found that it was all question marks, so he turned it off without interest.

However, the following series of prompts made him dumbfounded.

[You are enlightened by wisdom and knowledge, and your learning ability has been greatly improved. ]

[Your skill knowledge field (superb) lv1 has been advanced! Level up! 】

【Knowledge Field (Extraordinary) lv1→Scholar's Wheel (Apostle) lv10! 】

【Scholar's Wheel (Apostle) lv10: Watched by knowledge and wisdom, you have a learning ability that no one in the world can match. 】

[When learning knowledge or skills of this world that are lower than the extraordinary level, you will be able to master them in a short time. When learning knowledge or skills of the extraordinary level and the apostle level, you will be greatly accelerated, and your creativity and inspiration will be greatly improved. ]

[Knowledge and wisdom will protect you to a certain extent, and the negative effects such as blindness, stupidity, madness and confusion you suffer will be weakened, depending on the level. ]


Now it was Rogge's turn to be full of question marks and shock.

Damn, you just came up and gave me such a great gift?

Big brother, you are too friendly!

It took Rogge a while to recover from the shock.

But the source of knowledge and wisdom in front of him still circled around him, and it was a 360-degree rotation without dead angles.

[You...you...what's your name? ]

Rogge asked carefully while controlling the game character, with a very friendly smile on his face.

This is a real master!

At this moment, Rogge did not hesitate to put aside his prejudice against the god of this world.

What kind of malicious god? This is clearly a good brother we have never met!

I will be angry with anyone who says bad things about it!


However, the source of knowledge and wisdom on the opposite side did not answer Rogge, but stood there stupidly, motionless.

Rogge didn't know what he was doing.

Just as he was about to speak again, he suddenly found that a crack suddenly appeared above the Sea of ​​Wisdom!

The source of knowledge and wisdom on the opposite side also instantly came back to his senses from the previous state.

He seemed to be startled and disappeared in a dive.

And Rogge was suddenly ejected from the Sea of ​​Wisdom at this time.


Rogge was a little dumbfounded and confused.

What's going on? Why did he suddenly get kicked out?

He hasn't had a good chat with this big brother yet!

"Why doesn't this big brother talk..."

"Logically speaking, mastering the source of knowledge and wisdom... mastering a language should be a piece of cake, right?"

Rogge was very confused.

[The Scholar's Wheel provides you with inspiration and creativity. The communication potion improvement problem is solved. You have found the method you want. ]

At this time, the prompt in the information bar made Rogge's eyes light up.

This apostle-level Scholar's Wheel is so powerful!

Just now he was madly failing and madly exploding, but now he can solve it easily?

Rogge can only say... Awesome!

However, Rogge was surprised and looked at his faith column.

[Faith: 20/20]

"No, why is it still full?"

Rogge frowned, and then felt sorry.

Knowledge Big Brother gave him a big gift package as soon as they met, but he didn't pull out a hair, which was unacceptable.

"No, I have to show it."

Rogge shook his head, and then controlled the game character again to recite the prayer.

But this time, he directly chose to proceed to the last round.

[Prayer Rogge, here, offer devout faith to scholars and wisdom! ]

As the game character chanted in a low voice, the faith began to be consumed rapidly, and finally only a little was left.

Seeing this, Rogge nodded with satisfaction.

Reciprocity is a good virtue.

This knowledge elder brother gave a big gift right at the beginning. It would be unreasonable for him to be stingy and enjoy himself.

Although Rogge didn't know whether it looked down on this belief, his attitude must be in place.

After a while, Rogge didn't see any response.

Maybe it really looked down on this belief.

He shrugged and didn't care too much.

It is normal for a source of faith at the same level as God to have such a reaction.

He came to the alchemy table and began to sort out the ideas for improving the potion.

Just as Rogge was concentrating on the potion.

A line of golden prompts that were different from other information slowly appeared in the information column.

[You have gained the friendship of knowledge and wisdom. ]

One ball a day!

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